Firedhelien by Princess Melody
Chapter Three:
Nuindacilion and Legolas

As we drew closer, the song grew louder and as we skirted the ancient roots of a massive tree, we came upon another Elf. He was almost identical to Nuindacilion in every way, but his golden hair was slightly longer, his eyes were a deep, warm rich brown instead of a dazzling green, and his skin was slightly paler. Nuindacilion motioned me to stop and I crouched down as he advanced silently on this other Elf. He moved like a cat hunting down its prey; lithe, agile and absolutely silent. The other Elf tensed. From where I was I could see his muscles tighten, like a rabbit ready to make a dash. His eyes darted around, and his hand slowly wrapped itself around a knife on his belt. Nuindacilion jumped out from his hiding place, laughing. His brother, with a movement like lightning flash, pulled out his knife. For a second, his face was hostile, but was quickly replaced by a joyful expression as he realized who had suddenly ambushed him.
“It’s wonderful to see you again Legolas, My brother!” Nuindacilion exclaimed joyfully. “Where have your wanderings led you this time?”
Legolas’s face turned grim.
“Alas! I am here on fell tidings,” He said “There were reports of Orcs nearby, and I was sent scout them out, to see how great their numbers were. I Fear the Dark Powers are growing again, Nuindacilion.”

A dark figure flitted amongst the trees behind Legolas and Nuindacilion. It was only there for a split second before it disappeared, but something told me it was dangerous. I followed my instincts and bounded out from where I was secreted. “An Orc!” I shrieked, “Look out! It’s behind you!”
Nuindacilion and Legolas both turned around, and in the blinking of an eye simultaneously pulled out their bows and arrows and shot the snarling Orc with pinpoint accuracy. Two more popped out of nowhere and were instantly shot with the same deadly skill. Soon the Orcs were pouring out from all directions, and I could see that the arrows in their quivers were running out. It was time for me to do something.

A dozen or so Orcs had surrounded me, snarling, horrible with their pointed teeth and grotesque grey-black skin. I moved around in a circle, never taking my gaze off any of them, watching their torsos for any possible move they could make. Two orcs hurled themselves at me. I realized they were heading straight for each other head first, so after a short moment’s consideration I stepped to the side and they ran straight into each other, knocking themselves unconscious. Not too smart… I thought to myself as I prepared for another attack. One after the other I took them down, using no weapons besides my body. I approached Nuindacilion and Legolas, who stared at me open-mouthed. Nuindacilion was the first one to speak. “Legolas, This is Firedhelien. Firedhelien, This is my brother Legolas, Second Son of Thranduil And also a Prince of Mirkwood.”
Legolas took my hand and kissed it in Elven courtesy. “My lady Firedhelien, It is an honour to meet such a fair and elegant maiden as you, but please, enlighten me on how you learned to fight in such a way?” I smiled.
“It is an Honour to meet you too, Prince Legolas of Mirkwood. And years of experience taught me to fight the way I do.”
Nuindacilion looked out at the darkening sky. “These woods are not safe during the night. We must begin to make our way back to Mirkwood. It is not far from here. We should reach there by noon tomorrow. Firedhelien, I am unaware of what your plans are and where you are going, but if you so prefer, Legolas and I would be honoured to have the pleasure of your company.” Legolas nodded in agreement. “One so fair as you, no matter how good a fighter you are, should never be alone in the woods at night. You never know what evil lurks in the shadowy places.” My eyes lit up at the chance to travel with the Elven Brothers, and I accepted their offer readily. “Princes of Mirkwood, I would be delighted to travel with you, and meet your kindred. No matter what happens, you have my absolute allegiance. I anna le Nîn hűn. I give you my heart.”

We began our journey just as the sun dipped below the Horizon and Elbereth, The Queen of the Stars came out and bathed Middle Earth in starlight. And under those same stars, the love between Nuindacilion and I slowly grew…

Continue your journey to chapter 4