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Donnie Darko

Date of Viewing: 01-18-2005
This review is being written 2 days after seeing the movie so bare with me a bit. The movie is called Donnie Darko, and is about a boy, whose psychologist has defined him as a paranoid schizophrenic, named Donnie Darko. Now its understandable that his psychologist has defined him in such a way. I mean when someone comes up to you and tells you that a six foot tall evil bunny named Frank says the world will end on Halloween, your gonna think something's wrong with the kid. During the movie we're lead on a chase of this bunny known as Frank. He has Donnie do some wired stuff to including flooding the school, embedding an axe into the solid bronze statue of the schools mascot, and setting fire to a house. As the movie progresses it becomes more and more clear that Donnie isn't just insane. Now I'm still digesting the movie, but I think by the end of the movie Donnie has somehow transcended human, if not spiritually then at least mentally. Some could even say that Donnie was an F'ed up version of the second coming of Christ. I'm not saying that’s true but there certainly are some elements that could suggest that. Over all I'd have to say this time to not completely trust my review on the movie. This is the kind of movie that you need to see for yourself and determine what it means.

Final Ratings
Plot: Though this can be construed as a recycled plot (is the main character really insane or not?) I thought that it was more then that, and believed it to have more depth and effort put into it then most films today. Thusly this gets the highest rating for plot I've given yet. 8/10
Acting: Jake Gyllenhaal, (Donnie Darko) is a talented actor. He is good at portraying Donnie as an insane, uncertain adolescent. Though most of the other cast were either average or bellow. 7/10
Character Intelligence: Donnie Darko does the one thing that everyone in the world should do. Question everything. Though he constantly gets in trouble for this it is the right way to go in life, fictional or not. Though most over people in the movie cant see it with out Donnie's intervention, it is revealed that there is more to the world then black and white. 7/10
Character Coolness Factor: Donnie isn't the coolest character in film. This is by no means a fault of the actor or the movie, Donnie just wasn't necessarily meant to be cool. 6/10
Final Rating: If you like movies with depth to them, where you have to think a bit, go see this movie. 7/10

...Comments from Lynn and Tsufurujin San…

Erik: Don’t tell them that!
Lynn: What? You warned them spoilers were ahead.
Erik: Oh… right…
Tsufurujin San: If I had nightmare I think they would go something like that. *hugs a blanket close* But my bwankie makes the bad dweams go away.