Firedhelien chapter 8
Chapter 8:
Of Ball Gowns and Big Heads

“Are you sure the bath water is meant to be this hot, Culměre?” I asked, eyeing the steaming hot water and the frothing bubbles suspiciously.
The mahogany-haired Elf maid beside me nodded. Her round hazel eyes sparkled.
“Of course it is, Lady Firedhelien.” She chirped “I have run many a bath through my long years, and by now I think I would have nearly perfected the art. Now put yourself in that bath and say no more about it.”
I laughed and looked at Culměre with a “lost puppy” expression on my face. Her face was stern as she met my gaze and pointed to the bath, but her eyes held concealed laughter.
“Firedhelien. Bath. Now.” She barked, turning on her heel and making towards the door.
In an undertone she added. “I want you to look perfect for Prince Nuindacilion.” She shut the door quietly behind her.

I sighed as I looked at the water.
“Culměre better be right about the bath.” I growled to no one in particular. I shrugged and slipped the light silken nightgown I had on off my shoulders, stepping out of it as it fell to the floor. Cautiously I dipped my toe into the water, and was surprised at the perfect temperature.
Well, it’s an Elvish bath; I reasoned with myself. Of course it’d be perfect. I lowered myself into the water and shut my eyes. It was beautiful, just the perfect place for lying in and thinking, which is exactly what I did.

I must have lay there for hours, lost in my thoughts, when a knock on the door made me sit up with a start. I realized the water had turned cold.
“Lady Firedhelien!” I heard Culměre say from beyond the door. “Get out of the bath! It is time to prepare you for the ball.”
I got out of the bath and dried myself. With a soft blue towel around me I went back into my room, where Culměre was standing, holding in her arms the most beautiful dress I had ever seen in my life.

It was a deep emerald green colour, like the leaves of the trees of Mirkwood. The bodice and long, flowing sleeves where embroidered with tiny silver flowers and vines, the hard work of deft-fingered Elf maidens. The flowing skirt was of emerald green silk, frosted on the bottom with silver. Around the waist was a glimmering silver chain, tiny, but radiant. It was the most stunningly beautiful article of clothing I had ever seen in my life. I stared at the beautiful gown with reverence.

“I hope this gown is not too shabby for you, Lady Firedhelien,” Culměre Said, “But for some reason Prince Nuindacilion insisted you wear it.”

“Shabby? Culměre, I think not. That dress isn’t shabby! Quite the opposite, in fact, I think it the fairest dress I have ever seen in my whole life.”

She smiled.
“I quite agree with you, Lady. It is beautiful, and you will look just radiant in it. You are sure to win the hearts of all the young Princes and Dukes that will be at the ball.”

She handed me the dress. It was wonderfully light and shimmered silver when it moved.

“Now, go put it on, I want to see what you look like, then I will do your hair.”
I nodded went back into the bathroom and put on the dress. I twirled around and giggled. I felt like real royalty wearing it. I wondered if Nuindacilion would be impressed.

I went back out and Culměre gasped.
“You look stunning.” She said simply.

Up until then I had never realized how much fun preparing for a big night was. I was being fussed over unashamedly, and, truth be told, enjoying it immensely. Time flew by as Culměre did amazing things with my hair, taming it and trying out many different styles. Eventually she tied it into three thick braids and wound them tightly around my head. The tendrils of hair that had come out she curled, and as a finishing touch she wreathed in tiny silvery sprays of flowers.

I looked in the mirror and gasped at my reflection. From an angry, upset teenager I had been transformed into a princess, fair and wondrous to look at. The dress fitted me perfectly, and my hair shone like the reflection of sunlight off a ponds’ still surface.

“Well, Firedhelien. Get out there and knock them dead.” I said quietly to my reflection.
I could hear merry voices and jovial conversation as I walked as gracefully as I could down the stairs that led into King Thranduil’s magnificent Banquet Hall. I kept my head down. I didn’t for the life of me want to make an entrance. I just wanted to come in unnoticed and without too much fuss. I could feel someone slipping their arm gently around my waist. I looked up in surprise and saw Nuindacilion beside me.

“I thought I might escort you down the stairs” He whispered mischievously to me “You looked slightly nervous.”
I breathed a sigh of relief, utterly thankful of his presence. Nuindacilion smiled his dazzling smile, and I found myself smiling back.
“That was most thoughtful of you, Your Highness. I have never been to anything quite as grand as this before.”
“Neither have I. I despise banquets and gatherings of any type. Too many fluff-headed maidens following me around. I much prefer to be out riding or on the archery field.”

We got to the bottom of the steps and everything went dead silent. Every head in the room looked my way. Whispers threaded their way through the crowd. “Is that the famous Lady Firedhelien?” a nearby golden-haired Elf maiden in a red and purple dress whispered in a tone of disgust.

“Indeed it is.” The grey eyed young nobleman standing next to her replied. “Is she not brilliantly beautiful?”

“I do not think she is anything particular to look at. Her looks most certainly do not match mine.”

“Of course, Rainiel.” Said the nobleman, heavily sarcastic.

I stifled a laugh. From a few words, I had already gathered that this Rainiel was one A-grade bitch. Nuindacilion shot her a dirty look and turned to me, looking apologetic.
“I heard what she said about you Firedhelien, but do not worry too much over it. Rainiel is much too convinced of her own heavenly appearance for her own wellbeing.”
I nodded and looked over at Rainiel. She certainly was pretty, with wavy long golden hair, pale glowing skin and piercing blue eyes, but a look of haughtiness and disgust overshadowed her beauty and somewhat marred it. To me she had the air of someone that always smelt a bad smell.

Conversation suddenly returned to the hall and we weaved our way through the crowds, Nuindacilion trying desperately to evade the gaggles of chattering girls that were trailing him, and me sticking close by him, trying to ignore the gasps and head turning from the people I walked past. Altogether it wasn’t a particularly comfortable situation to be in. “What I would not give to be out on the archery fields right now!” Nuindacilion groaned as he swerved to avoid a hug from an over zealous fan.
A flash of spontaneity shot over me.
“Well what’s keeping us?” I asked, “We both do not want to be here, and even if we are called back I can just say I felt unwell and needed some air, and you came with me! What do you think?”
Without a word, Nuindacilion took my hand and led me as silently and as unobtrusively as he could, out a small door at the back of the Great Hall.

The night breeze felt cool and comforting on my face. I sighed happily, joyful to be away from all the people. The expression on Nuindacilion’s face told me he was grateful to be away too. I realized he still hadn’t let go of my hand, but I kept silent, savouring the moment. We walked for a while amongst the massive trees of Mirkwood, chatting light heartedly about nothing in particular until we came upon a vast green clearing.
“This is my own private archery range.” He said as he looked around. “I come here every now and again when the pressures of princehood get to heavy. And it’s a secret. Not a soul but I knows of it, apart from you now.” He grinned wickedly. My jaw dropped and I almost collapsed in surprise.
“Are you IMPLYING something there, your Highness?” I asked. I could feel my face turning a bright red. I wondered what was wrong with myself, I’ve never once in my life blushed before this.

Nuindacilion only smiled, covered my eyes with his hands. “Come, I want to show you something. Yet another secret you might enjoy. And also,” He added as an afterthought, “please refrain from calling me ‘Your Highness’. I despise being treated as royalty by the ones close to me.”
I laughed.
“Well, Nuindacilion, Lead on to wherever we may be going.”

NB: As promised, this chapter was COMPLETELY irrelevant, but just wait, I have things planned for these two… Oh, and sorry if the sudden appearance of Rainiel was a little strange, but I felt like the story needed an Element of bitchiness. Stay tuned, there’ll be more of her and Leggers in the chapters to come…possibly some more of Firedhelien’s trusty handmaiden Culměre too, we will see how things turn out…

Chapter 9 -->