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Date of Viewing: 01-14-2005
I think I would define “Saw” as a suspense/horror. The basic premise of the movie was; kill, be killed, or have your family killed. There was a psychotic man who would capture people put them in odd situations where it was almost assured they would die in some sick and twisted lesson about how one should appreciate life. I guess the psycho enjoyed the saying “You never know what you have until you lose it.” The psycho (I only call him his because I cant remember his name) was actually quite good at setting these deathtraps up, tough I saw a few things wrong with the one that was initiated for the movie. The most prevalent one being that if you have a lose cuff around your angle, if you dislocate your foot you’ll be able to pull it off. The doctor didn’t figure this out for some reason, maybe because he only dealt with terminally ill patients, I dunno. Other then that there were a few others things a friend and I discussed that we found rather stupid that the characters didn’t do to get out of their predicament, but who am I to suspect Hollywood to be perfect.

Final Ratings
Plot: It was original enough not to look like it was beat to death with a blunt object. 6/10
Character Intelligence: The psycho was decent at his job but like I said, I found a few holes that I didn’t see covered. But on the same note, the captives weren’t able to see them. 6/10
Acting: Acting was… it’s hard to define acting when everyone is insane. 5/10
Creepy Evilness: HAHA!!! New category! The psycho, right! The Jigsaw Killer! That was what the police called him because he carved jigsaw pieces from his victims’ skin in the end. Anyway, the Jigsaw Killer was creepy, though he had a purpose, to teach people the value of life that kind of drew away from it. If he was doing it for fun this would be a higher rating. 7/10
Final Rating: It was alright, I did feel a little unsafe in my own home afterwards so it did its primary job. 6/10

...Comments from Lynn and Tsufurujin San...

Lynn: I feel sick…
Tsufurujin San: …Um… damn… GLAD I’M ULTRA SUPER POWERFUL!!!