Jaishree's Fanfiction
Chapter One
The Nightmares

Rating:PG-13 (?) for angst,graphic actions
Characters:Aarien,Legolas and Haldir.(Galadriel,Celeborn and Arwen is appears a few times)
Summary:Aarien is a Lorien-maid,frightened after the loss of both her parents.Dark forces are upon her.
Disclaimer:I don`t own any of the LOTR characters,except Aarien.
This takes place before The War of The Ring.My english really stinks,since it`s not my native language.

"No..no..stay away!Leave me alone!Please!"

Voices are whispering.They are reaching for me,i can feel the cold from their hands,sweeping over my skin.
It is all darkness,and all i can hear is voices calling my name out somewhere in the dark.> "Aarien..Aarien.." I try to run,but they are following me..i scream loud in the moment something is grasping my arm.
"Aarien,by the Valar,wake up!You are having a nightmare!"
I set up in my bed,so fast that the blanket falls down on the floor.
My entire body is shaking.The air is chilly.
I`m catching my breath,and a arm is holding me tight as the other one is sweeping my forehead gently.
I lean into her,and she strokes over my hair,while i`m crying.
"It`s over now.They can not hurt you."she whispers. Tears is rolling down my cheeks,and i swallow. After a while,she says: "Try to get some sleep now.I will sit with you."
I lay down,and she covers my body with the blanket.The last thing i see is the moonlight that shines on her,and lits up her face.

In the first morninghour,by the time of the nightguard to end,i wake up.
For a while, i do nothing then just sit and stare into nothing. I still have the scenes from the nights nightmares playing over and over again inside my head.And i can`t make them stop. This had been the worst dream so far. Finally,I stand up,and walks over to a chair in the corner,where i see that someone have laid a dress. It`s really beautyful,i can see as i hold it up.It`s darkblue,made out of silk and on the chest it is a silverstar made out of sapphires. I take it on,and put a simple silverbelt around my waist. Then,i look at myself in the mirror.It didn`t look that bad,after all. Suddenly,i can feel that someone is standing behind me.My heart stops beating for a second. I turn around,and see one of the guardians standing in the doorway.
"She wants to see you.At once."he says
I nod,and can feel how my hands are shaking.

When i walked up the stairs,up to the flet where the Lady and the Lord were waitening for me,i couldn`t stop thinking of my dream. It had never happened that someone were calling me by my name.
As i reached the last step,i could hear voices,many voices.
Many of the guards were standing by the entrance,armed with spears. I took a deep breath,and walked in. There was many elves in there,lighthaired,as everyone else here. But i hadn`t seen them before. Now,they were looking at me,as i walked over to Galadriel and Celeborn,that were standing beside two elves.
"You asked me to come,my lady."i said,and i saw her smile.
"This is our beloved friend from Northern Mirkwood,King Thranduil and his son,Prince Legolas."Celeborn said
I tried to smile at them.It was pretty hard.
"This is Aarien,daughter of Isilwen and Aldarion."Galadriel said-"She came here from Imladris last summer."
After the ordinary welcomephrases,Galadriel,Celeborn and Thranduil were going somewhere else to discuss some cases and share news.
"Why don`t you take Prince Legolas with you and show him around?"Galadriel said
"It would be a surten pleasure my lady,but i got to start my studying."i said hastily.I didn`t want to spend the day with someone when i was in such mood.Even if he was a prince.
"You can take this day off.You deserves it,and you can finish your reading later."she said,finishing the discussion.
I sighed low.

We walked around under the tall mellorntrees for about an hour. The prince did the most of the talking.I tried to listen,and look interested,but my toughts were somewhere else. I didn`t lok forward to spending the night alone.Honestly,i was frightened.Very frightened,but i didn`t wanted to admit it to myself.
"Is something bothering you?" Legolas clear voice were suddenly interrupting my thinking.
"What?No,not at all."i said,and smiled.-"I`m fine.I just suffer from lack of sleep,thats all."
He was about to say something,but luckily we were interrupted.
A voice came from behind and we turned around. It was the archers,with Haldir in front of them. He were holding his bow.
"What are you doing so far away from Calas Galadhon?"he asked,irritated while taking a few step closer toward us. I looked around,and saw that,yes,we were quite far away from where we started a few hours ago.
"It can be dangerous.Orcs are passing,not very far from here."he continued-"And a girl like you,alone with just one man to protect you."
I noticed the sence of arrogance and sarcasm in his voice.It made me quite annoyed.
"We are on the way back again,and nothing happened,but thank you for your concern,Haldir.It was very nice to discover that you do care for someone else then your self!"i said,turned around and walked as fast as i could back in the direction we came from.

Continue the journey to chapter 2

Please send feedback to ayla911@hotmail.com