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Disc 13
Zone Of Absolute Fortune / Eternal Love


Zone Of Absolute Fortune:
Hitomi and Van land on Gaea, amidst the debris of a Zaibach attack. Van sends Hitomi off in an airship, to the Astorian capital.
Hitomi and Allen meet and look out at the rain. Not a happy day, but Van has sent Hitomi to the capital for her safety.
Millerna meets Dryden, and they formally end their engagement / aborted marriage. Dryden hands back the ring, and says that she looks really pretty. He goes, saying that he still loves her.
Hitomi visits Folken, who is building his own small Absolute Fortune Control machine. Hitomi has a sudden vision of Folken's death. She asks him to explain what he is doing.
Millerna and Allen meet. She shows him the ring that Dryden returned to her.
Dilandau and Jajuka meet. "It's been a long time," Dilandau says, referring to the forthcoming battle.
The forces engage. Merle is frightened. Hitomi asks what's the matter, and attempts to comfort her. She tells Merle that Van will be OK.
The Zaibach alliance air fleet drops the local equivalent of a tactical nuclear bomb, with devastating effect, vapourising much of the Zaibach fleet and causing some damage to the Alliance forces as well. This provokes dissention in the ranks and a rupture of the Alliance. In the capital, Hitomi sees a glow in the sky and hears a distant rumble.
Hitomi is alarmed that Van is about to be killed; she has seen some vision of his death. She asks Folken to help. He takes off his coat and his wings appear. Folken's plan is to jump to Domkirk's headquarters using the small Fortune Control machine, and kill Domkirk. Hitomi is rather dismayed as she knows this means Folken's death. Folken says that he doesn't clutch tightly to his life, and they both warp to Domkirk's HQ as the machine activates. Folken flies up and kills a defiant Domkirk, but Folken is wounded by a fragment of his own sword, falls to the floor far below and dies, leaving Hitomi stranded.
Van senses his brother's death and, seeing flashbacks of his brother when alive, cries out.

Eternal Love:
A light shines upwards from Domkirk's palace. The battle continues. The Crusade collides with a huge Zaibach airship, and crashes.
Domkirk's ghost appears to Hitomi. His Absolute Fortune Control Machine has been activated. "Humans want peace and happiness. If I get rid of people's misfortune, humans will not envy each other any more, thus perfect peace and happiness can be obtained." Unfortunately, the warlords of the Alliance see the advantages in Zaibach's defeat and start to fight each other, making Domkirk's plan useless. Hitomi begs him to stop.
On the battlefield, Van sees Dilandau's red Alseides and promply disables it. Once again, Jajuka intervenes. In a flashback, Jajuka offers food to the imprisoned Serena.
This time, Van kills Jajuka, and Dilandau turns into Serena. Hitomi calls on Van to stop. Allen jumps in to stop Van, but the latter is in a killing mood. The two prepare to fight. Serena watches, and calls to her brother.
In a disembodied sequence, Hitomi tries to talk to Van's soul, to talk Van out of fighting, but to little avail. The spirit of Folken appears to her, and Hitomi realises that it is Van she loves the most.
Van strikes the Scherezade across the vizor, and it falls, but Van makes no more aggressive moves as Allen gets out and embraces his sister. "Allen's sister" Van says to himself, as Serena says "Brother", etc. Allen then tells Van that Hitomi is waiting.
Van flies off, but over Zaibach territory Escaflowne malfunctions, and Van abandons the war-machine to continue on his own wings. He rescues Hitomi.
Schoolgirls chatter on a train platform, in Japan. One asks Hitomi to tell a fortune, but Hitomi says she's finished with fortune-telling.
Meanwhile on Gaea, reconstruction is in progress.
In a flashback, Van and Hitomi stand by Folken's tomb and mourn Folken. She asks Van what he will do.
Van thanks Escaflowne, and then de-commissions the guymelef by removing the energiste from its breast, and remarks that he is putting the machine to sleep.
He says that he wants to see her world. She says that she wants to see Van, that she loves Gaea and Fanelia. But... they embrace, and various figures appear in the background. He holds up the energiste and sends her home.