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My State of NeoZen

Erik: Hello there! Welcome to My State of NeoZen. A truly peaceful and calm place!

Tsufurujin San: Ha! Not likely! I will rule this website!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Erik: Grr... I'm gonna tell Jessie.

Tsufurujin San: Eep! I'll be good

Erik: Anyway as I was saying this is a place of tranquility and...

Lynn: *Pokes Erik* Hey Erik... Where are we, I don't recognize this section of your mind.

Erik: *Sighs* This isn't part of my mind, though it is a place where my mind is able to express itself.

Lynn: Well I'm part of your mind, can I express myself?

Erik: NO!

Lynn: Meanie...

Erik: *Looks up* Oh, ahem.... Alright well I might as well tell you. Tsufurujin San and Lynn are 2 of the many people running around in my head. I guess since I have no real control over them you might have to endure them from time to time. If you wish to know more about them, you'll have to search around here and you can find various things about them, a few pictures, life stories, and other things! All which I created!

Tsufurujin San: You didn't create me, Dr. Berry did!

Erik: But I created Dr. Berry. So in essence I created you!

Tsufurujin San: So what you’re like my grandfather?

Erik: *Slaps forehead* Anyways, have fun searching around and just ignore the random voice in my head. By the way, see what's updated.

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