GE 252 - Freelancing in the Media World
Resume Assignment Due Jan 31st
For this assignment you will need to submit three things:
A "generic" resume (several pages)
A "specific" resume (one page only)
A cover letter
Your generic resume will likely be several pages long and contain absolutely everything you have ever done worthy of placing in a resume. This should include every job you have ever had including the lousy ones. It should also include all of your education and all academic awards. It should include absolutely EVERYTHING you have ever done or know how to do. You will never submit this resume for employment, but it will be used as a complete record of your worth. From this resume you will pick and choose what to place in your "specific" resume.
This assignment requires you to research a favoured place of employment. Determine who would be reading your resume and make sure your cover letter is addressed to them specifically. Your cover letter MUST be addressed to the actual person who does the hiring. By phoning or emailing that place, you will not only get the right name, you will be making initial contact. Throught this initial contact you may be able to determine what should and should not be included in your resume.
Your cover letter will be very short, to the point, contain ALL of your contact information and be completely free of spelling errors and poor grammer.
Your specific resume (tailored for the place of employment you have researched) will be ONE PAGE ONLY. Do not staple your cover letter to your resume.
Due by Week Four: January 31st.