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Napoleon Dynamite

Date of Viewing: 01-23-2005
………………………………………… Um……………………………………. Yeah so here I usually do a small summery of the movie I’m reviewing… Okay here’s the problem, do you know Louis Black, of course you do (and if you don’t shame on you), do you know his skit about the “if it weren’t for my horse”? Yeah that’s how I feel right now… >_<” There was no solid structure to the movie. His uncle was trying to sell Tupperware and natural breast enhancement pills and wanted to go back to 1982 I believe. Pedro, Napoleon’s best friend, was running for class president. Napoleon himself was… um… I don’t know, trying to get a girl friend I think. Napoleon’s brother hooked up with a black woman that he meets over the internet, and was changed into a wigger. That was basically the entire movie right there. Don’t take this review the wrong way, it’s not a bad movie… I think... it’s just… um…er…. Look if you want to know go see it for your self, oh and I think it might help to get high before seeing, I think the movie might make more sense then.

Final Ratings:
Plot: … X/10
Acting: …X/10
Character Intelligence: … X/10
Character Coolness Factor: Um, this is purely based on the dance scene, 9/10
Water Supply Taintedness: (upon request of a friend this has been added) He claims LSD, I think it was probably tranquilizers or something. 8/10
Final Rating: Um yeah my basic rating system doesn’t really work for this movie… This is the kind of movie you really need to see for yourself if you want a “solid” rating… ((9+8+3X)/5)/10

…Comments from Lynn and Tsufurujin San…

Lynn: I don’t get it…What the heck just happened?
Tsufurujin San: MY BRAIN!!! MY PRECIOUS BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!