The Distinct Quest
by Lady Danielle
Chapter 2: The beginning…

As the pair traveled the road to Lorien, Legolas mused about this new quest. Just how was he to call upon this new ring? And how would he recognize it’s bearer if he did indeed succeed? So lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice their arrival until his old friend Aragorn, now dubbed King Ellesar, until he walked in front of his horse and stopped him.

‘Old friend, it seems I’ve got you.’ King Ellesar/Aragorn said with a twinkle in his eye, ‘For once, you were the one caught off guard.’

Legolas dismounted effortlessly and nodded his agreement. ‘Nae saian luume’ my lord.’ (It has been too long.)

‘Aye Legolas, that it has. I beseech you to remember me as I was before, not as the king I am now.’

‘Manka lle merna.’ (If you wish.)

‘I do. Now, shall we meet with the others?’

After he received a nod in reply, Aragorn led them to where the others were waiting. Shocked to see them all, every living member of the Fellowship, Legolas faltered in his step.

‘What’s wrong elf, startled to see us?’ Gimili asked in a brusque tone.

‘Perhaps surprised is a better word Gimili. For I thought this quest was nary of importance when compared to our last.’ His reply was met with dry laughter from some and smiles from all.

‘Come all…I will explain everything.’ Gandalf led the group of eight to a small clearing where they sat and talked for hours, learning of the ring, how it came to be, and the quest.

Long after it had turned dark, Legolas stood awake, staring into the night. Trying to do as Gandalf had suggested, he looked deep within himself, picturing the ring he saw in the mirror, seeking it the only way he knew how. He closed his eyes and pictured it on Middle Earth, amongst the Fellowship. Feeling something stir in the air, he reached for his bow and opened his eyes, searching around him. When he saw nothing in his line of sight he allowed himself to relax and head towards the others, to sleep. Must have just been the wind.

The next morning he was awakened by a familiar hobbit falling on his chest. ‘Sorry Legolas….’ Pippin cried out before running away with Merry on his heels.

Shaking his head Legolas stood, walking to where Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam stood getting the horses ready. ‘Are we ready?’

Frodo nodded, ‘We are…but instead of having Gimili ride with you, we decided he is to ride with Aragorn.’


‘Don’t bother Legolas. I’ll be riding with Aragorn, so as to avoid any ideas you may get about knocking me off.’ Gimili gave a snort at Legolas’s offended _expression, ‘In truth, we all figured you would need the room once the warrior joined us.’

‘Alright…what about Pippin and Merry?’

Sam laughed, ‘Tis alright. Master Frodo and I got their horse ready for them.’

‘Let’s be off.’

And so they were…on they rode until they reached Endoras, stopping when they were greeted by the sight of a lone figure being surrounded by a small number of orcs. ‘Come,’ Aragorn called, ‘We must help all we can.’

They rode towards the orcs, dismounting quickly to help fight. As they fought before, each pulled out their sword, or in Legolas’s case, his bow, and began to battle with all their strength. Glancing to his right, Legolas saw the stranger fighting off some orcs with a staff. While the stranger appeared small in stature, fiercely they fought, knocking the orcs out or breaking their necks with a hard thump. With an angry cry at being outnumbered, the orcs ran off into the woods.

‘We must leave this place and travel on. They will bring more.’ Gandalf stated.

‘What about him?’ Pippin asked, pointing at the stranger.

Feeling eyes staring, the stranger lifted their head, and looked at the Fellowship. ‘Thanks all…I’ve got to be going,’ the stranger said in a rather soft voice.

‘Wait…do I know you?’ Gandalf asked.

‘I don’t think so.’ The stranger answered before muttering, ‘I’m not even sure if I know myself.

‘And why not?’ Legolas took in the stranger’s appearance. They wore odd dark blue coverings all over their body, and an unfamiliar cap of sorts resting atop their head unceremoniously. He was shocked when dark brown eyes, seemingly bottomless with specks of gold, bore into his.

‘Pardon? Why not what?’

‘I heard you, elves have excellent hearing.’

‘Okay. I’ll be leaving now as I don’t hang around loonies. But thanks all the same for the rescue. I swear, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so ugly as those guys.’

As the stranger turned to leave, Legolas eye caught a glint of metal and he glanced down to see the ring upon the finger of the stranger. It worked!

The stranger turned back, ‘What worked?’