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Latest Updates

Erik: Hello and welcome to my state of NeoZen! For those of you who come by often…

Cricket: (Looks up) oh that’s my cue isn’t it? *chirp chirp*

Erik: Yes well for those who do, you may have noticed that I haven't really been updating a lot recently. Well I have an explanation.

Tsufurujin San: This aughta be good…

Erik: Alright so I have these creative spouts I go through where I’ll focus on one thing and make it reallly cool. Unfortunately that doesn’t leave much time for other stuff. Well when I started this website it was the current thing for me. Unfortunately for the website, I’ve moved on. Fortunately for other things I’ve started on them. Mainly I’m writing my novel again, something I hadn’t put much effort into for a while. Since I got my laptop I’ve been able to put a lot more time and effort into it and since I want to get this done and possible get some money on it, it’s been kinda taking precedence over the site. I am truly sorry for anyone out there who actually was checking in on a regular basis. I will try to put up new things every now and then, but until I make a loop and get back to just the website (which I have no idea of how long that will be) not much will be done. Formal complaints should be mailed to

Erik: Oh hey, just so you know, last update took place March 22nd, 2005, at 3:01 A.M. Central Time

Innocence of Love. A new writing.
Shadowed Eyes. New Drawing.

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