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Disc 11
Half-Moon Love / Mystery Mobile Suits / Axis Messenger


Half-Moon Love:
The Ahgama returns to Von Braun City for repairs and supplies. Shinta and Qum sneak off while Fa talks to Appori and tell Torres they're going outside.
Sara leads Hambrabi (RX-139) squad to the edge of Von Braun and infiltrates the city alone carrying a time bomb.
Fa goes to Camille's cabin, frantic because she can't find the children. Camille goes with her to look for them as Sara searches for Gate 5, her target. She feels a flash of Newtype power and recognizes Camille, taking cover in a dress shop.
Later, as Sara recalls their last encounter, Camille feels the same Newtype tremor, which reminds him of Four Murasame. He and Fa split up to widen the search as Sara knocks out a guard and plants the bomb.
Camille has visions of Four that lead him right to the fleeing Sara, whom he quickly captures. Sara feeds him a line about wanting to defect. Camille agrees to discuss it over ice cream. Fa confronts Camille at the ice cream stand, demanding they return to the Ahgama immediately. Camille tells her he can't go back just yet and to relay this to Bright, then returns to Sara. They enjoy the ice cream and a walk in the park until Sara breaks down and tells him about the bomb.
Camille calls Fa on a nearby PA system and, while Fa goes to warn Bright and the Ahgama, he and Sara go to disarm the bomb.
The Ahgama is moments from launching when Camille gets to the bomb, then loses it down the ventilation shaft. Sara tries to run, but Camille decks her and carries her into the now-deserted park -- everyone else has evacuated. Appori picks them up in the Rick Dias and joins the Ahgama, as the bomb destroys the spaceport and Sara's Hambrabi squad attacks. Fa is still worrying about the children as she launches in the Methuss, along with Appori in the Rick Dias and Camille in Z-Gundam.
Sara's restraints fail when the Ahgama takes a hit and she escapes with just her space suit and jetpack. Fa sees her escaping and blames her for the children's disappearance.
As Sara is picked up by one of her Hambrabis, she psychically taunts Camille -- the ice cream was delicious. Camille curses his stupidity and tries vainly to shoot them down.
Back on the Ahgama, Fa finds the children playing in the shower, but is too relieved to be angry.

Mystery Mobile Suits:
As repairs proceed aboard the Ahgama, Won Lee orders an AEUGO offensive against the Titans. Bright worries that such an action might provoke the hitherto-neutral Axis to takes sides against them.
Camille frets because Fa spends all her time with the children. Won Lee finds him moping in the corridor and puts him to work prepping Z-Gundam for battle. In the mess hall, Reccoa can't eat and rebuffs both Quattro and Camille.
Aboard the Dogoth Gear, Scirocco warns Sara to watch herself around Yazan, who seems to be everywhere these days.
After consulting with Quattro, Bright agrees to attack the Dogoth Gear. Quattro plans a sniper attack using the Type-100 and Mega Bazooka, but Reccoa will have to set up the shot for him and provide additional power from her Gelgoog's batteries.
Scirocco gives Yazan a Hambrabi as they join forces, but Sara worries about this uneasy alliance.
Camille leads a head-on assault against the Dogoth Gear while Quattro and Reccoa snipe from the rear. Yazan launches just before Quattro's first shot destroys the launch ramp.
Reccoa senses Scirocco's presence and flies off toward the Dogoth Gear to join him. Yazan closes with Camille, his Hambrabi mauling Z-Gundam. Reccoa intervenes, almost taking a shot meant for Yazan, and Scirocco recognizes her Gelgoog from the Jupiteris encounter. Camille and Reccoa are forced back by Yazan, who destroys Reccoa's Gelgoog.
Camille picks Reccoa up as she ejects, but Z-Gundam is defenseless. As Yazan closes in for the kill, a hundred Gaza-Cs (AMX-003) appear and drive the Titans off. They surround both the Dogoth Gear and the Ahgama, which call a truce until the mystery Suits are dealt with. Scirocco is unconcerned -- he recognizes the newcomers and shares their ambitions.
Aboard the Ahgama, Reccoa and Camille call it even on saving one another's lives. Quattro also recognizes the Gaza-Cs and is not so self-assured.

Axis Messenger:
Won Lee leads Bright, Quattro, Reccoa and Camille from Ahgama to the Axis flagship Gwadan. Camille and Quattro register a powerful Newtype presence as they near the ship.
The AEUGO delegation is met by Haman Khan and two guards in Zion uniforms and conducted to an audience chamber decorated with Zion imperial emblems.
A little girl occupies the throne: Minerva Zabi, last of the dynasty that ruled Zion during the One Year War. She recognizes Quattro as her father's friend, Char Aznable, exposing his identity. She dreams of restoring the Zion Empire under the Zabi rule. Quattro tells her this isn't possible, that Haman has been deceiving her with false hopes.
Haman has the entire delegation arrested and put in the brig. Won Lee's fury over Quattro's deception prompts Quattro to stage a fight with Camille to distract the guard. The party escapes, but Quattro goes off on his own to find Haman. Bright sends Camille and Reccoa after him.
Minerva is upset by Quattro's accusations, which Haman counters by denouncing Quattro as a traitor. Camille and Reccoa intervene and a gun fight ensues. Reccoa takes a shot meant for Quattro. The three AEUGO delegates manage to escape in Zion spacesuits, rescue the others from the brig and get them safely to their shuttle in the launch bay.
The bridge crew of the Ahgama, unsure of what has happened, launch inflatable facsimile asteroids to confuse the Gwadan's radar and hide both the escaping shuttle and the Ahgama itself.
Camille in Z-Gundam, Reccoa in the Methuss and Quattro in the Type-100 launch to cover the Ahgama's escape, just as Yazan attacks with a full squadron of Hambrabis.
Z-Gundam is caught by a triad of Hambrabis using electrified snare lines, but is rescued by Reccoa. Reccoa is then distracted by a Newtype flash of Scirocco and almost gets killed by Yazan. She is saved by a squad of Nemos led by Emma in the Mark-II and Katsu in the G-Defenser. Badly damaged, they all return to the Ahgama.
Aboard the Gwadan, Scirocco swears allegiance to Minerva and the Zabi dynasty.
Fa and Camille have a happy reunion aboard Ahgama while Quattro broods over Haman.