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Disc 01
Golden Boy / Temptation Of The Maiden / Danger! The Virgin's First Love


Golden Boy:
Twenty-five year old Kintaro has dreamed of being a computer programmer for years when a mysterious twist of fate puts him in the path of the CEO of T.N.Software, an up and coming computer company staffed entirely by women.
Just when it appears his dreams will come true, the employees of T.N.Software discover that Kintaro's idea of "C" programming is a little unusual and he is summarily demoted to the rank of office boy.
Does this mean the end of all Kintaro's dreams? Will he be forever denied his rightful place in the world of computers? Or will his Basic programming skills make him the Golden Boy of the computer business world?

Temptation Of The Maiden:
Kintaro's back! After leaving the lovely ladies at T.N.Software, Kintaro takes a job working for the political campaign of a wealthy businessman.
Then it happens. He meets the Young Lady of his dreams, who just happens to be his boss' daughter.
When the Young Lady in question asks Kintaro to help her with her "homework," things begin to heat up.
But is it really his body she's after? Or is she only interested in Kintaro's mind?

Danger! The Virgin's First Love!:
Kintaro's been an office boy by day, a computer programmer by night, an aide for a political campaign and a tutor for the mayor's daughter.
Now he takes on his greatest challenge ever: making noodles!
When Kintaro uncovers a vicious plot to steal a family-run noodle shop by seducing the family's only daughter, he makes it his duty to rescue the fair maiden from a fate worse than death.
The Eternal Student returns in Golden Boy 3 : Danger! The Virgin's First Love!