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Innocence of Love

(This is a work of fiction. Take it as such)

I had never before seen the sun rising like I have now. The shear beauty of it, the innocence of it, the untouched serenity. I almost wish it wouldn’t rise, such a thing shouldn’t shed light upon me.
Why did it happen?
The blade still slick.
The warmth has surely left by now.
The passion of the moment still lies hazily in my mind. Was I not what he wanted? Did I not do everything he asked? I must have done something wrong. Why couldn’t I have paid more attention, there must be something I missed. Why else would he do what he had done?
The warmth of tears run down my cheeks.
He sleeps peacefully now. Much like he had for the past 4 years, but this time he shall not awake.
I do not deserve him any more, apparently I never did. But now none shall obtain such a treasure.
I make sure the pain is long, fitting for the crime. This is the last thing we shall ever share. Perhaps something more lies for me beyond.