Full Name: Landon James Turner
Birthdate: November 2nd
Family: Well, I have a mother and a father, like all little boys and girls...but I grew up wealthy, and when you're wealthy, you are raised by a nanny...
Favorite Things: Music, Parties, Black Clove Cigarettes, Reading, Writing, Classic Movies (Casablanca, anyone)
Things I HATE: Not being in control...that's the only thing I really despise
Favorite People: Taylor, my bandmates, Brook, Scott, Scarlett, and little Draco cause he's a fun little boy
Least Favorite People: KC at the moment...and Taylor's husband...he's a bitch
Favorite Movie(s)--Why?: The Godfather...cause he'll make you an offer you can't refuse...and Donnie Darko...it's trippy...and Labyrinth...the namesake for my band...cause David Bowie + Muppets = Quality Entertainment for ALL
Favorite Song(s)--Why Anything by the Sex Pistols
Favorite Book(s)--Why?: Catcher in the Rye...when I read it, I really felt like Holden Caulfield at that point in my life...
Guilty Pleasure(s)--Why?: Re-runs of Full House...it's a good show!
Vices--Why?: Cloves, beer, cookies
First Love, How Old?: Never been in love
I Lost My Virginity...: I was 12, and since it was right around the time my parents were getting divorced, I went a little crazy and needed a babysitter...so yeah...I banged my babysitter...
Best Memory: Getting a record deal
Worst Memory: Learning my parents were getting divorced
The Thing I Regret Most: I make no apologies for my actions, therefore I have no real regrets
The Best Way to Spend the Rest of My Life Would Be: As a Rock Star
My Favorite Quote or Phrase: I've only been in love with a beer bottle and a mirror." ~~Sid Vicious.....(My sentiments exactly..lol)
Meet Scarlett
Go to Chapter One