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Disc 01
Black Gundam / The Journey Begins / Inside The Capsule


Black Gundam:
The series starts out with Char in the Rick Diaz heading to a colony where some prototype mobile suits where being tested. He enters the colony via airducts and disembarks the Rick Diaz to make his way inside the colony. Meanwhile on another place inside the colony Camille is playing truant and leaves school. Fa goes along with him. Here is when Camille demontrates his hatred toward his femenine name as he tells Fa not to yell his name loud. Camille starts making his way to the docking station via cable cars and public transportation. His interest was in meeting Bright Noa, the famous comander of the White Base during the one year war. Camille had gotten an autograph and was interested in meeting Noa again. Thought to his dissapointment Noa was not present only some titans. As Fa calls out Camille's name one of the titans officer makes fun of his name. Camille gets offended and starts a fight with the titans officer. Shortly after he is appreheded and taken into custidy.
Back in the outskirts of the colony Char is flying around in his jetpack taking pictures of the military base. All of a sudden a black Gundam appears behind him and starts firing the vulcan cannons at Char. Char begins to head back to the door from where he came in surprised that the pilot would use such a high output weapon inside the colony. Thought the gundam starts loosing thrust and plunges down to the civilian area. Char begins to head back to the Rick Diaz, along the way he encounters some soldiers but easily avoids them despite he gets shot on his arm. When he gets back to the Rick Diaz he signals his flagship and confirms that indeed there is a Titans base on that colony and they do have new Mobile Suits.
Camille is handcuffed being interrogated by an officer. The officer asks if Camille is from the AEUG (Anti-Earth Union Group) since he picked a fight with the Titans officer. The officer looks at Camille's file and is impressed to see that Camille has won the jr. Mobile Suit contest twice. The officer keeps interrogating Camille but he does not reply so the officer leaves. Camille stears down at the floor and is able to see space. He thinks he is tired but cannot realize that it is his Newtype powers awakening. Another Titans agent comes and tells Camille that he is free to go since his mother is there to pick him up. The other officer taunts Camille and throws a book at him. Camille retaliates by kicking him in the face which gets him arrested again. The officer begins pounding Camille when all of the sudden there is an earthquake and the building cracks. The black Gundam had fallen on the building. Camille takes advantage of the chaos and escapes. His mother sees him and calls but he ignores her. He hijacks a parked jeep and escapes the base. When Camille reaches the forest he jumps out of the jeep, after tumbling he stares down at himself and wonders why did he did that in the first place.

The Journey Begins:
The Ahgama's Mega Particle Cannon blows a hole in the side of Green Noah 1, allowing Quattro's confederates to pilot a pair of Rick Dias (RMS-099) Mobile Suits into the colony in an attempt to capture a Gundam Mark-II. A squad of general-purpose GM-II (RGM-79R) Mobile Suits intercepts them. Jared has shut down his Mark-II 01 and witnesses a battle between the Rick Diaz and GM-IIs as he dismounts.
Meanwhile, Camille has made his way to the R&D station, where he boards Mark-II 03. He is spotted by Emma Sheen, 03's Titan pilot, who tries to stop him.
Bright Noah also sees Camille and recognizes him as the son of the "Black Gundam" project chief engineer Franklin Vidan. He is reminded of the original Gundam (RX-78) pilot Amuro Rei, who often worked in and around his father's Mobile Suit projects, and does nothing to stop the boy.
Camille surprises everyone by attacking and disabling the remaining Mark-II 02. (His father is the chief engineer in charge of the modification, which his mother designed, and he knows more than he should about the new Mobile Suits.) Quattro, back in his own "Red Comet" Rick Diaz, offers to cease fire in return for safe passage with the damaged Mark-II 02 -- the AEUG forces are outclassed and further hostilities will only destroy more of the civilian community. Bright Noah agrees and Camille, fed up with Titan rule, follows the AEUG Mobile Suits in the Mark-II 03.
Camille is disturbed when he sees that Fa's house has been leveled by the conflict, but is relieved when he catches sight of her fleeing from the wreckage.
Back at the R&D station, Bright Noah is brutally beaten for his failure to protect the Mark-II prototypes by Titan commander Basque Ohm's staff while Emma Sheen looks on, disturbed by the violence of her fellow Titans.
As Camille follows the AEUG Mobile Suits toward the Ahgama, he begins to feel his Newtype power awaken within him.

Inside The Capsule:
No Information Yet.