Hayden Callahan

Full Name: Hayden Christian Callahan

Birthdate: March 2nd

Family: A Mommy and A Daddy, but I'm an only child...and I like it that way...

Favorite Things: Clubs, girls, all sports (especially hockey), coffee shops

Things I HATE: Whiny Pop Music, Orange Soda (Ew..)

Favorite People: Brook, Taylor, Scott, Mack, Landon and Scarlett and Will seem cool, too...

Least Favorite People: Sam...yeah, I think that about sums it all up...Sam...

Favorite Movie(s)--Why?: Fucking Star Wars,dude...I'm a Jedi Mother Fuckin Master...

Favorite Song(s)--Why?: Holdae Inn--Snoop Dogg and Chingy and Ludacris...who WOULDN'T want to chill at the Holiday Inn with those guys...Come On, now...and California Love--Tupac...the best rap song made, in my opinion.....And ANYTHING ROCK...Cause sometimes I like to pretend I'm Axle Rose or Steven Tyler...what's wrong with that?!

Favorite Book(s)--Why?: Anything by Stephen King

Guilty Pleasure(s)--Why?: Pretending I'm Axle Rose and Steven Tyler when I think nobody's home...cause i'm a fuckin dork...that's all I care to divulge, cause what I've told you is twisted enough...

Vices--Why?: Cigarettes, drinking

First Love, How Old?: Taylor...I was like 14 and just now got over it

I Lost My Virginity...: To Brooklynn...And Taylor was right...I was just bored with Monopoly (BROOK THAT WAS A JOKE!!! HONEST!!! LOL)...

Best Memory: Christmas, when I was six, and my parents...I mean..."Santa Claus" got me this little like Power Wheels motorcycle that I had wanted forever...

Worst Memory: Honestly...I'd have to say, finding out that Taylor was getting married...I've never been more heartbroken in my life...

The Thing I Regret Most: Introducing Tay to Sam...it just turned out sooo badly, and she doesn't deserve it

The Best Way to Spend the Rest of My Life Would Be: Makin tons of money and being happily married with a couple of rugrats..

My Favorite Quote or Phrase: "To Be, or Not To Be...That is the Question..."

Meet Landon
Go to Chapter One

Email: ashleighpotter2003@yahoo.com