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Which Marilyn Monroe Character Are You?

What is your key attribute when playing the seduction game?

My killer body in really tight clothes, and the sexy way I walk
My charm, and sometimes I can play dumb to my advantage
The way I look cute in my glasses
My innocence and playfulness
The way I sing
My kiss

Your "must have"item??

Sexy clothes and high heels
My glasses
A flowing white dress, and toothpaste!
Fishnets and a map to Hollywood
A hidden bottle of Bourbon!

You could quite possibly be described as?

sexy and mysterious
a golddigger
crazy to get married
naive and fun
a dreamer, hopeful, but experienced
always falling in love with the wrong guy

Where do you picture yourself taking a vacation?

A place with beautiful landscapes, like Niagara Falls
Taking a transatlantic cruise to Europe
A big penthouse in New York City
New York City in the summer
I wanna go to Hollywood!
Florida, by train

Your ideal mate?

Is handsome and strong
is a millionaire, who gives me diamonds!
is a millionaire, who wants to get married!
is already married, so he can't ask me to marry him!
respects me and takes care of me
is intelligent, wears glasses, and it wouldn't hurt if he played the saxophone!

Pick a song

Diamonds are a girl's best friend
That old black magic
I Wanna Be Loved By You

Any last words?

Kiss me love, with heavenly affection...
I just LOVE finding new places to wear diamonds...
I want to marry Rockefeller
When it gets hot like this, you know what I do? I keep my undies in the icebox!
I just got to feel that whoever I marry has some real regard for me, aside from all that lovin' stuff
It's the story of my life. I always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop

Please make sure you've answered all the questions!
Code adapted from colleen’s quiz tutorial
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