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Disc 06
Toys In The Attic / Jupiter Jazz (Part 1)


Toys In The Attic:
The Bebop crew are hangin' out gambling, and Faye tricks Jet into getting naked for losing so much (of course she was cheating). Jet goes back to the very depths of the Bebop, and sees their old refrigerator. This sparks many witty remarks. "I didn't know we had a refrigerator!" being one of them. While he's back in the back room or whatever it is, he gets bitten by something, possibly a super-evolved rat. It makes his skin turn purple and he gets sick. So, Spike tries to find out what it was. While he's doing so, a purple blob bites Faye and her skin turns sick and purple. So, Spike and Ed go off to look for the plagued biter of the Beboppers. Ed gets lost. Spike thinks she's dead. So, Spike goes back to the secret old room and finds that the whole fridge has become a giant fungus-o-rama. So he decides to throw it into space. When he does that, the purple blob bites Spike, while the evil fridge is spiraling into space. Ed finds the purple blob and eats it. Then everyone but Ed dies. Or not. Who cares.

Jupiter Jazz (Part 1):
Spike wakes up one day to find that Faye has left. While this should be good news for Spike, he also finds out that she took all of their money. So, Edward runs a search for Faye. She doesn't find Faye, but she does find a mysterious code name of Julia. Spike goes through several flashbacks of his lost love, Julia. And then, Spike goes off to find Julia, while Jet instead goes to look for Faye. Faye, meanwhile, is in a jazz club listening to the sax. The saxophone man introduces himself as Gren, and tells her that she's the only woman in town. Gren asks her to stay, but Faye walks out of the bar. And Spike is busy looking all over town for Julia, and Jet is hopping from bar to bar looking for Faye. At one bar, he finds out that Gren has a bounty on him. Spike, still wandering around looking for Julia, is attacked by a gang of thugs who think he is Vicious. After Spike kicks all their asses, one of them tell Spike all about the drug deal between Vicious and Gren. Later, those same thugs find Faye, and right when she is about to beat them all, Gren, the saxophone man, comes in to save her and take her back to his apartment. Faye stays there for a while, and when Gren goes to the shower, he gets a phone call from none other than the evil Vicious. Faye knows that this Gren guy is up to no good, so he goes to get him. Meanwhile, Spike finds Vicious and tries to settle the score with him once and for all. Faye barges on Gren in the shower, and finds that he has a pair of, how shall I put this, boobies and freaks out. And Spike gets shot by Vicious's bodyguard. What happens? We shall find out next week, for this episode is to be continued.