Finding Yourself in Middle Earth by Anonymous
Chapter 1
Getting to Know Lila

“This is going to be a drag” Lila thought to herself as she waited online to get there tickets for the first showing of Lord of the Rings. Her boyfriend, Tom, was a huge fan of Lord of the Rings and insisted that she came with her.

“ You’ll love it, I promise, buttercup. The books were great and Im sure the movie will be great too.” Tom insisted.

*rolls eyes* “The very thought that you waste your time reading those stupid fantasy books is beyond me. You could be spending time with me but instead you read the Similarion for your one hundredth time.”

Tom ignores her remark and tells the man at the ticket booth “Two for Lord of the Rings.”

They enter the theater and sit down with there popcorn and drinks. “I eat a lot when I’m bored, We shouldn’t of got so much. Im going to leave 10 pounds heavier.” Lila said rather nastily.

“Don’t worry I’ll be eating it too so you wont gain all 10 of the pounds.” Tom said grinning. “Just sit back relax and enjoy the show.”

The previews began. At the Austin Powers preview everyone started laughing at the mini Austin including Lila, who afterwards said “Thats going to be the best part about seeing this movie.” When Lord of the Rings began Lila lay back and looked at the screen. “Im probably going to fall asleep” she thought but she was wrong. She couldn’t help but pay attention to the beginning part and she couldnt help noticing how cool the effects were, and how good the acting was, and how hot the actors were. She enjoyed it.

When it ended Lila couldn’t help but be disappointed that it ended there. “Why did it have to end there.” she knew it was a trilogy and basically she already heard the whole sotry from Tom but come on.

“Did you like it babe?” Tom asked as they were walking out of the theater.

“It was alright.” Lila said back spitting her gum in the garbage

“I knew you would. You going read the book now?” Tom asked hopefully.

“No of course not. That would be a waste of time. Besides I didnt say I like it. I said it was alright.”

Her sentence was interupted by a nasty recognizable voice behind her. “We’ll, We’ll, We’ll. If it isnt Lila.” She spun around and saw her ex-boyfriend.

“What do you want Rex?” Lila said.

“Some fun.” He sneered “Just like old times.”

“Im not like that anymore. I told you our relationship is over. Just bug off.”

“Well is this your new boyfriend? Perfect Mr. Tom. One who opens the doors and treats you like a lady. I don’t see how you consider that fun after being with me. I was there during the whole movie and I didnt see him put his hands on you once and plus no making out. Whats the point of going to the movie theater?”

“To see the movie jack-ass.” Tom answered back “Now leave my girlfriend alone.”

“Your girlfriend? Your girlfriend? She’s my girlfriend. Mine.” He grabbed Lila’s arm and pulled her toward him. “Me and her have done more together then you ever will. And I don’t want it to end. And a stupid punk like you isn’t going to be the cause of its ending.” He kissed her arm as he said these words.

That was it. Tom wasnt going to listen to anymore of this he pulled up his fists and was about to punch Rex right in the face. But someone had already handled it. Lila pulled away her arm and slapped Rex in the face. She then picked up her leg and kicked him in the nuts. “Im not your property. You don’t touch me again.” She screamed. “We are over. That life is over.” She broke into sobs “Take me home, Tom. Take me home.”

The ride home was silent. Except for Lila blowing her nose every now and then.

“Lila,” Tom said taking her hand. “He keeps doing this. Bothering us whenever were together. I don’t think I can take it anymore, hunn.”

Lila looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I understand.” she whispered. “I understand.”

He pulled up to her house. “Im sorry. I just. Im not...I mean...” He began.

“Its alright.” Lila answered. “I understand. Its over. I just thought we were strong enough to handle it but I guess not.” She slammed the door and ran into the house crying. “I cant take it anymore.” she screamed and she curled up in her bed sobbing. Remembering all the memories of Tom and her together made her cry more. Now thanks to Rex, Tom was nothing but another memory. “Will my past always haunt me?” She wondered. *Boom Boom* There was a knock on the door it was her mother.

“Where have you been! Your always sneaking out!” Her mother kicked open the door with a beer can in one hand and a cigarette in the other. “I told you to tell me where you were going.”

“What do you care? Your to busy getting doped up to care about me!” Lila screamed back half angrily, half sadly.

“Don’t talk to me in that tone of voice, young lady. Im your mother and I deserve to know where you are.” Her mom screamed back throwing the beer can straight at Lila. “All that I do for you and you can’t treat me with respect.” She said knocking over a lamp.

“Mom stop your drunk.” Lila cried out. “Please stop.”

All of sudden a shirtless fat man with a beer belly came in the room. “Who’s that?” he asked stupidly. “Is that you daughter?”

“What do you think. She’s a f*ck*n replica of her mother.” Lila’s mom replied somewhat proudly.

“Who are you?” Lila asked the man. “And what are you doing shirtless in my house.”.

“Oh this is Bob. I met him at the bar. He’s going to be living with us.” Her mother said as if it was no big deal.

“I cant take anymore of this. Another boyfriend.” Lila picked up her purse and ran out of the room and out of the house not listening to one word her mother was screaming at her. It was cold outside and it began to pour. Lila began to cry as she ran down middle street and sat on the curb of earth street. She began to dig through her purse. “There has to be some in here. I couldn’t of got ridden all of it.” She said angrily. Her hands shook wildly. She needed it, It made her feel better. Lila was a drug addict. She was getting over it with Tom’s help but now the urges were far stronger. She needed to escape from this world. “I don’t have any. And I don’t have any money” Lila sobbed. She looked up to the sky. “Why God?” she asked “Why? Why? Why? I want a normal life. I want to be blonde and beautiful. I want to have a boyfriend. I want to have a perfect family with brothers and sisters. And a mom and dad who take me to church on Sunday. I want someone who cares about me, Lila, me!” Just as she was looking up the sky, the rain cloud drifted away and the moon was full and shone out. For some reason as Lila stared she became drowsy and couldn’t keep her eyes open. She soon fell into a deep slumber.

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