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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Date of Viewing: 12-23-2004
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events is rated PG. It is a movie for kids about kids. If every time you’re inner child comes out you scold it for running about and laughing, do not go see this movie. However, if your inner child runs amuck in your head and you decide "ah what the hell your only young once" and join it, then this is a wonderfully splendid movie to see. My main mistake going into this movie was thinking that "A Series of Unfortunate Events" was the same thing as a series of unfortunate coincidences. That line of thought was proved to be wrong. Count Olaf caused, well, as far as I can tell, all the unfortunate events. This aside, I thought it movie was excellent. Acting was very well done. I'm not sure but I figure some effects were done with Sunny, the smallest of the Baudelaire children, since I find it hard to believe that you can get a child of that age to cross their legs in a very sophisticated manner on cue, but hell, it was cute anyway! There really are too many unfortunate events to ramble on about so for once I’ll leave out a majority of details. The only thing I found kind of disappointing about it is that with all the events that took place, and the constant change of scenery, to me it made the movie seem to go by to fast.

Plot: A basic plot with a decent enough twist to make it seam fresh. 7/10
Explosions: Now this isn't a movie that should be rated on explosion (one of my friends earlier today said this shouldn't even be a category), but to have a door knob explode and shatter into thousands of pieces as predicted by the paranoid Aunt, was shear genius. 7/10
Special Effects: Well done I say. The best part was when Sunny and the deadly viper played like a child and a puppy. 7/10
Acting: From the girl who played Sunny to Jim Carry the acting was above average in my perspective. 7/10
Character Intelligence: Violet who can make rubgolberg machines at a whim, and Klaus who can recall any book he's read in a matter of seconds. I'd say that’s pretty darn smart! 7/10
Character Coolness: The coolest, or at least most entertaining was Sunny with her constant comments that only us the viewers could understand. Oh the others are cool too ^_^ 7/10
Final Rating: Wow! A straight 7/10 score, hasn't been done yet on my site.

...Comments from Lynn and Tsufurujin San...

Lynn: Um, I think Erik has a fascination with orphaned heroes... me, his novel character, his comic character,
Erik: Quite you!
Tsufurujin San: Pity that Violet girl didn't have a proper lab. She could do great things.