Scott Lowman

Full Name: Scott Jayson Lowman

Birthdate: 7-14

Family: Keith Lowman (brother), dad and mom

Favorite Things: bowling

Things I HATE: rap music

Favorite People: my crew

Least Favorite People: my poor excuse for an old best friend, Sam

Favorite Movie(s)--Why?: The Matrix....because it makes me think deeply

Favorite Song(s)--Why?: Shook Me all night long--ACDC...because it always puts me in a good mood

Favorite Book(s)--Why?: I dont read

Guilty Pleasure(s)--Why?: Freaky Friday (Lindsay Lohan--I think I just creamed in my jeans...)......Watchin porn with Tay("Do I look that stupid when I'm having sex??)and Brook, cuz its sooo fucking funny, esp brook's face ("I like to do it...but I never realized how gross it looks up close..") lmao

Vices--Why?: Marlboros....cuz im hooked, peanut butter...cuz its the best invention ever

First Love, How Old?: Brooklyn Farrell, age 17

I Lost My Virginity...: Brooklyn Farrell, age 18

Best Memory: Bowling a 300

Worst Memory: Waking up on a pool table

The Thing I Regret Most: Waking up on a pool table, and the night before that made me be on a pool table to begin with...

The Best Way to Spend the Rest of My Life Would Be: On and island with my most favoritest people in the whole wide world

My Favorite Quote or Phrase: Assumption is the mother of all Fuck Ups

Meet Hayden
Go to Chapter One
