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Disc 01


An elf-like woman with wings of a butterfly walks on the deserted surface of Moon. Suddenly the ground she steps on become a hole but, as if she knew it, she calmly floats down to the bottom of the hole, where a giant structure like a gate stands. She jumps onto its central panel, which immediately reacts in an attempt to exclude her. She clings to it with all her might and traces with her finger the runes inscribed on it. Eventually the system repels her but it is just too late. She has finished her job and the panel breaks off from the gate. She approaches the panel, now lying on the ground, and sees a small stone..., no a small mask of a human face, at its center. The mask speaks to her, "You, who have been guided here and share the spirit with me, give your power to me." The girl wants to know what he wants to achieve, having been through such an ordeal because of his defiance against the gods. The mask simply answers, "You must know as we share the spirit." The girl gently picks the mask up and goes up back to the surface of Moon, where the beautiful earth can be seen in the dark space.
It's a fine spring morning in Nekomi City. Keiichi is looking for Belldandy in the house without success while the TV news reports observation of unusual emission of light on Moon last night. He gives up searching within and goes out. He walks into the wood behind the house and hears a beautiful song by her. Enchanted, he follows the voice and finds her singing to a big withered tree in a small sunny opening in the woods. Her angel, Holy Bell, is also singing in unison. Keiichi soon finds out he is not the only audience. Skuld and Urd are also enjoying their sister's song.
By the time Belldandy finishes her songs, a few sprouts miraculously have come out of the dead tree. Keiichi admires her divine act but the goddess thinks it differently. "I heard the tree's voice, saying it wants to live a little longer with the other trees and their dwellers. The tree revived itself with its own passion. I merely help it a little."
Urd reminds the impressed man of why he came here. He wanted to tell Belldandy that he is leaving for the college early today. As Belldandy heads for home, she suggests Skuld to practice singing together later. She tells to her jubilant sister that affection to those you sing for is more important than the singing skill.
When Belldandy gets on the sidecar of Keiichi's bike, he tells her that Skuld looked very happy. Belldandy says that, when she was young herself, there was someone near her to guide and lead her. So she wants to help Skuld like him. Keiichi is impressed and says without thinking, "I want to meet him." "Sure!"
They ride to the college. The town is in the charm of the spring. Keiichi savors this beautiful moment with his girl, to whom it is the third spring in this world.
Spring is the beginning of the school year and NIT is full of energy of new students. This is also time for various clubs to catch the new comers. Keiichi is busy putting up the posters of his Motor Club but isn't too sure how effective they will be. They feature cars and motor bikes with half-naked Tamiya and Ootaki in the background. He knows it cannot be helped and moves on to put up more. Soon after he leaves the place, a girl in a red coat appears before the poster and keenly looks at it.
Sora speaks to the freshmen in front of the clubhouse and explains to them their ideal and activity. Introduced by her, some of the club's vehicles come to the site. The climax of their performance is the racing kneeler which will enter a forthcoming competition in Shizuoka with the help of Whirlwind. The performance by the driver and partner stuns the audience and the beauty of the partner, who takes off her helmet, impresses them even more.
To the jubilance of Sora, the girl in the red coat comes forward to show she wants to join the class. This triggers an avalanche of people who also wish to join. But the joy of Sora is short-lived. Tamiya and Ootaki appear on the balcony of the clubhouse and begin to preach what they want to achieve with the club through the loud speaker. Of course this is enough to scare most of the potential applicants.
A little later in the clubhouse Chihiro reproaches Tamiya and Ootaki for what they have done. Belldandy pleads for the poor men by saying their act happened to select those who really love the club from all the applicants. Indeed there are three freshmen in the room who still want to join the club in spite of the scary performance and, not surprisingly, the girl in the red coat, Morgan, is one of them. The two postgraduates are cheeky enough to claim they have done something good on purpose and declare the start of the welcome party.
The party soon degrades into a karaoke party. While everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, Keiichi finds Morgan sitting a little away from the people with a sober face. He talks to her, hoping to make her feel at home. But, before he can make any progress, Tamiya, who thinks Keiichi needs no more girls than Belldandy, stops him.
Keiichi retreats to the kitchen, where Belldandy is preparing more food for the party. He recollects how tense and uneasy he was when he first joined the club. The goddess assures him that all the three newcomers have the power to convert various events into happy memories.
Then Sora, heavily drunk, comes to the kitchen. She wants Belldandy to sing and hands a microphone to her. Belldandy accepts her request and Keiichi sits down to listen to her song. Sora, who sits next to him, starts to tell him what a wonderful lady Belldandy is. Megumi, who is also drunk, joins the admiration and gives her brother a hug, "You must take a good care of her!" While Megumi doesn't him let go, Sora goes even further. She bitterly complains that people tease her about her child look. "But I've got decent breasts!!" She insists Keiichi should see them and, although he manages to prevent her from undressing herself, she starts rubbing her body against his while Megumi happily keeps him in her arm.
Suddenly bottles in the room explode. Jealousy has let Belldandy's power run out of her control. She soon realises what she has done and runs out of the clubhouse. Keiichi quickly runs after her everyone else in the room is jubilant to see this.
Keiichi finds his goddess standing in the darkness. She apologizes for what she has done. Keiichi doesn't blame her and quickly changes the subject. Looking up the beautiful cherry blossoms over them, he tells "Another spring is going." Belldandy shares the sentiment and says she wants to meet spring for as many years as possible with him.
Then they hear someone walking towards them. As soon as the man comes out of the darkness, Belldandy recognises and runs to him, leaving bewildered Keiichi behind.
In the meantime, Urd at home receives a phone call from Peorth. She tells her that a criminal sentenced to life in prison has escaped from the prison on Moon and may come to Earth. Urd doesn't wait for Peorth to finish her sentence and runs out of the house. She flies up high in the sky on her bloom in search of Belldandy.
"Celestin!!" Belldandy runs in tears to the man, who is obviously from Heaven rather than Earth. He gently replies "You are still a crybaby but has become much more beautiful than you used to be." She introduces him to Keiichi as her tutor when she was young and Keiichi greets him without a smile. She then tells Celestin, as she blushes, "This is Morisato Keiichi-san, who I am living with on Earth." Belldandy wants to know what has brought him here. He suddenly disappeared from Heaven years ago. As she speaks on, her emotion overwhelms her and she bursts into tears. He doesn't answer her question but calmly says, "I knew you don't remember anything. I've come here to take you with me..." Then Urd arrives at the scene and immediately mounts an attack on him, "How dare you show yourself before us again!!" Unlike Belldandy, Urd has no intention to cherish reunion with him. Belldandy tries to stop her sister but Celestin's next move surprises everyone; he kisses her. Belldandy loses her consciousness and falls down. As Keiichi runs to her, Celestin tells him, "I know you're really fond of her. But I want to give her another chance to choose her way." Celestin barely escapes Urd's attack and vanishes into air. Belldandy remains unconscious.
Heaven is in panic. Operators report to Peorth that a virus has intruded into the system and is causing havoc. Peorth remains calms and tells the operators what to do. She knows the man who has escaped prison is behind it but has no idea what he is doing this for.
Belldandy is brought back home but remains unconscious. Urd thinks Celestin cast some spell over her and summons Holy Bell. The angel is also unconscious and a number of blue crystals are grown out of her body. Urd tries to cure her but Celestin's spell repels her power. Keiichi wants to know what Celestin is but she gives no answer. She leaves the room to ring up Heaven but, before she can, the phone rings; another call from Peorth. The call is a very noisy one to show the critical condition of the system. Peorth tells her a virus has intruded the system via Belldandy's network. Urd replies the escapee has made contact with Belldandy probably to send the virus. Peorth tells her that the connection between Belldandy and Heaven has been cut and they are only managing to keep the system running. That is, they cannot accept Belldandy to Heaven for treatment or send help to Earth. She wants Urd and others to capture the escapee while they are trying to restore the system.
When Urd comes back to Belldandy's room, Skuld runs out in return, "I'll go and fetch someone from Heaven!" As she hears a scream of Skuld, who has dived into the bath without knowing the gate is closed, Urd explains to Keiichi that the situation is beyond their control. They even cannot tell what the spell has done to her until she wakes up.
In her dream, Belldandy is looking for Celestin. Keiichi appears before her but vanishes like a mist when she approaches him. Then a number of Keiichi surround her and vanish in the same way.
Suddenly the emblem on the Belldandy's forehead changes its shape rapidly and her body rises into the air, surrounded by a whirlwind. She stops at about a meter high and now starts to emit light. Skuld realises that her sister's costume will change and puts her hands before Keiichi's eyes so that he cannot see her sister naked. The whirlwind eventually eases and Belldandy comes down to the ground and stands up straight. She opens her eyes and gently speaks to Keiichi, "My name is Belldandy from The Merciful Goddess Office. I've come here to make your wish come true. Only one wish, though." Then she notices her sisters in the room and wants to know why they are here in "Mr Morisato's room." It is clear she has lost all the memory regarding Keiichi. He tries to be clever and says "What if I say my wish is for you to recover your memory?" She doesn't realise that she has lost her memory but tries to answer his request. But, because she is disconnected from the system of Heaven, her magic is not powerful enough to break the spell.
They spend whole night to try to recover her memory with Skuld's machines. As expected, all her 26 machines turn out to be useless. Keiichi decides to go to the college to cancel their entry to the sidecar race. Belldandy wants to come with him to see his college. She innocently continues, "My teacher was really great, too. But he's gone far away. I wish I could see him once more."
Peorth appears before the Council of Heaven to report the current situation. The virus has spread over the system and caused 8% decrease in its performance. Her plan is to repair Yggdrasil while preventing further invasion of the virus by a firewall in a dummy system. As soon as the main system is restored, she will link the dummy system with Belldandy to delete the source of the virus. Her plan is approved but the chairman hints that they will not hesitate to use "Vaccine" in the worst case. Before she leaves the room, Peorth asks them to give information about the escapee, which gets granted as a special case. She sees images of young Belldandy.
Keiichi and Belldandy are on their way to the college while Skuld closely follows them on Banpei-kun. Belldandy's formal costume as a goddess attracts a lot of curious eyes. Naturally it continues to do so in the college, too. Keiichi finally asks her to change her costume into a less conspicuous one. She thinks it is too trivial as the wish and does it voluntarily. Keiichi and Skuld barely stop her from undressing herself in public.
They take the innocent goddess into a gap between the buildings. Keiichi tells her not to use her divine power in public. This is not his wish but a definite rule. Now that they have come to a deserted place, she can change her costume. Skuld, of course, does not forget to force him to turn back. When Belldandy finally changes her costume, both Keiichi and Skuld are shocked to see her. She is now in a sailor uniform! While Keiichi is having a hard time to explain to Belldandy what ordinary clothes for a college student is like, two people have been watching them from the top of nearby buildings; Urd and Morgan. Urd seems to be satisfied to see her sister back in the college and flies away from there. On the other hand, Morgan remains there and keeps watching Keiichi and Belldandy.
The news of Belldandy's amnesia shocks the members of the motor club, including Chihiro. The sidecar race is only six days from now and they have to find someone to replace her. As it is a "mixed" race, it must be female, too. Sora is an obvious candidate but everyone knows her talent, or lack of it. Then, to Chihiro's surprise, Morgan volunteers to take part.
They come out of the clubhouse to see how Morgan handles the task. When Keiichi tries to explain what to do, she curtly answers that she knows roughly what to do as she saw Belldandy's performance the other day. Keiichi says the joy of the sidecar race is to trust each other to achieve best. This seems to surprise Morgan a little, "Do you mean you trust me, too?" Belldandy comes to hand a helmet to Keiichi but again her innocent words sadden him, "I'm looking forward to the performance of you two. I'm sure it'll be wonderful." Yet when she sees Morgan stepping on the kneeler, Belldandy feels something, probably a hint of her lost memory, but is not sure what it is.
Anyway Keiichi and Morgan go out for the test drive within the campus and Morgan's fine performance impresses Chihiro and the others. Chihiro says to Morgan, "You'll perform even better if you find a nice partner, like Morisato-kun to Bell-chan."
Morgan takes a shower in the clubhouse and talks to Celestin, who is now in the shape of the small stone buried on her chest. She asks why he wants her to be with the couple. Celestin does not give her a clear answer and only repeats it is important to achieve the goal of his and hers.
Keiichi and Belldandy are on their way home on their sidecar. As they go on the hilly winding night road, Keiichi gets gradually excited and decides he can turn a corner at a very high speed. But, without a help of Belldandy as the partner, he fails and the machine crashes into a guard fence. Belldandy is just in time to use her holy power to save him from the accident. Keiichi apologises to her in a very low voice. Seeing the bike cannot be started gain, he begins to push it along the road in silence. His dejection troubles Belldandy a lot. But without a word she pushes the bike with him and then bravely says, "this will be repaired all right?" Keiichi replies in a slightly brighter tone, "Yes, it will.".
In Heaven, the operators working under Peorth are struggling against the virus. One of them, Ere, reports the virus activity pattern shows similarity to Belldandy's "wavelength," which, she suspects, is the key to break the deadlock. She asks her boss if she knows who the perpetrator is. Peorth answers, "Yes, they told me but with a protection set on me." Ere is bright enough to infer that it is someone very close to Belldandy and so important that the identity must be kept secret. Peorth, of course, cannot affirm or deny it.
Next morning Keiichi is at home and repairing his bike while Urd tries to console him in her own way. Their conversation gets interrupted by a smell of food. It is a breakfast Belldandy has cooked. Maybe she has lost memories about her beloved boy, but she has not forgot cooking. Her dishes looks wonderful as they usually do but the amount and shocks everyone. Skuld is quick to tease Keiichi by saying, "Unless you eat all of this, she may never recover memory of you." He hesitates at the daunting task but Belldandy, who seems to understand she has done something extraordinary again, shyly murmurs, "If you're not feeling hungry..." Her blushed face is more than he can endure and Keiichi immediately makes up his mind, "Oh, it happens that I'm really starving!"
After the breakfast, Keiichi continues to work on his bike but comes to a conclusion that a new valve is needed. He decides to ask Chihiro if she has one. In the meantime, while Belldandy tidies up Keiichi's room, she finds an album full of photographs of herself, happily smiling next to Keiichi.
On their way to the college on train, Belldandy tells him how she feels now. "Now I know I've been living in this world. Those happy smiling faces of you and me in the album have made me realise your smile now looks a little sorrowful. If our duty is to make people happy, this is a very sad thing. So I'll do my best to see your happy smile. If you and I in the album were what we used to be, I want to know about you much more."
Keiichi and Belldandy are in Chihiro's shop. Having heard about the accident last night, Chihiro suggests him to cancel the race and he agrees. But Belldandy doesn't. She wants to enter the race with him if they let her. Keiichi is jubilant to hear this and Chihiro seems to be the same.
Morgan is looking for Keiichi in the campus and eventually comes to a lecture theatre where Keiichi and Belldandy are taking a German lecture. Ignoring the stunned lecturer and other students, she drags him out of the theatre. Belldandy only can follow them in bewilderment with his belongings in her arms. Morgan tells him that she wants to enter the race herself. She thinks Belldandy is no good as she is now. As Keiichi remains adamant, she challenges Belldandy to prove who is better.
The race is held in a small temporary course in the campus. Megumi is called in to pair with Morgan. The race turns out to be a tight one and Keiichi and Belldandy win by a whisker. But more importantly, crossing the control line reminds Belldandy of bits of her lost memory. Yes, she did win a race like this in the past. She was celebrated by the members of the club. And the rider next to her was Keiichi! While she explains what has happened to her, Megumi tries to console Morgan, who doesn't want to be consoled.
Morgan angrily walks down in the campus, "I don't want to be with them any longer." Celestin's voice calmly replies, "Why are you feeling so jealous?" Morgan denies it but doesn't know what irritates her so badly. Celestin tells her that the sense of love in Belldandy is necessary to open the door to a new world. The goddess is already feeling it, just like Morgan's heart is disturbed by jealousy.
That night, Belldandy looks over the town of Nekomi from the top of the main building of Tarikihonganji and recollects what happened to her today. She did certainly feel the past when she lived with Keiichi. Although most of her memory are still in the mist, the tiny bit she has regained is enough to make her yearn for more.
When she comes back in the house, she accidentally hears Keiichi and Urd talking about her condition. Urd doesn't know what really has happened to her sister but thinks her memory hasn't been "erased." There are very few people who can do such a thing even in Heaven. She is sure Celestin isn't powerful enough. This shocks Belldandy immensely. "No! Celestin has made me forget about Morisato-san!? Why!?" She runs out of the house into the garden where a small lighting object comes to her. It flies around her as if trying to provoke her. Naturally she flies up into the air to chase it.
Belldandy comes to a big hall near the sea where Celestin welcomes him. She wants to know why he sealed her memory. He says he almost gave up all the hope when he was jailed. Her presence on the blue planet he could see was the only reason he didn't. He declares he is going to break the seal which suppresses Belldandy's memory about what happened to him and her. He wants her to remember what he tried to achieve years ago.
Celestin and Belldandy go back along the stream of time to the days when he was her tutor. One day he takes his student to out an big stone gate in a wasteland. She thinks it is the gate on which the legend of the Gate of Judgement is based but Celestin tells her it is not a legend but the real thing. If two people who belong to different worlds fall in love, they are forced to come here to test their love. They must go through the gate together and, if there is any doubt or suspicion in their mind, they will be separated forever. If not, they will be blessed by God. As he explains, an image of a couple appears and are obviously going to enter the gate. Celestin bitterly adds one more sentence, "But no one ever has gone through the gate successfully." He thinks the gate is there to test people and prevent various worlds to merge. Belldandy is horrified to hear this and looks with a terrified look at the couple, who are about to pass under the gate. Unfortunately her fear materialises. Only Morgan comes out of the gate... the man she loves has vanished. Celestin continues; "Gods has created a system where everyone is assigned to a certain role in a certain world, ignoring the pain they suffer." He wants to eliminate this discrimination, and creating a totally new order is the only way to achieve it.
Then he destroys the Gate of Judgement with his holy power. This is his declaration of his defiance against the current system of Heaven. He wants Belldandy to join him. With her help, he can save the weak and discriminated. But six balls of light suddenly appear around him and try to capture him. Danger of her respected master triggers a burst of Belldandy's emotion and immense power, which saves him. But the fact she has killed the six guards now horrifies her. Celestin calmly tells her that now the only choice she has is come with him. But he was wrong. A sphere of a strong magic shield appears around her to cut her off from the world while two more powerful guards captures Celestin.
The Council strongly condemns Celestin for trying to overthrow the current system and has caused the metal destruction of the guardian goddess of time. He is sentenced to suspension of the body formation power and confinement in a "17th grade non-life form" on the moon.
Then Urd is summoned and the Council gives her a bottle of magic medicine. The case is closed and will be sealed as the top secret because Belldandy is too important for them to lose.
Urd comes to see her sister in a house arrest, who now shows no sign of emotion or will. Urd shows the bottle and tells Belldandy that, if she drinks it, she will forget all the bad memory. Seeing her sister still show no emotion at all, Urd snatches the bottle and puts the portion into he mouth. Then she forces Belldandy to drink it from her mouth. As she drinks it without resisting, tears roll down on Belldandy's cheeks. Next morning a servant informs Belldandy that Celestin has left for an urgent task.
Urd comes to the seaside hall through a big TV screen and confronts Celestin, "Are you going to repeat the fault?" Celestin, who knows Urd's origin, suspects she wants the same things as he does but Urd denies it strongly. Urd tries to attack him but Belldandy, controlled by Celestin, covers him. The old image of Celestin attacked by the guards in her memory triggers an uncontrolled burst of emotion and Belldandy starts attacking her sister. Now a fierce battle starts between the two pair of goddess and her angel.
In the mean time Skuld appears through the fountain before the hall. She has carried Keiichi here, too, who loses no time to run into the hall to help his goddess. Skuld warns him that, being a human, he won't be any help. But Keiichi isn't discouraged. "I may be a mere human but there must be something I can do!"
The battle of the goddesses are going in favour of Belldandy because Urd cannot really attack her sister. She tries to attack Celestin but Belldandy quickly guards him. Urd shouts at her, "Wake up! He'll only hurt you. You should know it now!" Her voice seems to reach Belldandy's heart to some extent and Belldandy holds her heads in agony. Her power runs uncontrolled and causes a havoc when Keiichi comes to the scene, "Belldandy!" She recognises him but it was too late. She loses control of her power completely and a huge explosion happens.
Belldandy comes to the imaginary world of water. Young Belldandy holds her knees in her arms on the surface and the adult goddess appears form the water. She gently speaks to the young girl, "I was conquered by sorrow and confined you deep in my heart. Give your sorrow to me. I'll give everything I have now to you. Let's walk to the future." The young Belldandy rests in the gentle arms of the mature goddess.
Skuld is the first one to recover her consciousness and finds Celestin standing near her unconscious sister. She lets her anger go wild and unleashes her special attack "You idiot!!" But, to her own surprise, unlike her usual one which only marks the word on her enemy's face, it causes a strong flux of power and blows Celestin away. The flux also destroys the wall behind him to cause a flood. Keiichi wakes up just in time to save Belldandy from the burst of water, at the cost of his own safety. The goddess finds "Morisato-san" knocked down unconscious.
Morgan, who has now back to her real shape from Celestin, escapes the hall and comes to the top of a nearby building. Celestin on her chest seems satisfied. "Now the gods will do the rest of the job for us." Morgan sounds rather relieved to hear this, "So it's all over now?" But Celestin corrects her, "No. This is the beginning."
Keiichi and the goddesses are back home, where they treat him with their holy power. Urd declares the treatment is successful and Skuld says, as if trying to ease the mood, "He's a fortunate man to have three goddesses to treat him." Belldandy apologises to her elder sister for causing troubles. Urd returns gentle words and leaves the room. It is now Skuld's time to make an apology, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have used such a power..." Belldandy doesn't blame her but says something Skuld has never dreamed of. "When everything is over, let's return to Heaven together." Belldandy cries her heart out and bitterly blames herself for not being any help to him. Skuld thinks otherwise; "I think Keiichi is ready to accept everything. I'm sure you were the same before you forgot about him. Ever since I came down to Earth, many things have happened and I've met many people. Keiichi has been always by you and you two were always smiling. Don't give up. If you fully recover your memory, everything will go back as what it used to be." Her heartfelt words console her dejected sister successfully. Belldandy promises her that she won't give up and then falls unconscious. "Don't worry. She's just too tired after using too much power," says Urd, who comes back to the room, with a bottle of sake and ice cream in her hands.
In her dream, Belldandy thinks Celestin has reminded of what she used to be. She wished for happiness of people. But what is her wish now?
Keiichi wakes up to find her goddess sleeping next to him. He carefully gets up so that he won't wake her up. Sora phones him up; Chihiro has found the valve for his bike and she's got it with her now. So he decides to go to the college to get it. As Sora hands the valve, she asks one question to Keiichi, "Even if she has lost her memory, you two won't be affected, right?" Keiichi assures her that they won't.
Belldandy wakes up at home at last. She finds a note from Keiichi and decides to follow him to the college.
Keiichi drops in at the clubhouse and finds blood on the floor. It's Morgan's, who sits in the room quietly. She is injured but is more concerned with Keiichi's well-being. She gently says, "I'm glad to see you're all right." Keiichi doesn't realise what she means and tries to take her to the medical room. But she seems indifferent to her injury and says, "Are you interested in me?"
As he treats her in the medical room, he is surprised to see her injury is quiet serious. Morgan suddenly starts talking about herself to Keiichi. Once she fell in love with someone but was forcibly separated from him. Keiichi and Belldandy make her jealous as they seem to achieve something she couldn't. Yet what she is doing now seems to help them, rather than sabotaging them. She is not sure why she's doing it at all. Keiichi doesn't reply to any of her words and continues the treatment. But even he cannot ignore what she says next, "When this world gets changed, will you love me? Could you make my dream come true?" Keiichi seems disturbed but calmly answers, "It is not superficial relationship that you want, right?" But his gentle words only irritate her. "Belldandy will be Celestin's anyway. You'll become alone." Keiichi cannot understand what she is saying. "The world will change soon. That's what I've come here for. And this is my new form." She holds and kisses him passionately.
Belldandy sees them kissing it through the door and runs a way. Keiichi now knows Morgan is the one who suppressed Belldandy's memory. Morgan reveals her true figure of an elf and floats up into the sky. Before Keiichi can say anything more, she vanishes into the air.
As if Morgan's action was a trigger, the virus in the heavenly system gets activated and intrudes deep into it. The operators conclude that the virus will cause a severe damage to the system as it is and that it is impossible to stop it as long as Belldandy is linked to the system. Peorth decides to use her last resort, the vaccination of Belldandy. The decision is informed to Urd over the phone.
When Keiichi comes back home, Skuld has been protesting hard against her sister's decision. The probability of successful vaccination is only 16%. If failed, Belldandy will lose all her memories. "I can't accept it!" Skuld bursts into tears. The high risk of the vaccine is also known the operators on Heaven and Urd, who explains it to Keiichi.
Keiichi sits down at the engawa with Belldandy. He tells that Morgan has been helping Celestin and may know how to revive Belldandy's memory. But Belldandy insists she will take the vaccine. "She kissed you, didn't she?" The fact she saw it shocks Keiichi but she is not blaming him in any means. At that time, she couldn't stand negative feelings growing in herself and ran away from them. She came to Earth to make him happy but now she knows there is also an ugly side of her, who want him to love her only. Belldandy rests her head on his shoulder and asks, "Would you still love me for all that?" Keiichi tells her he loves her as she is. His love is enough to give her the courage to take the vaccine. In fact Keiichi's love is even deeper than she thinks. He calmly says to her, "Even if all the memories between us are lost, even if we are forced separated far away, I'll find you and start it all again, however many times and however many years it may take." Belldandy is so touched and can only say, "Thank you very much."
They come to the main building of the temple, where Urd and Skuld has already created a complicated magic circle on the floor. In Heaven, the vaccine is ready and Peorth starts her spell. The spell is echoed by Belldandy on the ground and the vaccination process starts. Belldandy's costume disappears around her waist like a digital image then her waist itself vanishes to reveal a shining ball in her body, the virus core. The vaccine makes the contact with it but, to the operators' surprise, the virus converts the vaccine program into something else. Peorth immediately realises in regret that she has walked into the enemy's trap. On the ground, Keiichi suffers sudden and severe headache and, before Urd can do anything, the emblem of Celestin appears on his forehead. He walks into the magic circle and holds the virus in the Belldandy's body.
The modified vaccine spreads over the main system of Heaven, cracking the firewalls one after another. It heads for and reaches the highest security region and finally reaches it. Celestin has been waiting for this very moment, he pulls something from Belldandy's body. It's literally a string of illuminating words. Urd understands what he has done. He used Belldandy's love to Keiichi and the vaccine to break the firewalls of Yggdrasil. As he waves the string around, the magic circle on the floor changes its form and spreads over rapidly. The sensor of Heaven detects a huge mass and energy appearing beneath the temple. A three huge trees in a triple helix appears from the ground. It is Yggdrasil itself.
Celestin speaks to Belldandy, who remains unconscious. Their soul, and Keiichi's, go back to the day when Celestin first met Belldandy.
Keiichi finds himself in a beautiful garden where a house maid takes Celestin to his new student. The small girl is in the shrub of the garden and has been crying over a dead bird. To her amazement, when he put his hand over the bird, it comes back to live. She thanks him passionately and he vows to be a good teacher in return. Happy days of the teacher and student passes by. One day Belldandy asks him to cure an old tree which seems ill to her. He tells her to do it herself by singing for it. So she starts singing for the tree wholeheartedly.
Then Keiichi is brought to a high place where adolescent Belldandy is singing to the world. He speaks to her but obviously he is invisible to her and she runs to her tutor. Celestin wishes her to grow up early.
And she has. Belldandy is now the heroine at a ceremony, probably celebrating her receiving the status of a first class goddess. Now that she has grown up, the ceremony means the last day for Celestin as her tutor. She will join the Merciful Goddess Office to see the various worlds from now on. The idea of "pure" Belldandy merges with earthy worlds torments Celestin. He comes to a conclusion, the world must be reborn.
Back in the real world, Belldandy regains her consciousness partly. She finds Keiichi before her and says, as if whispering, to him "Morisato-san, I will recover my memory about you at any cost." Celestin speaks to her, "Do you recognise me?" Belldandy now comes to her full consciousness and is horrified to see Yggdrasil on Earth. Celestin says, thanks to her, the energy within the tree is going to bestow him the power to break the all between Heaven and Earth. Belldandy isn't impressed. She is sure lives on Earth, who have survived many difficulties for a long time do not wish for such a thing. She believes struggle to survive is the meaning of live and Celestin's idea of "growth" is just putting clock forward.
Celestin is unrepentant and tries to proceed as planned. Belldandy tries to stop him physically but Morgan comes in her way, "You never understand how I felt that time! Someday the Gate of Judgement will appear before you. Are you confident that you can go through!?" Belldandy is not daunted, "If we can believe each other..."
While Morgan torments Belldandy, Celestin summons the final program, Thor. The system of Heaven is useless now, to Peorth's dismay but Urd hasn't given up. She changes into her combat costume to attack Thor and Skuld follows her lead.
Now that Celestin and Morgan are high up in the air to control Thor, Belldandy pulls herself up and repeats to herself her belief in the lives of this world, including Keiichi. To save their dignity and honour, now she will stop Celestin at her pride as a first class goddess. She pulls out one of her earrings and converts it to a battle stick and flies up into the sky after Celestin.
Urd knows no ordinary attack will be effective to Thor. She starts her spell, which surprises her sister and the sensor of Heaven detects a powerful magic field is formed around Urd. She unleashes her most powerful attack, the annihilating thunder. This, however, turns out ineffective to Thor, which is equipped with a magic elimination program. Then Morgan comes to attack Urd. She wants to know why she helps a criminal like Celestin. "Gods always think of themselves only. Don't rob me of hope any more!!" This angers Urd, "What you're trying to open is Pandora's Box without hope. Don't think you are the only one in agony!!"
In the meantime, Thor produces an axe and starts chopping Yggdrasil. Golden powders leaks out of the tree through the cut. It's hyper-energy of Heaven. Chrono warns Peorth, if the energy keeps leaking, the lives of the ground will be exposed to an enormous amount of high dimension energy and will no be able to sustain their current form.
Looking up the heavenly tree, Celestin repeats his belief, "Gods should not give ordeals to people but guide them to better life." Belldandy comes to Celestin to stop. She thinks his aim might be right but his method is definitely not. What he is doing will harm the lives which exists on Earth now. Celestin is unrepentant and tells this is the only way he can change the world.
In Heaven Chrono reports the amount of the energy leak is increasing and there is still some time before Yggdrasil recovers while Skuld has been throwing her bombs at Thor in vain on Earth.
Celestin tries to persuade Belldandy by using Keiichi's voice. "If the world remains as it is, the Gate of Judgement will eventually appear before you. If the trust between you and him are less than perfect, you will lose him. There is no such worry in the new world and I need you there with me as a symbol to guide new lives." But Belldandy isn't moved.
Peorth and her crew are losing the battle against the virus and Thor. The energy leak cannot be stopped. Peorth orders to shut down all the connections and programs currently running. She orders to Yggdrasil to activate Gungnil and aim Celestin.
Urd and Skuld see the gate to Heaven open in the sky. With a desperate look, Peorth says, "This is the only method left to us now" and Heaven's deadly cannon is finally fired. Seeing the final weapon heading to him, he shouts at Heaven, "Why do you stop me when the new world you wished for is about to come? Why do we have to wait? Even Belldandy will be another victim of it!" Then he lowers his voice with a resigned look, "Look, you are trying to protect this world also by force."
But Belldandy throws herself between him and Gungnil. "Why!? Both Heaven and Celestin try to solve problems with force!? I believe we have our power to save those we love!! Even if my body perishes, even if my life is lost...!!" Her voice of soul reaches Keiichi, suppressed by Celestin. "Belldandy, I'm not wise enough to tell what is right. But, whatever the new world be, if Belldandy isn't there, it is just meaningless. And, Celestin, you must feel the same!" Belldandy is fighting the losing battle. Gungnil's power is more than she can sustain can sustain. But, just when she is about to lose it, Keiichi, who regains the control of his body from Celestin, comes to help "I'll protect you even if that put God against me." A huge explosion happens around them and Ere reports Peorth that Gungnil has been vanished.
Keiichi and Belldandy find themselves in the wasteland before the Gate of Judgement. Belldandy, who knows what it is, looks up at it in terror. But Keiichi, who also knows it, takes it positively, "We've come this far, haven't we?" His calm and firm words ease her mind and she replies with a smile, "Yes, we have, Keiichi-san." There is another one before the gate, who cannot take it so calmly. Morgan is bewildered to find herself here again. Now that she has no one to love, why has she been brought here!? Her confusion becomes only deeper to see Keiichi and Belldandy walking to the gate hand in hand. Morgan and Celestin warn them but Keiichi is very sure what they are doing. "I admit both she and I have some anxiety but yet I don't want to let her hand go. I want to live on with her."
They go through the gate to see a completely different world before them. A beautiful land covered with forests, with high snowy mountains in the distance; a world full of life. Belldandy says "Isn't this enough as the answer? Humans have a power to break the wall they may face, I can tell you." Morgan answers with a sad look, "I knew I couldn't trust myself completely. Even without the Gate, I was afraid that we would be separated someday. But what is important is to love now and to believe in the future." She approaches to Keiichi, "If it was you... No, I've been seeing my past in you." She is about to cross the gate into the new world but stops. She says she will remain here to tell about Keiichi and Belldandy to those couples who may come to the Gate in the future.
In the real world, Skuld is horrified to see Thor cut the last of the three trunks, "This is the end of it!" Keiichi, who has come back to the world, is also worried. But Belldandy gently tells him, "You said you won't give up until the last moment." She kisses him and then flies up to the sky, "I'll be back!"
Urd and Skuld are jubilant to see her sister back safely but neither of them thinks it will make the situation better. Belldandy is, however, confident. "This world isn't that feeble. It is filled with energy to live energy to proceed to the future. All we have to do is just help them. Affection to those we love is the power of goddesses."
The three goddesses change into the formal costume from the battle one and surround Thor. They, along with their angels, start singing a paean of life. The operators of Heaven are surprised to see an unidentified program, in a shape of a winged wand, has been booted to deal with the virus. Peorth is the first one to realise what it is and loses no time to sing along with them, with her angel, Gorgeous Rose. Soon all the operators follow her lead. The heavenly chorus works a wonder and the golden flakes of energy enclose Thor like an egg. Then the golden egg changes its shape into a phoenix, which soars up to Heaven, with its three long tail re-forming the tree trunks of Yggdrasil.
The worst is over. Peorth sits back on her chair with a relieved look but has to put herself up again to remind of their work the operators, who are already talking about their next holiday.
Belldandy and Keiichi are at the edge of the woods where they can see the city in the peaceful morning light. Celestin, now back in the shape of the small stone, is in the air before them. Belldandy tells him, "Many people may be hurt and suffer in the future. But we are the same." She continues to say, "The fact Heaven lets me to stay here with Keiichi-san, I feel, brings us closer to the entrance of the world you wish for." Celestin now understands and appreciates her view. It's time for him to leave. "Maybe I wasn't a good teacher but the world has guided you to become a wonderful goddess." His praise brings tears in Belldandy's eyes. "If you think so, it is because of you, Keiichi-san and many many other people I met!" Celestin slowly soars up and vanishes.
There remains one problem unresolved. Her contract with Keiichi has been canceled because of the system trouble. Now she can make another wish of his come true. Keiichi replies with a smile, "Why do you ask such a thing?" Belldandy jumps on to him in joy. Urd and Skuld are watching the happy couple from the top of a tree nearby. Although neither tries to disturb the couple today, they soon start quarreling. Yes, the world is back in its norm.