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Disc 09
Mushroom Samba / Speak Like A Child


Mushroom Samba:
As usual, our favorite crew is out of food and fuel, waiting unil they drift onto a nearby planet for some food. Then, they get hit by another ship, which pushes them into a desert on the planet. While the crew fixes up the ship, they send Edward to go find food. Ed takes Ein and goes off, when she finds a watermelon stand that sells watermelons for 1000 woolongs. Ed doesn't have the money, but a bounty huntress looking for a mushroom dealer buys a watermelon and heads off to town, not knowing that Ed snuck in the trunk. Once she gets to town, she is pulled over by the police, who find Ed and Ein in the trunk. So Ed escapes and goes off to find food, when she sees the same mushroom hunter that the bounty huntress was looking for. So Ed pesters him for food. Then, one of the Shaft brothers finds this dealer and he wants to kill him to avenge the death of his brother who died from a mushroom. So, they get into a big chase and the dealer drops a bunch of mushrooms. Ein eats one and acts all weird. So Ed takes the shrooms back to the Bebop and secretly feeds them to the crew. Spike, Jet and Faye all eat one and get all high and drugged out. Spike walks up a never-ending staircase, Faye drowns in the toilet and Jet talks to his plants. Then, Ed watches Big Shot and sees that the mushroom dealer's name is Domino Walker and he has a bounty on his head. So Ed goes off to get the dealer and get the bounty to buy food. She finds Domino's ship out in the desert and chases him off on her scooter. The bounty huntress and the Shaft brother all find Domino on a train, and get into a huge action sequence. Until a cow on the train track ends up with Ed getting catching Domino. He makes a deal that she can either take his bounty, or a bag of mushrooms worth 100,000 each. She takes the mushrooms. Later that day, when the crew are out of their drugged stupor, Ed explains everything. Then a cop comes looking for illegal mushrooms. Spike accidentally walks out holding the bag of shrooms, and it turns out that they are just normal mushrooms. So, the crew gets mushroom feasts until they are sick of it.

Speak Like A Child:
While Faye is at the races, Jet recieves a package sent to her that he has to pay for. When Faye gets back to the ship, Jet makes her pay for the package, so she disappears and goes back to the races again. Spike and Jet wonder of what it could be, so Spike opens it. Inside, there is a beta tape. But Spike and Jet have no idea what the hell it is. So they go down to a video expert to watch the tape. The guy is amazed at a beta tape in such good quality, and tries to watch it. But the tracking and the tape machine don't work, so Spike kicks it, and he wrecks it. So they have to go on a big long chase to find another beta tape player. After finally finding something, they realize it's a VHS player. Thinking they are out of luck, Jet receives another COD package meant for Faye, and it's a beta player. And right as they are about to watch the tape, Faye gets back to the ship. Jet says she has to pay for the COD charges to watch it. So she opts not to watch it. When they play the tape, it is from Faye back when she was a little girl. Faye sneaks in to watch the tape, and learns more about her past as a little girl. So everyone ends up teary-eyed and happy.