In 1967, George A Romero began filming his first ever feature film under the working title of Monster Flick . Now, over thirty years later, Night of the Living Dead continues to shock audiences the world over and, despite numerous rip offs and spin offs, remains as one of the most influential horror films of all time.
Night of the Living Dead was released theatrically in the USA in October 1968.
• No updates yet but I'm planning to revamp the site visually soon - this could just be colour changes but if I'm up to it, maybe I'll try a new layout! There haven't been any updates later as most of the site is finished, but hopefully I'll be adding some more stuff over Christmas. December 16th 2002
• Jesus! The first update since January! Time does seem to fly at the moment. There isn't much to report other than a revised DVD section and the addition of the Night 30th Anniversary Edition, which is yet to be completed as I cannot contain my rage. April 29th 2002
• The Video section is now open; I have only managed to get a couple up but at least I'm getting there! The Alternate Versions section is open too (I accidentally named this Alternate Ending on some pages) with the dreaded colorised version. January 28th 2002
• Muchos new DVD's added to the memorabilia section, including a very nice looking German one (albeit with no extra features). The Facts & Figures page is now open too! January 28th 2002