Untitled by Melli
Chapter One
A strange meeting

A story for everyone who likes (or loves)the lotr and the most beautiful elf on (Middle) earth. [NO, NOT GALADRIEL; I MEANT LEGOLAS!!!] It is about friendship, a lot of ppl from the lotr and , of course, a little lovestory, it is my first fanfic so please tell me what you think of it and what I can do better! Write to: jimbaline@web.de or junglerumble@web.de Thanx

Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Pippin and Merry had been traveling for 12 hours now and the hobbits were joining the protest moaning of Gimli about the length of their ride because he was not feeling very good that far away from the ground and shaken in the saddle behind Gandalf on shadowcoat. Having nothing for lunch “four hour tea” or something else for more than nine hours was also very hard for the hobbits too and so Gandalf decided to stop let make something for meal by the small people who were very good cookers. “Maybe”, he thought “a good meal is exactly what we need now for new hope for our long journey out of Gondor to the meeting of Elrond in Rivendell. “Well”, he said, I guess we have to find out where exactly we are and whether this is a good place to stay or not.” Aragorn and Legolas nodded in agreeing while Gimli made strange sounds like: “Sometimes I could kill that old….” Gandalf who had heard Gimli went on: “I will look around the lake in the west, and you Gimli will take the caves in the north and the wood in the northeast, Legolas: wood and caves in the east and Aragorn the fields in the south! And you my small friends” he said to the hobbits, “will cook us a meal so we can eat, when we come back. Any questions! No..? Ok! Let us go!”

The hobbits were, except Legolas who loved woods, the only ones who were happy with what he had to do. Gimli had finished his part of the woods and just started to search for enemies in the caves. He did not notice the big, dark and very frightened eyes that watched him in great anxiety out of the dark beyond him when he arrived at a small cave and started to examine it. He did not think to find anything in the cave and so he was very shocked when he saw something dirty lying on the ground.
He moved nearer and saw that there were weapon lying on the ground!
Weapon of the same kind they were made in Mordor! What creature of hell was creeping around here? He had to warn the others!
To tell them what he had found!

But before he could move or even make a sound something hard hit him I the back. He had just got his feet again saw who had attached down with such a great power.

He had to cough. The person who was standing in front of him was just a little girl! Not little compared with a dwarf or a hobbit but still not tall enough to look like she could have hit him so hard. She was standing before him, holding a big wood in her thin fingers that looked ridiculous compared with her height. The glow in her eyes was what frightened him. So after a short while of shock he pulled out his sword and attacked her with an angry scream. Gimli had expected a lot of that girl like running away or screaming of his own fearing behavior but not to take out her sword and defend herself powerfull. They fought hard and merciless and Gimli was more and more surprised how strong she was.
But suddenly the dwarf got help. Legolas caught Gimli`s enemy from the back and made her fall to earth. But this was not enough for her to give up an so she tried spitting and hissing to get him off her so that Legolas had to take something of his tunic to tie her wrists. “What are you doing?!” Legolas asked breathlessly holding her tight so she would not be able to attack Gimli again. (That did not stop her trying, of course. “We could have killed you; you can not attack someone just for fun.”

“Pah, as if you two were not going to kill me now! And moreover, if you did not come to help this it would have been me who had killed that smelly, ugly little b*st*rd… Being dead is always better than being in Mordor! You will never bring me back there! Forget it! Kill me now but you will not bring me back..!!” Gimli, who was slowly getting more breath now said: “Ah, I knew it! You are one of the servants of Sauron!
Legolas, no mercy for a creature like that. Le us kill her now and then get back to the others. The meal must be already be finish, I guess and Aragorn is always so hungry in the evenings!” “Gimli!!! Are you totally mad now???!! We ca not kill somebody just because we are hungry!!!” “And this says an elf who is not even eating Lembas!” The dwarf argued “Galadriel did not make them and I only eat them when they are made by her but that is not the point!!!”
“As if Sauron or Saruman had ever felt sorry for their victims!” Gimli replied.
“You will have to kill, because I will not go back to the Dark One!” Came a angry voice from what was lying on the ground.
“We will not hand you over to Sauron or Saruman or anybody else, do you understand me? We are against the dark side. We have no reasons for doing this, ok?”
Legolas who did not understand why she feared so much that he and Gimli would bring her to Sauron; they had not given her any reason to think this.
But she was not interested in what he said. She was trying to untie herself and kept on insulting them. But Gimli had now lost all of his patience and growled: “At all dwarf kings! Legolas! If you are not going to kill her think of anything else we can do with this just to stop her talking! Let us take her to the others and let debate what to do with her.”

But this was not exactly what the girl wanted to hear: “You two b*st*rds will not take me anywhere especially not to your disgusting little friends or I will kick you…*mpfh*!!”
She had to stop suddenly because Legolas had taken something off his clothes and put into her mouth so she had to be quiet. Then he picked her up from the ground and laid her over his shoulder to carry the kicking and spitting bundle to the others.
“Please excuse me. Normally I would never dare to treat a lady that way but I did not see any other possibility to make you come with us without killing anybody on the way and to be honest I have not been able to stand this anymore.” Legolas said in the direction where her head must be.
“Pff...Lady! But well, silence at last!” Gimli sighed and caught a heavy kick from what was hanging on Legolas` shoulder.

Second part is coming soon (except you tell me to stop this big nonsense but I really don't not hope so)