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Disc 08
My Funny Valentine / Black Dog Serenade


My Funny Valentine:
When the Beboppers are hungry and out of food, Jet goes off to catch a bounty, the smallest of the small fries, a con artist. Meanwhile, Faye wakes up and decides to tell Ein the story of her past. She was cryogenically frozen for about 50 years, and woken up by a doctor. The doctor says that she has to pay 300 million woolongs to be fully revived. Then, she met Whitney Hagas Matsumoto, her lawyer that fell in love with her while she was asleep. He tells that Faye got into a wreck and couldn't be revived at the time, so she was frozen. But Faye doesn't like the hospital she's staying in, so she sneaks out. But, it isn't long before she's found by Whitney. So, Whitney and Faye fall in love and dance and have fun and be merry and do all kinds of stuff. Until one day, when Whitney dies. Faye earns all of his assets, but all he has are debts. After Faye confesses her story to the dog, Spike walks out of the bathroom and has heard the whole story. Not long after, Jet walks in with the bounty he just nabbed and it turns out to be Whitney, who has gotten fat over the years. Faye grabs him and insists that she needs to be alone with Whitney. So, she takes him to her ship and flies off with him. Spike, worried about the bounty, goes to chase Faye in his ship. So, Faye gets Whitney and tries to find out the truth of her past. Suddenly, a police ship flies by and the doctor who revived her is in it. He tells her that it is true that she was cryogenically frozen for 50 years, but all records of her past have been lost. So, Whitney is hauled off to jail, where she tells Faye the truth, that he really did fall in love with her in her sleep. And Faye, Spike and Jet get to split up his 19,800 woolong bounty.

Black Dog Serenade:
At the Bebop, the crew is hungry looking for food and the shower isn't working. Jet gets sick of it so he goes to team up with his old ISSP partner Fad. Fad tells Jet about how he quit smoking and still uses his old gun. But, then he tells Jet about a bunch of prisoners who escaped from jail and are on a ship to get away. One of the prisoners is Udai, the man who caused Jet to lose his arm. So, Jet and Fad find this ship and chase it down. After high-speed action and shootouts, they get to the ship and Jet gets into a fight with Udai. Udai tells Jet about how it was actually Fad that caused him to lose his arm, and was trying to kill him off. Fad then shoots him in the head. Then, Fad aims his gun at Jet. Right as he shoots, Jet grabs a gun and kills him first. Jet sees that Fad's gun only had one bullet in it. For his last request, Jet puts one last cigarette in Fad's mouth. And goes back to the Bebop.