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Disc 01
Bride Of Roshtaria / Awakening Of Kalia


Bride Of Roshtaria:
The war with the Bugrom is over and the troubles with the Phantom Tribe appear to be settled for the time being. It is once again a time of peace in the nation of Roshtaria. While there was much destruction, rebuilding has been underway and life is returning to normal.
Nanami Jinnai has used her entrepreneurial skills to open up her own restaurant in Floristica called the Shinonome Diner. Makoto has taken to using his time to study the ancient artifacts of El-Hazard in hopes of being reunited with Ifurita, the Demon Goddess who saved El-Hazard with her sacrifice.
Those activities, however, have all been put aside as everyone currently is focusing on and preparing for the social event of the year: The wedding between the Great Priestess of Water, Miz Mishtal and the war hero, Masamichi Fujisawa.
The wedding is only hours away and everyone is busy preparing. Nanami is especially busy because her restaurant is catering the affair, leaving the owner to handle a million little details. She is not, however, too busy to stop and talk with her friend Makoto and to offer him fashion help.
As the pair of friends converse, they do not realize that royal eyes are upon them. From the distance, Fatora and Alielle watch. Fatora interrogates Alielle and asks her lover the exact nature of Nanami and Makoto's relationship. Alielle confirms that Nanami has a crush on the boy as does Shayla Shayla.
Fatora curses her luck. It should only happen that those two, the very girls that she herself has had her lustful eyes on, would be in love with a man. The audacity of that male devil! What irks her even more is that he did it with her own face. She pauses on that thought and grins. Her own face... Fatora has definitely hatched a scheme most devious...
Elsewhere, Miz is being fitted for her gown as her two bridesmaids and fellow priestesses, Afura and Shayla, listen to the deliriously happy priestess recant the tale of how her betrothed asked for her hand in marriage...
It was a moonlight night and Miz is giving her best effort to make the occasion seem romantic. She accomplishes this by plowing Fujisawa with more liquor than a frat house kegger. As she prods the well-inebriated Fujisawa with questions of their future, he drunkenly agrees to anything she has in mind, which of course is marriage.
Afura is not very surprised and had an inkling that alcohol was a strong force driving this marriage along. Miz does not deny its role, but then again, all is fair in love and war, which is a message that strikes a chord with Shayla.
As Makoto looks out over the city, Alielle approaches him. She tells him that Princess Fatora has information about the Eye of God for him, but they must meet in the dungeon for privacy's sake. Makoto excitedly rushes off.
Nanami comes to the balcony, having been summoned by Makoto. Nanami is curious as to what her friend wants as she has little time for pleasantries because of her catering duties. Makoto turns around to greet her and, in a voice a few octaves too high, "Makoto" proclaims "his" love for Nanami. Nanami is at first stunned by this sudden outburst and is even more stunned by "Makoto's" attempts to fondle her breasts and other clumsy seduction attempts.
Outraged, Nanami sees through Fatora's ruse and tells the horny princess that the real Makoto is a gentleman. She then tells the princess that if tries such tactics on her again, then Nanami might just have to alert Rune Venus as to her sister's doings in the palace. She then leaves to go back to her work.
Fatora and Alielle pause to reflect on their failed attempt. Fatora decides to use this failure as a learning experience. She proclaims that she will learn to be a better Makoto than the real Makoto and she will then have his women to herself.
Evening settles in and the wedding is ready to begin. Inside the magnificent palace hall, several hundred guests await the beginning of the blessed event. However, Nanami is concerned about Makoto, who is conspicuously absent.
Suddenly a hush falls over the crowd and the doors open. In walks Miz, resplendent in her wedding gown. Outside, she is a model of poise and dignity, but inside her emotions are bubbling faster than a hyperactive teapot.
Elsewhere, in the palace dungeon, Ura finds Makoto, bound, gagged, and in his underwear. Ura begins to set Makoto free, adding her own two cents on Fatora's actions.
Free from his bondage, Makoto rushes to make it to the wedding while trying to redress himself in the process. As he darts to the palace hall, he runs into someone. Makoto apologizes profusely and then is taken aback when he sees who it is: Fujisawa-sensei.
Makoto questions his sensei as to why he is there instead of at the wedding. Fujisawa tells Makoto that he is going on a trip. Makoto again asks about the wedding and how will Miz take this. Fujisawa considers this and tells Makoto that he must find himself and make himself a man worthy enough for Miz to marry.
Makoto asks Fujisawa to reconsider, but the teacher uses his strength to make his escape, leaving Makoto alone in the dark to deal with the wedding.
Meanwhile, at said wedding, everyone is anticipating Fujisawa's grand entrance. The doors burst open and Miz happily awaits... Makoto? After a moment of stunned silence, Makoto makes his way to the altar and tries to pass off Fujisawa's "explanation" on Miz.
Everyone tries to calm down the priestess by reassuring her that it wasn't a broken engagement, but merely a delay so Fujisawa can improve himself. The other priestesses know better, though. As Miz's laughter fills the hall, Shayla and Afura prepare for the worst.
And the worst is what everyone gets as Miz explodes into a fury that even Hell itself would envy. Using her lamp, she summons the water god to flood the city and wipe away all cheating male bastards. As everyone flees for their lives, almost no one is spared from being drenched and washed away.
In the aftermath, Miz is left with her shattered dreams and wet wedding dress. She resolves to find her rogue bridegroom and get an answer from him face to face. Shanghaied into this mission are Shayla and Afura. Makoto and Nanami volunteer to come along as they feel responsible for their teacher. Seeing that both Shayla and Nanami are going, Fatora offers her and Alielle's assistance as well. With a less than enthusiastic battle cry, the Fujisawa search party is formed.
The next day, the priestesses' skimmer zips through the blazing desert. Its target: Lilicoco Mountain. Shayla asks how the other two priestesses know that is where Fujisawa is headed. Afura and Miz use the opportunity to show off their superior deductive skills by explaining that there are only two mountains used for spiritual enlightenment. Mountain Muldoon and Lilicoco Mountain. Since the Priestesses live on Mountain Muldoon, that leaves them with only one choice.
After traveling for the day, the party comes upon a desert town. Nanami informs the others that she has secured lodging for their group. However, in order to get the special discount, they only have one room for the seven women. Makoto however only counts six ladies and with that Nanami pulls out the wig Makoto wore when he posed as Princess Fatora. Nanami cajoles her friend to become the fairer sex for one night in order to save them some funds.
Fatora, who at first was opposed to sleeping in such small arrangements, suddenly seems up for the idea of an all girl sleepover. It would seem that she is plotting once again and she tells Makoto that they can simply tell people they are twins.
As night rolls on, Miz finds herself restlessly dreaming of her wandering Romeo. Alielle crawls along the floor and out to the balcony. She peeks around the corner to see Shayla and "Makoto" talking. Shayla asks Makoto why he had asked to see her this late and Makoto confesses his love for Shayla.
Shayla is stunned and unsure how to act. Her confused emotions and romantic inexperience play havoc with her and Makoto takes the opportunity to claim his prize by planting his lips on Shayla's.
As the pair engage in a rather intimate kiss, Makoto, or rather the real Makoto, plants his hand on Alielle's shoulders and ask what she is doing up so late. Alielle realizing that if Shayla sees the real Makoto, there may be trouble and tries to lure him back inside.
However, as Shayla opens her eyes, she realizes her mistake. Fatora gloats in triumph as Shayla begins to shake. Fatora had stolen Shayla's precious first kiss and for that, the bitch must die! Shayla begins to glow with fire and Fatora, realizing the error of underestimating Shayla's wrath, tries to pass the buck onto Makoto before fleeing.
A moment later, all hell breaks loose and Shayla summons upon the great fire god to destroy her defiler, which in the process burns down the hotel and damn near the entire town. Shayla doesn't seem to care much, though, as long as she gets her revenge.
Elsewhere, in the vast wasteland, five Bugrom carry Queen Diva through the desert as Jinnai rides upon his loyal Bugrom Katsuo (Groucho.) The group is searching for a suitable place to begin rebuilding their once mighty Bugrom Empire. The search is not going well.
However, Jinnai is not deterred and is determined to lead his chosen people to the land of milk and honey. He rides ahead and spots something curious in the horizon.
Upon closer inspection, the group discovers what is some sort of tomb. Near the entrance Jinnai discovers several skeletal corpses encased in an amber-like substance trying to grab a strange, long wand-like object. Not deterred by the obviously disturbing nature of this, Jinnai manages to secure the object for himself and then ventures forward into the tomb.
Further inside, Jinnai and his group encounters various glyphs of warning, dead ends, and defense systems meant to keep people out. Jinnai is positive that there must be something very valuable and, hopefully, powerful inside.
Finally passing through all the traps with only minor injuries, Jinnai comes upon the center of the tomb. Encased in a long amber-like tube, a young, teenaged, white haired girl sits in silence. Jinnai is sure that this is what he seeks and gleefully laughs in joyous celebration for he has found his new weapon.

Awakening Of Kalia:
Jinnai is very happy to have found apparently another demon god. Could his vengeance now only be a matter of time? He is pretty sure that, yes, it is. That is, if he can figure out how to get his new toy out of the packaging. A task that is appearing to be easier said than done as this mysterious girl appears to be encased in solid amber.
After a few failed attempts, Jinnai realizes that the object he acquired earlier is actually the key to this new god and proceeds to activate his new toy.
Awake and free, the white haired girl looks at her surroundings. Jinnai uses the moment to proclaim his ownership over her and demands her to bow before him. She, in turn, decides to walk off. This one seems to be less cooperative than the average demon god.
Vexed, Jinnai demands that the girl obey him. When asked why, Jinnai makes the obvious statement that he possesses her key. The girl in return says that he can keep it and that should make them even. Most peculiar indeed. The girl introduces herself as Kalia and when asked about her powers, she answers that she has none. This vexes Jinnai even more and he shoos her away thinking she is worthless to his cause.
However, overhearing Jinnai and Diva's conversations about powerful weapons, Kalia reveals that she knows where a truly nasty weapon is. Jinnai is overjoyed to hear this and demands that Kalia show him where it is. He and Kalia then depart, leaving Diva with the task of starting work on a new hive and base of operations.
Elsewhere, back in the desert, the Fujisawa search party continues forward. With no more towns to rest at, the group must rough it the rest of the trip. This piece of news brings on a fit of whining from Fatora, who is chided by the rest of the group for causing the destruction of the hotel. Fatora passes the blame onto Shayla who actually did said torching. This brings on another round of arguing from several people and in the end, Fatora pushes enough of Shayla's buttons to cause her to accidentally blast a hole in the ship's engine.
Now careening out of control, Alielle desperately tries to steer the ship while everyone hangs on for dear life. Doom looks all but certain as Makoto spies a mountain ahead in which the skimmer is headed straight for.
Instead of smashing into the mountain, however, the ship simply passes through it and crash lands on the ground. Shaken and battered, the group looks around and is stunned. They now find themselves in a forest paradise inexplicably located in the middle of desert.
From a distance, a voice tells the party to halt any progress. As the source of the voice comes forward into the clearing, everyone is even more shocked to see that it is Ifurita! The others ask what she is doing there, but she appears to have changed. She acts cold and indifferent to her friends and even tries to blast Makoto when he approaches too closely. Luckily he is saved by the quick thinking Ura.
Has her memory been erased? Why is Ifurita acting as such and why is she here? These questions are put on hold as it appears that the priestesses and demon god must once again do battle. As the battle goes on, Makoto knows he can make Ifurita remember them if he can access her mind. Thus he has Shayla launch him toward her in hopes of touching her inner heart.
However, the memories that come forward are unusual. A mysterious man appears in them and Makoto is unsure how to continue. From the forest comes another person, an older man who calls back Ifurita, who stops her attack. The man demands to know why the party has come to this place.
Nanami explains they are searching for Fujisawa and goes on to paint a perfect picture of her sensei. The man understands and introduces himself as Yuba Yurius. He explains that the man they seek has not been there. He then takes them on a tour of the grounds.
Everyone is amazed at the wondrous plants and animals, some thought to be long extinct. Yuba explains that the nature created in this wasteland is because of a device found at the temple in the center. He believes that the ecosystem of the area is much like El-Hazard was before the great wars.
Once inside the temple, he shows the group a large ancient device. He says that once it had been activated, it had created the illusionary mountain and restored the environment to its current state. He also found Ifurita there and had resurrected her. During the conversation, Makoto realizes that Yuba too is a traveler from another dimension and that he most likely has an ability very similar to his.
Ifurita is unsure why she was placed in the temple, but she feels that the device is the reason. However, all she can remember is four words: The Trigger for Destruction.
Outside the illusionary mountain, Jinnai and Kalia approach. Kalia is surprised to see a mountain there, as she knows that the weapon she seeks is there. Jinnai is curious to hear more, but then Kalia spots someone in the gulch below. It is none other that Mr. Fujisawa, who has gotten himself hopelessly lost trying to find his way to Lilicoco Mountain.
Hot and frustrated, Fujisawa decides that if he can't find Lilicoco, he'll just start climbing the first mountain he finds. Finding one in front of him, he pulls out his pickaxe and proceeds to make his ascent. However, his axe manages instead to go through the mountain.
Inside the temple, Ifurita sense someone and flies off to investigate. The others follow suit. They come to the illusionary wall where Fujisawa is scratching his head in confusion. Miz is ecstatic to see her lost fiancé and proceeds to run to him.
Fujisawa is a little more than shocked to see the woman he was trying to escape come flying through the mountain he was trying to climb. After confirming that she is real, Miz takes him by the hand and escorts him through the illusionary wall.
Up above, Jinnai is stupefied to see Fujisawa disappear. Kalia isn't surprised however and confirms her previous thought that the mountain was hiding the weapon. Jinnai realizes that he must get into the mountain, but he knows he needs to be sneaky if his sensei is there. Jinnai begins to hatch his plan...
Meanhwile Fujisawa has to face the music. As everyone chides his rude behavior, surprisingly, it is Miz who comes to his defense. Fujisawa begs for forgiveness and Miz pleads for the others to accept.
Suddenly, they hear the familiar voice of Jinnai calling out for Fujisawa. Through the illusion they see Jinnai carrying a young girl. He calls out claiming to have reformed and was following his teacher for guidance to be good once again.
Touched by the announcement, Fujisawa begs the others to allow Jinnai in so he can help his student on his reformation. Miz seconds the gesture and despite Nanami's misgivings, everyone eventually agrees.
Inside the preserve, Jinnai gives a second rate performance telling his tale of how an innocent orphan he found changed his evil heart and now he wishes to be good. However, his cover is almost blown when he realizes Ifurita and Makoto are there. Swallowing his very large pride, he manages to grin and bear the humiliating act of acting like he wants to be best friends with Makoto again.
As evening settles, the mood is jubilant as the group holds a dinner in honor of Jinnai's changed lifestyle. Elsewhere, Ifurita confides to Yuba that she senses something strange about the girl that Jinnai brought in.
Fatora, deciding to go for a seduction hat trick, tries her luck with the white haired girl in the tight outfit. Kalia doesn't take the seduction well and decides she much rather find a better use for Fatora's arm. Fatora screams in pain and Makoto tries to calm the angry Kalia. As he places his hand on her shoulder he is assaulted with memories of fire and destruction. Makoto jerks back in surprise. A nervous aura fills the room.