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Disc 02


Four billion years ago, claims Armageddon in its glossy computer-animated opening, a powerful civilization scoured the universe, searching hopefully for other intelligent creatures. Finding none, it decided to make its own, and so it dumped the seeds of life wherever they might be likely to take root. Earth was one such fertile garden. Apart from a few annoying problems -- the dinosaurs' extinction after a "cosmic mishap," an unpleasant nuclear war between Atlantis and Mu -- life on Earth evolved fairly well.
Unfortunately for humanity, however, life elsewhere in the universe did even better. One race of sapient reptiles, having never suffered Earth's setbacks, has gotten ahead in the arms race. Goaded on by the mad supercomputer that sowed their race, the reptiles mop up most of humanity (coincidentally sparing Korea, where Armageddon was made) and are poised to finish off the rest of the species.
Humankind's only chance for survival is a 20th century schoolboy with hidden powers, secretly the avatar of Earth's own supercomputer / founder. This so-called "Delta Boy" must be rescued from alien assassins, pulled far into the future (oddly enough, since in his time there's a lot more of humanity around to save), taught to use his energy powers and aimed at Earth's enemies.