A Guy Most F.O.W.L.

Eat yah heart out, David Lettahman!

Hiya babes! Dis is da Chief Agent of F.O.W.L. (da Fiendish Organization
fa World Larceny), who yas all know as Steelbeak. How youse all doin'?

Ah, nope...yas didn't walk inta one-a my websites by mistake---dis is still
Lady_S's place! Da nice lady just got da notion ta put togedder dis lil'
shrine jus' fa Da Steelman, seein' as she
fin'lly came ta 'preciate my
fine crim'nal tal'nts---not ta mention my charm an' boyish good looks!
But Miz S, I jus' wanna ask yas one lil' t'ing, if yas don't mind:

Baby, what took youse so long???


That's right, 'babes'! Lady_S finally wised up and built another room
on our bad boys' digs:
A Guy Most F.O.W.L., a long-overdue salute
to yet another notorious (yet very suave!) criminal person from
Darkwing Duck: STEELBEAK ! And he certainly deserves another
site, doesn't he? All that bein' said, boys and girls, put your hands
together for our newest 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrel' : Da Steelman !!!

*sniffling and wiping his eyes*

Dis is da mos' proud mom'nt fa me...


*meanwhile screaming and cursing and slashing furniture with his chainsaw* !!!

*watching him with a sneer*

Dear boy,
do try to calm yourself, won't you?
Or as you Yanks are so fond of saying: "Take a pill !"

That stupid little webmistress! I'M GONNA KICK HER
BUTT !!!

I wouldn't, you know. She's not as pitiful as she looks. It's such
a large mansion, after all; can't you share just a bit of space?

It already stinks that I have to share this dump with
NOW I've got that metal-mouthed jerk hangin' around !
Besides, you're not actin' at all ticked off about this---
Since when are YOU feelin' so generous, Rodent-Boy?

Well after all, that tall rooster chap
does have some
excellent connections in the underworld, old boy...

*narrows his eyes suspiciously*

Yeah? Well, this wouldn't have anything to do with that
stash of Italian cheese you got in your fridge, would it?

*would whistle innocently, but his mouth is too full of Gorgonzola*


Attention, Steely Fans (and the rest of youse):
Our boy's still in the process of moving in and
decorating his new digs, so not much here to see
right now. But keep watching for more goodies;
coming soon: screen grabs, fanfic, piccies, and
other rich, creamy Steelbeak goodness !!!
(Or would that be Steelbeak
badness ???)


Picture of Steelbeak above from DWD episode "Tiff of the Titans",
© Disney and courtesy of Roaming Tigress from LICENSE TO STEEL.
(Thanks, babe---Steely and I love yas!)




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