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Disc 02
Honky Tonk Women / Gateway Shuffle


Honky Tonk Women:
In-debt gambling bounty hunter Faye Valentine is seized and brought back to her boss in a giant space casino, to whom she owes debts. Meanwhile, none other than Spike Speigel and Jet Black go to that very same casino to do a little gambling. Spike starts playing some blackjack, where Faye is the dealer. As it turns out, Faye has to get every last chip out of Spike, and all of her debts will disappear. So, she cheats all throughout the game. Spike, after losing all but one chip, decides to keep the chip rather than give it to her as a tip (which was how Faye and her boss planned). But while walking through the casino, he bumps into another guy who also has only one chip. Their chips fall to the floor, and wouldn't you know, they get mixed up. Meanwhile, Faye catches up to Spike, demanding that he give her the chip. But rather than do that, he swallows the chip. A few of the casino people get Spike, and start fighting until everyone starts fighting Spike. With this diversion, Faye gets her ship and tries to fly outta there, but she doesn't notice the two people hanging on her windshield, Spike and Jet. Meanwhile, the person Spike bumped into earlier gets shot by the casino boss for the loss of his chip. Later, Spike and Jet manage to hijack Faye's ship and kidnap her and lock her in the bathroom. While she's in there, Jet figures out that Spike's swallowed poker chip is more than a chip, and Spike finds out that Faye is their newest bounty, and is worth 6 million woolongs. So, Faye sends a message to Gordon, the boss at the casino, and says they have the control chip. Jet has already discovered that the poker chip has a computer chip in it, and the computer chip is the key to a large encryption device. Jet agrees to give the chip back for 30 million woolongs. Meanwhile, Faye escapes her bathroom cell and quietly sneaks out back to her ship. Later, Spike goes up to Gordon's ship and make the trade. But Gordon has a plan to take the chip and kill Spike. So, Spike throws the chip over, and when the guy he's trading with pulls out a gun. Due to the ship's architechture, he misses Spike, and Spike ends up catching up to him and kicking him off the ship. But before he gets his reward, Faye flies by on her ship and takes the money. Gordon sees her and starts shooting missiles like mad, but when Faye reverses polarity on the missles, they fly back and blow up Gordon's ship. Spike gets away without a scratch, and our favorite bounty hunting duo is again as broke as they started.

Gateway Shuffle:
Stranded, in the middle of outer space, with no gas, is Faye Valentine, gambling gal from the Bebop's most recent adventure. Meanwhile, Jet and Spike are eating at a restaurant, getting their latest bounty, when a group of terrorists dressed like rats come in and shoot him up. The terrorist are a group of eco-soldiers called the Space Warriors, who are trying to preserve the environment, and their current mission is to save the searats on Ganymede. But, the leader of the Space Warriors, Twinkle Murdoch (or Mom), has a 25 million bounty on her. Spike and Jet grab her and take her aboard the ship. Meanwhile, Faye, still stranded and looking for gas, finds a guy dying in his ship. He gives Faye a special case to take to the police, and tells her not to open it. She, of course, opens it. Inside is a little diamond in an un-openable case. The Space Warriors, looking for Mom, get the police to cancel the bounty and find the people who have Mom. Spike and Jet are flying around when they pick up a signal. It is from none other than Faye, blackjack dealer whom they've just met last week. Jet and Spike get Faye and handcuff her to the ship, and she spent all of her stolen money gambling. Meanwhile, Jet gets word that the bounty for Twinkle has been cancelled, and hears that the Space Warriors have created a virus called "Monkey Business" that kills all humans without harming anything else in the ecosystem, not even monkeys. While Jet figures all of this out, Spike is busy trying to open the little diamond-case that Faye found, so he shoots it and gets the diamond out. So they decide to free Murdoch. When they do, she tells about her plan to unleash "Monkey Business" on Ganymede. The police decide to put the reward back up, but by then the Space Warriors are already in hyperspace shooting the Monkey Business missle at Ganymede. Spike goes out to blow up the missle before it hits, but when he does, the missile splits up into three missiles. Spike destroys two, but then Faye sneaks up to get the last one. Right before she destroys that one, the missile splits up into a few hundred missiles. Since they can't destroy all of them, Ganymede decides to enclose hyperspace with a wormhole, leaving Faye and Spike to race the missles and get out before it closes. They barely make it out, but Mom and the Space Warriors are still inside there. As it would turn out, the diamond-shaped object that Spike opened was the virus, and it opens up while they are all still inside. After a hard day's work and no reward, things get worse when Faye decides that she wants to stick around on the Bebop.