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Disc 04
Heavy Metal Queen / Waltz For Venus


Heavy Metal Queen:
The show starts out with V.T., a big female trucker whose real name is unknown and has a thing for heavy metal, finishing her latest route. Meanwhile, every bounty hunter around is at her favorite bar, looking for a guy named Decker who has a dragon tattoo. Faye also looks for Decker, but not at the seedy bar, but at a big theme restaurant. She spots a guy who matches the description of Decker, a big guy with a dragon tattoo. She holds a gun up to him, until she finds the real Decker, who is actually a short skinny bald guy, and the guy Faye was holding the gun to had an eel tattoo. At the bar, V.T. gets into a fight with some Mexican bandits, until they make Spike drop his egg. Spike beats the hell out of them. And while Faye is going after the real Decker, he uses a powerful explosive to blow her ship up. Meanwhile, V.T. and Spike strike up a conversation, when Spike learns about how much she hates bounty hunters, until she finds out that Spike is a bounty hunter. When Spike leaves the bar, he finds his ship destroyed by the Mexican bandits. V.T. finds Spike without a ride, and reluctantly gives him and Faye a ride. She hears Faye telling Spike about Decker, and word goes out to all truckers, and everyone's looking for Decker. V.T. spots Decker, and follows him into the Linus Mines, an old mining satellite, and Spike and Faye (with their ships fixed) follow. Decker tries to get rid of them with the explosives, until he ends up inadvertantly blowing up all of the mines. V.T. gets out, but Decker dies in the explosion. Then, the whole satellite collapses around them. The only way out is if Faye blows a way out, by using Spike's escape pod and one of Decker's explosives, so Spike has to navigate himself from his pod into V.T.'s ship. So, the satellite explodes, and everyone is free. Spike figures out her real name, and realizes that she's the husband of a legendary bounty hunter. And it's on to their next adventure...

Waltz For Venus:
A space shuttle headed toward Venus is hijacked by a couple of people who just happen to be the latest bounty heads. Spike, who is on board the shuttle, easily beats them all up and collects the bounty as the shuttle lands. While in the airport or shuttleport or whatever you'd call it, a guy named Roco who was on that shuttle begs Spike to teach him some martial arts. Spike gives in and teaches him a few things, but Roco spots some shady looking gangsters. He gives Spike a sack he was holding and tells Spike to meet him the next night. Spike gets back to the Bebop, and Jet finds that Roco is one of their next bounties. So, Spike looks in the sack and finds stolen Grey Ash, an extremely valuable and rare plant on Venus. Spike goes down to Roco's house and finds a girl named Stella. Stella is Roco's sister who is blind. An expensive operation can cure her, and that is why Roco steals. So, Spike meets Roco on the night he said he would, and reveals that he is a bounty hunter. Roco tells Spike that the thing was a trap for Spike and to run, when suddenly a wild gun shootout breaks loose. Roco flips a guy using his Spike-learned techniques, when he gets shot, and the Grey Ash plant is destroyed. Spike goes to break the news to Stella, who is in the hospital, getting her operation.