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Disc 07
A Night Of Captivation, Temptation And Purification


A Night Of Captivation, Temptation And Purification:
A cruiser speeds across the Desert of Bleached White Bones. Shayla looks grimly ahead at their destination and asks Afura if she's certain that this is the right thing to be doing. Afura replies that they did all agree to it and it's too late to back out now. Nevertheless, Shayla has her doubts. Should they really be bringing so many extra people along to the purification ceremony?
Makoto uneasily asks if it's really okay for them all to be tagging along and Miz reassures him that it's fine. Afura concurs.
Qawool speaks up then and asks Afura to tell her what the purification ceremony is all about. She's never been to one before. Shayla just tells her to relax and it's not a big deal at all. Fatora places her hands on Qawool's shoulders and promises that she'll be there to help her out in every way that she can. Alielle compliments her lover on her slick moves.
Nanami remembers then, that their destination, the Holy Springs of Arliman, is where she first met with Makoto after coming to El-Hazard. Shayla, not wanting to be left out, points out that that's where she and Makoto first hooked up as well. Nanami irritably points out that Shayla treated him like a lecherous pervert and tried to deep-fry him.
The argument escalates and the two quarreling girls stand and stare at each other, each looking ready to throw the first punch. Qawool tries to calm them down and that's when she notices the tiny beetle that's landed on Shayla's back. She panics and the cruiser vanishes in an explosion of water.
Later, at the Springs of Arliman, the dusty, travel-worn group slides into the warm waters, none of them looking particularly pleased. Afura notes that their vacation has not gotten off to an auspicious start, considering that their cruiser has been trashed and they were forced to travel the rest of the way on foot.
Nanami grumpily says that it's all Shayla's fault. Shayla looks more than ready to start the argument all over again, but Afura insists they calm down. The Springs of Arliman are no place for a quarrel. The two angry girls glower at one another and then look away, heeding the Wind Priestess's words.
Nanami asks where Qawool is and Afura replies that Miz is looking after her. Qawool was completely exhausted by her tantrum on the boat. Afura remarks that a hot bath is the best thing for a tired body and soul. Shayla and Nanami are both quick to agree to that.
At Qawool's bedside, Miz asks if the younger girl is feeling better, now. Qawool still feels guilty for what she did to the cruiser and apologizes. Miz tells her not to worry. That sort of thing happens all the time.
Qawool then tells Miz that she'll be fine and that Miz should attend the purification ceremony. Miz is tempted and finally agrees that she could use a good, hot soak, er, purification.
At the hot springs, the moment that Fatora and Alielle have been waiting for has arrived! The two of them dress up like the lumbering, furry attendants who tend to the visitors at the Springs of Arliman and prepare to go get themselves some sweet, sweet lovin'. Not even the other attendants are able to see through their clever disguises and one of them joins the two on their way to tend to the bathing priestesses and Nanami.
In a crudely boarded-off section of the hot springs, Makoto and Mr. Fujisawa soak as well. Mr. Fujisawa is less than thrilled by the "luxurious accommodations", but Makoto is fine with it. After all, they don't have to worry about modesty with the wooden barrier separating them from the women's part of the baths!
Mr. Fujisawa is suddenly reminded of Parnasse. Where is that boy? Makoto tells him to relax. He's probably just playing in the women's section. This does not cause Mr. Fujisawa to relax at all, as it is completely indecent in his opinion! Makoto is confused by his reaction. Parnasse is just a child after all. Mr. Fujisawa is still uncertain and Makoto mischievously suggests that he's just being overprotective of Miz and doesn't want her to be seen by any male. The former teacher sputters in denial.
Parnasse for his part, is in the women's area, but seems to be behaving himself. He notices a trio of the furry attendants approaching, and wonders just what they are.
Miz joins Nanami, Shayla, and Afura in the baths and Nanami teasingly suggests that she'd probably rather be bathing with Mr. Fujisawa. Miz scolds her for such a naughty remark, but doesn't deny it. Wistfully, Nanami longs for the day that she might be able to bathe with Makoto... This, of course, sets Shayla off and Afura once again has to calm her down.
Miz catches sight of the approaching furry attendants and greets the one in the lead, Sasuke, by name. She asks him to wash her back. Afura and Shayla stand as well, eager to get their own backs scrubbed. The two remaining attendants, being Fatora and Alielle in disguise, are more than happy to oblige...
In the men's area, Makoto washes Mr. Fujisawa's back and the elder man finally starts to become a little less tense. This quickly changes, as they hear the girls moaning and begging not to be touched where they're being touched. Mr. Fujisawa asks what's going on and Makoto, very embarrassed, doesn't even want to guess.
One the women's side, Nanami and Shayla are being treated to a very thorough rubdown, with special attention being given to a frontal massage. They complain as best they can between shortened breaths, but Fatora and Alielle insist that this is standard treatment from the attendants at Arliman.
Within the men's area, a thoroughly blushing Makoto and Mr. Fujisawa listen to the action, and wonder whether this is all actually normal. Shayla and Nanami sound like they're complaining... sort of. Then Afura's voice is added to the mix, as she gets her own turn, courtesy of Fatora.
Parnasse, curious as to what is going on, sneaks up behind Fatora and pulls back the hood of her costume. He joyfully shouts her name, happy to see the cute princess. Fatora gulps, realizing that the jig is up. Nanami stares a moment and then grabs her own attendant by the head, pulling it away to reveal Alielle.
Nanami, Afura, and Shayla round on the two, prepared to extract some serious retribution for Alielle's and Fatora's lecherous actions. The two make a run for it and Shayla unleashes her fire at them, hoping to toast them good, both of them. Even if Fatora is royalty, Shayla refuses to let her get away with this.
In the men's bath, Makoto and Mr. Fujisawa here the yelling and see Shayla's flames and assume the worst. Mr. Fuijsawa prepares to break through the wooden wall separating them from the women's baths, but slips on a bar of soap and breaks it down with his face, instead. Makoto winces in sympathy.
Miz glares at her husband, offended that he should feel the desire to peep on the women's bath when he has her to look at whenever he wants! Mr. Fujisawa backpedals, insisting that it's all a big misunderstanding, but Miz refuses to listen, flipping open her towel to remind Mr. Fujisawa of the lovely woman he already has. Naturally, this is the moment that Makoto pokes his head around the corner to ask what's going on and the poor boy gets quite an eyeful... both of Miz and of the assorted other girls who have frozen in the midst of chasing each other in the background.
A single drop of blood drips from the stunned boy's nose.
Shayla and Nanami drop to a crouch and try to cover themselves as best they can, yelling at Makoto not to look at them. Mr. Fujisawa claps his hands over Makoto's eyes, babbling that his impressionable young mind can't handle stimulation like this. Miz clocks them both with a bathing pan and tells Mr. Fujisawa that that goes double for him!
At the partly constructed Bugrom Hive, Jinnai is outraged. He is suddenly no longer in Creteria and he has no idea why. He asks Groucho / Katsuo his opinion and the Bugrom tells him that he's glad he lost weight. This isn't the opinion Jinnai was looking for and he clarifies: He wants to know how that rat Makoto transported them back!
Before Groucho / Katsuo can answer, though, Diva's voice cuts through the air to address Jinnai. She asks the young man what has him so worked up and Jinnai nervously responds that he's just fine.
Diva's okay with that. The real reason that she had come was to ask Jinnai if he was ready to proceed with their plan for the future of the Bugrom race. Jinnai wonders what she's talking about, and she reminds him the plan for repopulating the species...
Jinnai panics, suddenly remembering exactly what plan Diva's talking about, and hastily informs her that he doesn't have time right now. He needs to find out what Makoto is up to now. Diva mildly informs him that she does not intend to wait any longer. Jinnai begins to panic, as the remaining Bugrom surround him and slowly move in. Jinnai babbles that this is no way to start a relationship, as the Bugrom grab him by the arms and carry him toward the waiting Queen.
His terrified scream echoes into the distance...
That night, Nanami rants to Qawool about the actions of Alielle and Fatora that day. Qawool tries to calm her, certain that the two are sorry for what they did. Nanami is frustrated at Qawool's naivete, and insists that they all be on their guard that night. There's no telling what deviant plans those two have in mind. Nanami leaves to spy on them, cautioning Qawool to stay in her room, where it's safe.
Elsewhere, Fatora and Alielle do have a deviant plan in mind and are dressed for the occasion in skimpy leather bondage gear. Fatora informs Alielle that these costumes were designed specifically with the purification ceremony in mind. There's still one, final touch to be added, though, and Fatora pulls a black cloak around the two of them.
Shayla sits up in bed. She's decided that something must be done give Fatora and Alielle some payback for their crimes. Afura sits up then and asks what she's ranting about. Shayla, embarrassed, replies that it's none of her business. Still, Afura continues staring at her. Only she's not staring at Shayla, but at the strange figure standing outside their window! It appears to be wearing a black cloak with a pointed hood. Shayla leaps to the window to confront it, but it vanishes into the darkness.
In the men's bedroom, Makoto observes a peacefully sleeping Parnasse. Mr. Fujisawa, though, is missing and Makoto wonders where he has disappeared to.
The man in question is wandering the darkened halls, grumbling about the lack of lights. He comes across another wandering figure, who turns out to be Qawool. Mr. Fujisawa scolds the girl for startling him and Qawool replies that he startled her as well. She thought that he had retired for the evening and asks what he's doing up and around. Sheepishly, Mr. Fujisawa admits that he was on the hunt for alcohol. When Qawool asks him about it, he shushes her, obviously wanting his deeds kept quiet.
To change the subject, he asks Qawool what she's up to. The Water Priestess responds that she's decided to do her own purification ceremony now and is on the way to the springs. Mr. Fujisawa admires her dedication in staying up to fulfill her duty and tells her to be careful. After the two separate, Mr. Fujisawa wonders: Isn't the "purification ceremony" just a fancy way of referring to a soak in the hot springs? Oh, well, the booze is what's important to him now.
Nanami returns to her and Qawool's room and is disappointed to see that the young Water Priestess has not heeded her advice to stay in the room. Then, her eye catches sight of black and she whirls. She screams, as she sees an ominous, towering figure in a cloaked hood standing in the window. Within, Alielle whispers that the one they're looking for is not in the room. Fatora agrees and the two drop to the ground far below. Nanami stares after the horrifying figure, so terrified that she's barely able to move.
At the hot springs, Qawool lowers herself into the water. She sighs an apology to the empty air for not heeding Nanami's advice, but feels that it is her duty to perform the ceremony alone and without distraction. While not certain just what the ceremony entails, she's certain that it involves calm meditation within the warm spring waters.
Her desire to be alone is not to be, however. Alielle and Fatora peer around the pillar in their disguise. Fatora notes that Heaven could not have granted her a better opportunity...
Nanami, running through the halls, bumps into Makoto, who is looking for Mr. Fujisawa. She tells him that Qawool is missing and that she's worried.
At the springs, Fatora addresses Qawool by name in a booming voice. Qawool looks up, but Fatora instructs her that her eyes must remain closed for the ceremony. Qawool quickly complies. Fatora explains that she is the Great Priestess in charge of the purification ceremony and that she is here to instruct Qawool.
Qawool replies that she had been under the impression that there was no more to the ceremony than meditating in the hot springs... Thinking quickly, Fatora responds that only veteran priestesses are allowed to do it that way. The ceremony for novice priestesses, like Qawool, is a little more... involved...
Qawool apologizes for her ignorance and asks the "Great Priestess" if she is well as her voice sounds a little shaky. Feeling her control of the situation slipping, Fatora commands Qawool to be silent. She tells Qawool that she will now cleanse the young priestess of her sins and Qawool humbly agrees.
Shayla and Afura are prowling the grounds in search of the cloaked figure. Shayla is clutching a good-sized stick and clearly intends to use it on the prowler once she finds him. Afura asks again what Shayla was talking about earlier, something about payback? Shayla exasperatedly asks her to drop the subject already.
Mr. Fujisawa has finally found some booze. Of course, it's offering wine and probably taboo, but he just can't sleep without a little alcohol in his bloodstream. He starts to take a swig, but coughs and chokes when Nanami suddenly addresses him by name. She and Makoto ask if he's seen Qawool and Mr. Fujisawa tells them that she's gone to do her purification ceremony. Makoto and Nanami are alarmed. Qawool is alone, with that cloaked freak wandering around!
The cloaked freak in question looks on with lecherous eyes, as a naked Qawool slowly approaches them, eyes still firmly closed. Alielle whispers that her legs are about to give out from exhaustion and Fatora urges her to be quiet for their efforts are just about to pay off! Alielle just can't do it, though, and she and Fatora fall to the ground with a thump.
Qawool hears and cautiously opens her eyes. There on the ground before her, are Alielle and Fatora! Qawool stares at them in puzzlement, wondering what is going on. Fatora decides that the time for costumes is well past and she and Alielle leap at the Water Priestess, determined to make the night a memorable one...
Mr. Fujisawa tears toward the springs, carrying Makoto. As they get near, they hear Qawool scream and arrive on the scene just in time to see Fatora and Alielle pinning the girl to the ground. There's only one way to stop them... Mr. Fujisawa takes Makoto in hand and flings him at the two black-clad girls!
Fatora urges Qawool to relax and leave everything in Fatora's well-practiced hands... Then she looks up to see Makoto zipping through the air towards them! Fatora and Alielle barely have time to scream before they're knocked into the stratosphere.
Qawool, who had closed her eyes, looking resigned to her fate, opens them to find Makoto gazing down at her with concern. She embraces Makoto, thanking him once again for coming to her rescue. Makoto, returning the embrace, is just glad she's all right.
Nanami and Shayla, on the other hand, are not particularly pleased to find Makoto with his arms wrapped around a very naked Qawool. Nanami rants about Makoto's "betrayal", while Shayla just stares. Afura, for her part, tells them that, on the bright side, the two of them won't have to fight over Makoto anymore. This is more than Shayla can take and she runs off, sobbing. Nanami stalks toward Makoto.
Miz sees the bottle in Mr. Fujisawa and begins to rant at him for letting his alcoholism take him so far. Imagine, stealing the offering wine! The fact that he hasn't drunk much of it yet does not relax her.
Nanami grabs Makoto by the shirt and demands to know what he was doing with Qawool. Makoto sputters that he wasn't doing anything with her, it's all "A Big Misunderstanding." Qawool tries to get Nanami's attention and Nanami asks her just how long she plans to stay naked and clinging to Makoto, anyway.
All gathered continue to whine, and rant, and bicker, and scold, and argue, until Makoto finally lifts his voice to the heavens, asking just how all this happened, anyway?
The seasons pass and Miz gives birth to a beautiful baby. Makoto's romantic life continues to be a hectic one, with Makoto remaining eternally confused. Even so, he keeps a bright outlook, confident in a bright and promising future...