The Study

*Sitting in a purple velvet easy chair, holding a large book*

Good evening, kiddies...and welcome to Uncle Ratigan's Storytime!
Oooooh, but I've lots of lovely tales to tell you all---wonderfully
entertaining stories about me,
*sneers* absolutely hideous
tales about Uncle Negaduck...who's probably off 'entertaining'
somebody in his little torture chamber even as we speak!


Oh, 'Uncle Ratigan'? GET BENT !!!

Pardonnez-MOI ???

Hey, I wasn't talkin' to myself!

*smirks out at the visitors*

Well, hello, kiddies...and welcome to
Mister Negaduck's Neighborhood.
And I ain't puttin' on no stupid
sweater !!!

Sir, your English is
most atrocious.

Can you say
knob, boys and girls ??
I knew you
could ! Heh heh hehhh...


That's right, kiddies! If you've got any fanfiction, pastiches, parodies
or other writings you'd like to share, please e-mail me and let me know!

Before sending in any material, however, please read the rules below.


All writings should be G to PG mostly, but I
will accept PG-13s
depending on subject matter (please see my note below about this*).
no slash, Rs or NC-17s are acceptable for DRS.

If submitting a story by e-mail, please use .txt, .doc or .html
format only (until further notice, no .zip files). You may also
link a story from another site (such as ).


* Subject matter for PG-13 stories should follow Story Rating Guidelines
for this site. If in doubt about my own material here, then please note:
'slight [or mild] mature subject' loosely translates as 'reader is left to
own imagination'. Maybe not completely in every case, but I won't write
anything graphic. However, please bear in mind that as owner of this
site I also have the right to be editor. This means that any PG-13 items
sent in may be subject to editing; but I'll only do this when and where
necessary. If your story can't be edited without serious 'damage',
then please reconsider sending it in. This isn't a 'family' site
per se,
but it does have certain editorial standards that I want to meet.


Here's a small collection of stories so far, with more to come. Enjoy!

Note: Stories not credited to others are written by Lady_S.
My thanks to all the fine authors who contribute to this page!


All stories on this page are
the sole copyright of their authors.
All characters from
The Great Mouse Detective and Darkwing Duck
are copyrighted by Disney; all other characters are copyrighted by
the authors of these stories. Please do not---I repeat, do NOT
use fan characters or these stories in ANY manner (including
without the express written permission of their authors.
We've been having constant problems lately with people who
don't respect the work and personal copyrights of fandom.

The Web Mistress will show ZERO tolerance for such people.

(I'm not kidding.)

The Lower London Times
Stories from
The Great Mouse Detective


The Mad Doctor of London (in progress)

Here's a little chiller-thriller for those dark and stormy
nights! The villain here is my own bad boy Dr. Heinrich
Von Seyss, an Austrian physician turned serial killer. If
you've seen the film THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL, then
this is Dr. Mengele Meets Jack the Ripper! (Rated PG-13
for violence, some language and slight---but VERY slight---
mature subject. Not for the little ones, but suitable for
teenage reading at least. You may never look at your doctor
the same way again...)

Part I: The Arrival
Part II: The Beginning of a Nightmare
Part III: The Beginning of a Nightmare (cont.)

Part IV: Reign of Terror

Part V: The Search for Von Seyss

Part VI: Innocence and Betrayal: Anna's Story

Part VII: Innocence and Betrayal: Anna's Story (cont.)

Part VIII: The Face of Evil

Part IX: Behind the Facade

Part X: The Hunt Begins Again

Murder In the Monastery [PG]
A pastiche adapted from an old Sherlock Holmes
radio play, "Murder Beyond the Mountains" by
Ken Greenwald. This play starred the late, great

Part I
Part II (conclusion)

The Truth at Last
Or, so a certain big ra--er, large mouse would have you
to think. This is
Professor Ratigan's side of the film's
story---or so he claims. (The
truth??? Righhhhhhhhht...
I'm Governor of California ! )

The Tower Mouse Project
This was recently submitted to The Study in October
2003, just in time for Halloween! It's part pastiche and
part parody, inspired by the film THE BLAIR WITCH
PROJECT and adapted from the comedy sketch "9th
Street Bridge" by Bill Cosby. Just a fun theory on what
might happen if Basil and Dawson visited the infamous
Tower of London on the Eve of All Saints...

In Memory of Elizabeth [PG]

This was my very first work of fiction inspired by The
Great Mouse Detective
, and the idea came shortly after
I had in fact first seen the film back in early September
of 1999. It was written and published in earnest in spring
of 2000. This tragic tale is mainly about Basil, but Ratigan
plays a pretty large part in it---unfortunately (or not) as
the villain. So here we have a unique triangle, a vulnerable
heroine, and perhaps Basil of Baker Street's first and only
love experience. Warning: Tearjerker Alert !!! Keep plenty
of tissue and chocolate close at hand.

My thanks to Kat for putting it up at her Animated Lust site,
and to Red-Paw for her beautiful artwork (which is copyrighted
to her, btw---please do NOT swipe!!!).

(Note on the link above: Chapter I is linked in the title; the five
chapters remaining are linked respectively at the end of each
installment. Just thought you'd like to know. *grins* )

The Picture on the Wall [G]
by Cybra

A certain large rodent in London's underground lives with a
constant, mocking reminder of his defeat by a certain famous
mouse sleuth...

The Picture on the Mantle [G]
by Cybra

Professor Ratigan: alive or dead? Basil of Baker Street isn't so
sure his war with the Napoleon of Crime ended at the top of Big
Ben---and decides to keep a certain portrait in sight, just in case...


The Chronicles of St. Canard
Stories from Darkwing Duck


Blood Thicker Than Water [PG-13]
by Rachel Faraday and Shelley Inks

This is an Alternative Universe (or would that be Alternative
NEGA-verse?) type of fanfic, with Negaduck having a different
adopted daughter than Nega-Gosalyn: a precocious young lady
named Celeste!

Having been abandoned at an orphanage by her birth-parents,
Celeste latched onto Negs during one of his crime sprees. Barely
tolerating her at first, Negs finds he and Cel are quite suited to
each other's company. In the above story, father and daughter
have been living happily together for some time---until a mysterious
couple arrives to turn their whole world upside down. Be ready to
cry---this will show you a side of Negs you never thought existed!
(Rated PG-13 for violence and some language.)

Note: Character of Celeste Mallard is copyrighted by Shelley Inks.

Night of Judgment [PG-13]
My very,
very first Darkwing Duck fanfic (with or without Negs)!
It's adapted from a TWILIGHT ZONE episode, "Judgment Night".
Negaduck discovers the price of being Public Enemy as he finds
himself in an eternal nightmare. (Rated PG-13 for considerable
violence and a tad of language. And Negs? Let this be a lesson to

you, Sweet Cheeks! )


Concrete Angel (in progress) [PG to PG-13]
If you haven't seen the DWD episode, "Life, the Negaverse and
Everything", I pity you. It shows Negs at his best (or would that
be his
worst?? ). For those who have, remember Nega-Gosalyn,
Gosalyn's opposite in the Negaverse? Some of us Negs fans like
to touch on the more emotional and psychological aspects of her
relationship with Negaduck; so much that's written about the
two is a kind of twisted parallel to Darkwing's adoption of Gos
in "Darkly Dawns the Duck", and this story is no exception.

The title, and bits of the story, were inspired by Martina McBride's
song "Concrete Angel" with a little TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL thrown
into the mix. So get comfy, grab some tissues and a cup of tea, and
let the angst-fest begin!!!

(This is probably a 'PG' kind of story, but rated PG-13 because of
some intense emotional scenes later on that deal with child abuse.
If you pre-teeners want to read it anyway, I take no responsibility
for nightmares...)

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III

Chapter IV

Chapter V

Sara (in progress) [PG]

Remember Dr. Sara Bellum, that brilliant but ditzy (and half-crazy)
scientist from episodes like "Paraducks" and "Disguise the Limit" ?
This is one possible theory about Sara's life and career---her family
history, how she met J. Gander Hooter and came to work for SHUSH;
plus, her real feelings about Darkwing Duck. It's her 'unauthorized bio'
of sorts. (Rated PG for mild violence and
very slight 'adult situation'.)

Chatper I: If He Really Knew Me...
Chapter II: Gone...But Never Forgotten

Chapter III: Long Ago and Far Away


Paloma, Mi Amor [PG]
by Lady_S with Marie Fahlfela

My second romance since
In Memory of Elizabeth ! This DWD fanfic
is a fore-runner to
Crook With a Conscience (q.v.), but the story takes
place about two years afterwards (an amputated version of Ginger
McTeal's story will be in the Prologue).

Mary "Ginger" McTeal, a petty jewel thief who worked for Steelbeak
and later Negaduck, is now reformed and rehabilitated. But her past
is about to come back to haunt her---with trouble arriving in a very
attractive but deadly package... (Rated PG-13 for violence and mild
adult situations. Remember, I said
mild---if you need a cold shower,
it's your own fault. ~_^ )

Note: Agent Luis Paloma is the sole copyright of Marie Fahlfela. Used
with her permission and gracious assistance!

Crook With a Conscience:
The Ginger McTeal Story [PG-13]

For those of you who saw pictures of my fan character, Mary "Ginger"
McTeal and wondered who the heck she is: well, you're about to get
her whole story. And please don't anyone accuse me of "Mary Sue-ing"
her---she's not as lame as you might think.

The Twilight of St. Canard [PG]
This was inspired by the film 'Independence Day', but has bits of
the 9/11 tragedy in it, too. (This was actually started on September
11th, 2003 but I'd been kicking the idea around for some time anyhoo.)

The Zipton Chronicles:
The Unearthly Origin of
Darkwing Duck [PG]

I really liked the episode "The Secret Origins of Darkwing
Duck", except that 'Zipton' sequence was a bit too goofy to
my taste. So this is a much more dramatic, sci-fi type version;
if it reminds you a bit too much of the 'Superman' saga, forgive



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