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Woke up today. Good have that out of the way. So I realized something about my self. I'm in a phase right now where I've been working on my novel a lot lately, but I've also been going around trying to find a lot of stuff, like online comics (reading about 5 simultaneously) anime, and other things of the sort. Well it didn't all com together in my head until like 5 minutes ago. I figured out that I’m trying to fill my head with as many idea's as I can so that I have plenty of inspiration for thing in my book! It made sense once I thought of it. And to be honest I’m not sure why I decided to make a blog of this revelation, just seemed like the right thing to do.

Woke up today for a conference call dealing with work, I’ve forgotten anything they told us by now but oh well. Went back to sleep after and slept for another 3 hours then I woke up again. My mother had the day off so I spent about the next 2 hours talking to her. Then I headed off to DND. We’re in a new campainge now. This is the one with Lynn, who is a 3rd level Rogue 5th level Wizard and 7th level Arcane Trickster, and Crace who is an 11th level Sorcerer. Where in some mansion in a place called Avernyon or something where the worship a god called Au. The mansion belongs to the Amber family and everyone’s gone insane. We’re trying to get to Stephen Amber who is the eldest brother because everyone tells us that he can get everything fixed or something. So we finally got into his chambers where he sicked an Ancient Black Dragon on us. Our druid managed 2 harms on it (we use different rules from the traditional 3.0 harm) and the dragon turned and killed her. She was pretty much our best healer. After that I talked to my friend I hadn’t seen in a week since he went back to college. I helped him with a paper that was due by midnight. Then I went to sleep.

Woke up today feeling like $%*^. One of my co-worker’s has a child who became sick, then she became sick, and now I’m sick, though it seems to be mostly gone by now. So yeah.... I wasn't in a coma, I just did write anything for over a month, sorry to anyone out there who actually reads this. Well this month sucks at work so far. I'm only at... um... I think its 12% and the month is already half over. Worked today feeling dizzy most of it because of whatever disease I got. But by 4:00 P.M. that went away. Only sold one phone but it was a renewal at the 2nd stage (there are 3 stages to new phones and renewals, the higher the stage the more money I get for the sale). After work I went to a friends house and hung out most of the night. Actually I’m still at the house. Its just that I kept meaning to write a blog and kept forgetting, one of my friends (not the one who's house I’m at) checked out my blog page and reminded me, and since it was 10:40 P.M. or so I decided to write this. Tomorrow is dnd and I will try to update you on that. Nite all!!!

Woke up today and sat up to look at what time it was. Just as I sit up my alarm clock goes off. WHAT TIMING! Work was incredibly slow and boring so I decided to do some online Christmas Shopping. Over the course of my work day I spent over $100 on presents. Wow! Sold one phone and about 4 accessories. Not terribly good but oh well. My dad stopped by at one point, so I took my brake early and chatted with him. Nothing really happened at home. Sat around and watched TV and such. I did write a bit into my novel but not to much, got to tired to have coherent thoughts.

Woke up today happy that I really wasn't soposta work. LAZY DAY!!! Mainly I did my laundry. Feel asleep a few times waiting for the drier to buzz. I decided to go to a movie later and saw Cellular, check out Reviews for it's rating. After I wrote the review I decided to add a bunch of picutres to the Review pages for the heck ot it, and had a little fun with the Cellular picture. Then I ironed my work shirt and wrote this. Yep, Lazy Day!

Woke up today at about 1 pm with the impression that I didn't work. Got up and went to eat breakfast. After I ate I decided "hey lets check my shedule to see what I work tomarrow!" Well that was about about 1:40. I saw that I did work today and tomarrow was my day off. Infact I was sheduled to work at 1 today… I was %^*$ing pissed at myself. I quickly called up work to tell them I was sorry. Since I wasn't ready for work at all, infact I was going to make today laundry day, it took me a bit to get ready. Once ready I head out to my car to head off, well that’s when I recive the 2 voicemails they sent to my cellphone asking where I was… Curse the deadzone that is my house! Well I ended up being an hour and half late for work… I, being my somewhat timid self appologized sever hundred times throughout the day for being late. Since for some reason no one at work had my home phone I made sure to give that to them so that next time something like this happens they can call on the landline. Turns out thought that I really didn't miss much. Very slow day. Only sold 1 phone myself. Oh, hehe, I almost answered the phone at one point as "Minnetonka Davanni's" instead of "Qwest Solutions Ridgedale". Right after I'm left alone in the kiosk, that guy with no social life shows up again and wastes about 20 mins of my time, not that the time would have been put to good use anyway but still… Then I closed up shop and headed home. I decided to relax then and just watched TV untill about 5 AM.12-6-2004
Woke up after 10 hours of sleep. Hehe, I'm still able to start off with that in a new and unusual way! Played around with my wireless connection on my laptop ^_^ Then I, ‘know what? I need some way to transport this laptop of mine!’ So I headed out to buy a laptop bag. I left with an hour to get to DND right after. After I bought the bag I headed off to DND. One thing… HOLY FREAKING COW!!! It was dark! And it was only 4:30 pm, it looked like it was 9! After I went to DND. My ghost died. *cries profusely* But my new Prime Underdark Guide came in so at least I had something to do… Well my brother’s birthday is next Monday, so I let the DM know that I wasn’t going to be there. At the end of DND the DM pulled me off to the side and told me what was going to happen next week while I was gone. Hehe! His plans are cool, and from paranoia I fear to post what it will be incase one of the other players read this. OH! My ghost was able to cast Grim Revenge on a guy which causes their hand to rip off and attack the victim!!! MWHAHAHA! After I went home and sat around for a while watching TV. Then I drew a cool picture! Check it out Mysterious

Upon waking up this morning i relized, i forgot to write a blog entry for the fourth. Unfortunatly I'm actuly writing this at 4 am on the 6th. Due to things and stuff I can't really remember that much from the fourth... I rememeber i sold like 5 phones... I'm sure I delt with some annoying customers... but other then that I can't remember... So onto the 5th. Only sold 2 phones today. Oh I had to do a couple of returns which was ok except for the fact that I never did a return before so that was difficult. After work I went and saw The Bourne Supremecy. Um not sure if I spelt that right... To lazy and tired to bother tossing this in word to check, oh well. Check the reviews section for a review on that. Came home and after a bit of talking to a friend, guess what! I now have wirless access with my laptop!!! Which is what i'm writing this entry on actuly. Oh yeah, this doesn't have word yet.... Watched the 5th element on TNT. good move, not going to do a review of it though. Then i proceeded to watch about 8 episodes of strong bad e-mail which i hadn't done in a while. And now sleep. Nite all!

Alright so I woke up today and headed up stairs for breakfast only to find a FedEx sticker on my front door. Apparently FedEx tried to deliver my laptop to me. Well normally I would be excited to just see that its that close to my possession but this time around I was rather peeved. You see first off there was the problem with my card, this delayed it in the first place. Well they didn’t actually get it processed until yesterday. On the FedEx web site they said, yesterday, that my lap top would arrive on the 8th. This was cool because it happens to be a day off, but I paid for a 2 day delivery when I bought the thing. I ranted about it for a while until I calmed down and said “okay, fine, I’ll wait…” Well when I found the FedEx sticker on my front door I became thoroughly confused. I check the status of my order online and it turns out that not only was it actually at my house today but even the arrival date was change. The arrival date wasn’t even today though, it changed to the 6th. So despite being mad at the confusing situation, I’m happy that I’ll be getting it soon. I only pray that my parents take pity on me and go to retrieve it when they see my note I left. After writing the note and eating breakfast I headed off to work. With in the first 2 hours of work I sold 2 phones! Hooray!!! But success that early can some times mean a long and boring day, which is what it turned out to be… Later on I had a repeat customer. I have a theory about this customer, the theory is that he has absolutely no social life out side a radius of 5 feet from the edge of the kiosk. He comes in every now and then and just starts asking questions about his phone that 2 seconds later he figures out himself. And when I went on my brake, somehow he found me to ask even more questions… grr…… When I got back from said brake I decided to give a call home to find out if my parents had gone out to get my laptop. The 2nd best part of the day! They had!!! So what ever controls the universe decided that that was too good to come alone. Yet again I don’t know if I mentioned but the kiosk I work at isn’t to far away from the childrens area in the mall, where parents can rest and apparently not give a damn what their children do. I’m not sure why it was so bad today compaired to other days but the children decided to have a screaming contest or something and if you’ve ever heard a child scream in fear or in pure joy you’ll know how loud and piercing it can be. Now imagine having to endure it for 2 hours and try to talk with customers at the same time… But it was worth it! I went home and got my laptop!!! Hooray!!! While I played with that most of the night I had the TV going in the back round. Though I’m having some trouble with setting it up with a wireless connection so I have to get in contact with a friend soon to help me fix that.

Okay I know this one is late for anyone out there who check in here regularly but for some reason or another I forgot to write this before I went to sleep last night so. The bad part is that I have to try and remember what happened yesterday. I woke up yesterday, felt a bit tired but got up anyways. Headed off to work after that. One of my coworkers kept showing up at work. Apparently his wife works at one of the kiosks right down the way. Had a repeat customer. He was one of the ones that just cannot keep up with the changing world. I remember helping before, he was angry that the new phones weren’t the same as his 4 year old gimp phone. When will people learn that the times change whether or not their ready? Yesterday was also the first day that I sold DSL and Long Distance. I sold 2 long distances and I felt completely stupid doing so. Yet again I don’t know if I mention it but Qwest basically tossed me into the kiosk and said “learn as you go kid!” So to order Long Distance I found out I had to call some third party line thing so that their AT&T long distance could be canceled. And they kept asking me these questions that I had no idea what they meant so I had to continually ask the person on the phone to hold on a second and then ask my manager what they meant. Other then that I sold a phone… But since it was 1 phone and 2 services I’m not sure if yesterday was a success or not. After work I returned the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, 1 day late according to the store, grabbed some Wendy’s and headed home to watch TV. I did work on the site a little bit last night, putting the Reviews link on all the main pages but then I went to sleep.

Only woke up once today. Headed to work today. It was pretty slow. I sold one phone in the first hour of working and then didn't have another sale again until 30 minutes before the end of my shift when I sold 3 phones! I'm not sure if I've said this yet (I tend to repeat myself allot) but I consider any day where I sell 2 phones a smashing success. So to sell 4 phones is consider near miracle success to me. I headed home and decided to go see a movie. So I looked up the listings for my local second rate theater. I found "Resident Evil Apocalypse". If you want you can check out the new page on the site for my review of it. Reviews. After that I came home and watched TV, set up the new page and wrote this. Not to eventful of a day but oh well, it was nice.

Well I woke up twice today. Once for no apparent reason about 4 hours into my sleep, and then again when I was soposta. So I got up and checked my e-mail for the status on my coming computer. All is now fixed and they believe it to show up on the 2nd of December. With that stress slightly relieved I then proceeded to work. There I got a nice little surprise. I now have my very first and very own cell phone!!! I had lots of fun putting peoples numbers and changing settings and such. Other then that the only sale that came today was at the last 15 minutes of my shift, thusly causing me a late departure because the customer wanted to do something I was unfamiliar with, an exchange of phones. After which I closed up shop and headed on home to sit around and watch TV all night... should have tried to finish Half Life 2 but oh well, whatcha gonna do eh? Oh and I kept checking my e-mail just to check on the status of my laptop, but no further e-mails. Well I'm up later then I should be, have to be at work in about 9 hours so ttyl!

Yep, woke up again. I'm not sure how long I can state that I woke up in different ways but I'll try. Anyways, I don't believe I stated this before in the blog and I'm to lazy right now to look back. One of the blinds in my room broke, the one that’s right next to my bed. At the beginning it wouldn't shut giving anyone a nice view of me sleeping (to make it worse I'm on the first floor). So to fix this problem I went out shopping for curtains. I ended up buying some and curtain rods.
Well after that I came home and putzed around for a while. As time approached for me to head out for Dungeons and Dragons I decided to check my e-mail. Well I found a letter telling me that my card was declined for my ordering of my laptop. Boy was I pissed. I headed out right away with all my Dungeons and Dragons stuff but made a quick stop at my bank. I found out that my daily spending limit was too small and had them change this so I could resubmit my order (which I did right before writing this blog entry). Well with all that out of the way I headed off to Dungeons and Dragons.
The game was pretty interesting this time around. When I arrived I found out that my ghost character had leveled, so I started out trying to decide which spells I should take. With my prestige class I excel with certain types of spells so it was hard deciding. Well after that the real game started. My ghost and another character started by arguing about a cloak of charisma +2. The argument was about who would get it. Well as we were arguing 3 drow showed up to yell at us killing off all the derro. They demanded that we surrender for questioning. We basically said "to hell with that" and hence combat started. During the combat we lost one of our party members. Shortly after another drow appeared out from the shadows and yelled out "You've been betrayed!" This will come to be important later. With much effort we killed all but the late coming drow. But for some reason one of our party members thought, for some reason unknown, that the "You've been Betrayed!" comment meant that another party member (who I usually plot against) betrayed us. He did not declare that he thought this and just started to kick the living *beep* out of him. Because it seamed unprovoked and because the other one didn't attack back I actually ended up defending him. Well the vampire in the group had him dominated for a while and the party started to interrogate him profusely. Well the gamming session ended with most of the group still wanting to kill him because of this so called betrayal. Oh the party member that died was an outsider, this means that he was returned to him home plane when he died. He had extra planer travel and during pure luck was able to return to the party, but back to the end of the gamming session. It turned out that a few of the people that we fought were high leveled. We ended up getting 11,000 xp. Well I enjoyed this thoroughly because I leveled up again. After leveling my character for the second time in one day (yippy!). Then I headed home.
At home I played Half Life 2. After a while I stopped because my computer was starting to lag. I think I’m near the end though. Oh and one of my guns got a mega power up. It's soooooo cooooool!!!
After that I sent in the request to correct the order with my laptop and started to write this blog... Holy cow! I believe this is the longest blog entry thus far! Wow, I never thought my day would actually have so much to talk about, oh well.

LAZY DAY!!! So I woke up today, and after that it was pretty much tv tv tv! Though a friend of one of my brothers showed up. He didn't have my brother's phone number so I gave it to him. Well then he needed a ride to my brothers apartment, so I took sime time out from my movie to take him there. It was kind of strange but there were lots of movies on TV today, oh well. LAZY DAY!

Guess what? I woke up today! Yippy! Anyways on to the real stuff. After waking up I head off to work. Sold 2 phones and I think I got others ready to buy 4 ^_^ . Well after that I was getting together with a friend from my previous job. Well some stuff went bad. I went to pick her up and see if she wanted to go bowling with a friend of mine. Unfortunately the place was busy and the manager wouldn't let me use the phone. Well my friend I was there to pick up was kept 45 mins late and since I couldn't use the phone in inform the other friend he got mad at me I believe, understandable considering some of the circumstances. To top it off, the old friend and I rented Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Well the bad part of it is my PS2 is messed up and couldn't read the disk. And when I all was said and done I signed on AIM to see if my other friend was on so I could apologize, but he had signed off. So I go to sleep feeling horrible! Hope you're having a better day right now, then I had previously.

11-25-2004 and 11-26-2004
Today was a fun day! Wait, sarcasm doesn't work in typed words does it? Alright well first things first, I wasn't able to get around to writing my blog entry for yesterday so I'll go ahead a fill you in on what happened.
11-25-2004, Thanksgiving. Well as per usual I woke up today, hooray. I went to my aunts house out on Lake Minnetonka which was fun. I got to see my younger cousins which is always fun. I had forgotten that we eat dinner at 1 there and accidentally had lunch though so I wasn't able to eat much turkey. Well after that I went home and pretty much watched TV from about 5 pm to around 11 pm, lots of fun there with all the excellent Thanksgiving programming… After that I talked to a few friends online and at about 3:45 am pm a friend convinced me to go out to grab some food. Unfortunately I was to go to sleep at about 4 am so I didn't get anything really.
Well now for today. Started out like any other day, I woke up. Then I headed off to work. From what I understand one of my co-workers had difficulty with her baby sitter and was late getting to work, about 7 hours late. Well I work in retail, and today happens (I don’t know why) to be the busiest shopping day of the year. Well with my coworker late this made it so my manager was alone from 8:30 am until 11 am when the temp worked. Well I'm guess that wasn't to much help considering that the temp can ring up sales or look at customers accounts. This all means that my manager was pretty much alone from 8:30 am until 1 pm when I got there. According to my manager she lost 5 sales that morning, which might not sound big but it is. She also had problems with another department stealing one of the sales she had gotten earlier. Needless to say she wasn't the happiest camper. Well after that I ran into a customer with a slight temper problem. What a surprise, oh yeah sarcasm doesn't work with text, anywho. They got all mad basically because I wasn't really trained all that well and made one mistake that made it so that he couldn't use his phone until Monday. Granted I understand how that can make some one pissed. Its just that I'm naturally a timid person so when people get pissed at me and there's nothing I can do about it, I get slightly depressed. Well thankfully, my coworker (who has shown up by that time) was able to calm him down for the most part so that I didn't fear for my life from this enraged consumer. Okay, now for the good part of the day! I ordered an iBook today! I upped the memory to 768 MB and upped the hard drive to a 60 GB. I figured since I'm already spending over $1,000 on it I might as well throw in 18 bucks for priority delivery. So I should have this by Wednesday!

Day 3 of my Blog. Still not sure if anyone reads this but oh well. Today is the first blog day when I was at work. Well, I woke up and went to work. Today was alright. Oh, just so you know, I sell cell phones. But anyway I sold 2 phones, which is a good day... its kind of a boring job. 2 sales in an 8 hour day is a good day... So anyway, not to sound cynical or anything but I'm thinking people really need to learn that business is business and large corporations can't bow to every whim for the consumer. But every work day there's at least one person who comes in and complains constantly about how unfair the business is. Oh, and there was this kind of creepy woman who's gonna bring me a "present" the next day i work because i was patient or something... It was kind of creepy... Other then that I came home and updated a few things on the site. I guess it wasn't as exciting of a blog entry as i thought it would be yesterday. Oh well, stay tuned, something interesting is bound to happen in my life sooner or later.

Day 2 of my blog. I'm not sure if anyones even reading this yet, but I shall still write stuff. Today was pretty uneventful. I played Half Life 2 most of the day. It kinda sucks because I think my prossesor is to week to fully handle it because at really high action points the game will start to get really laggy. Oh, at one point today I went out curtain shopping... Yes I know it’s not very manly but my blinds broke in my room, and it distrubes me to think of someone looking in while I sleep. Other then that I'm gonna watch Invader Zim once I'm done writing here. Sorry if my blog is boreing right now, but yesterday and today were my days off. I'll work tomarrow, who knows? Maybe somthing interesting will happen. Update tomarrow!

Alright so from the pestering of peoples and stuffs I have decided to create a blog, but i refuse to use a blog builder, I find making one like this is a little more personal. Um unfortunately that date isn't fully correct seeing as how I'm writing this at midnight give-or-take 25 minutes.

But anyways, lets see here. I woke up today, that was nice... Um, I played "Half Life 2" which I bought last week. Hehe, I don't recall what it's called but I got this really shweet weapon. For the sake of those people who hate spoilers I won't say what it is.

After that I went to Game Night. Game Night is where some friends and I get together to play pen and paper games, such as Dungeons and Dragons, or Champions. Currently we're playing Dungeons and Dragons. Game Night is always fun. My characters are a Drow Cleric of Beshaba with a few levels in Auspicain. (Sorry if i get technical with terms and such.) And I also play a Deep Imaskari Ghost Sorcerer with a few levels in Shadow Adept. Well anyways, last week we were being lead through Duergar (half dwarf half human) territory. Well my ghost had possessed one of the guards, once they had showed us to the other side I had the possessed guard attack some one in our party (it's an evil campaign). Well this started up a huge fight and some guy around could actually hurt my ghost!!! So he flew into a wall to escape the Duergar's wrath. Unfortunately he got lost in the wall and wondered around for about 7 hours before he found a way out. But that’s not the worst part. One of the other party members got hurt pretty badly and he thought it was my cleric's responsibility to heal him whenever he wanted. Well my cleric told him that she would do it later, he didn't like that response so guess what he did, killer her. Well that start an in party fight and 2 people got killed. The one who killed my cleric ran off before he got killed. So now I'm stuck making a new character. Oh well that can be a lot of fun.
After Dungeons and Dragons I went home, sat down, and started to edit my web page.

So here we are. I hope I didn't just ramble on and on. I don't know when I'll update this again but I will... eventually! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
