Finding Yourself in Middle Earth - Chapter 3
The Confession

Lila took a deep breath. Would they believe her?

“You wont believe me if I do tell you. And truely I only half-lied back there. I never have been in Middle Earth before today..”

“Go on...” Tom said looking up at her.

“We’ll....” she began her story from the movie, to the breakup, to the tears, to finding her on Middle Street on the curb of earth, praying for a miracle, falling asleep, and finding herself here.

“I know its hard to believe but its all I can tell you because it’s the truth.”

The whole household just stared not believing her words. Frodo puffed out a big smoke ring from his pipe and looked as he was trying to figure out a puzzle. After thinking for what seemed like forever he spoke. “I know nothing on this subject.” he began “So I have no right to accuse you of lying. Im expecting Gandalf in town soon and we shall ask him about such things as coming from different worlds etc. Until then....Where shall you stay?”

“With me. I guess.” Tom suggested. “She could sleep in my guest room. I have plenty of space. Im sure you don’t with all these little hobbits.” Tom said as he looked at all of Sam and Rosie’s children.”

“Very well.” Frodo said. He didnt say anything more and it looked like nothing more would be said on the subject. Lila stared at the floor not knowing what to do until Tom broke the silence.

“We’ll I think we shall be going now. Goodbye everyone.”

Tom just stared at the ground till they got back to his hobbithole. He started cooking, never saying a word. Lila sat on the floor near the fire staring into the flames. She tried to think of how she ended up here but couldn’t find an explanation. She wished she never asked to meet Frodo then maybe her whereabouts wouldn’t be questioned. Lila stared down at her clothes. No wonder she must’ve looked peculiar. Atleast she wasn’t wearing jeans, but her black dress defiantly didn’t look like anything from around here. Maybe it would help her prove she wasn’t lying. She didn’t have her purse anymore. “I wonder were that went” she thought. “She dug into her dress pocket and found lipstick, a pack of gum, and movie stubs. The memories of that horrible night flooded her memory, Tom was the best boyfriend she ever had and because of her past he left her. Tears came to her eyes “And now im stuck here,” she thought “Were nobody believes me. I just take up space. Tom Foxburr is mad at me and so is everybody else.” The tears came down faster and faster. She tried to conceal them and not make much noise but it was no use. She began to cry louder and louder till she couldn’t take it anymore. She was on the floor shaking and crying greatly. Tom rushed in and tried to settle her down. Its alright he said kissing her head. Its alright. He rubbed her back in a comforting motion.

“Listen, I don’t care if you’re a human or from the future.” he whispered in her ear. “I have this feeling deep inside me, it feels like butterflies. I think. what I’m trying to say is...” There was a loud rap on the door. Lila sat up immediatly and tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. Underneath her eyes was bright red and her cheeks were flushed. You could tell she had been crying.

To be Continued.