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Disc 15
Haman's Sneer / Zedan's Gate / Celestial Body


Haman's Sneer:
During a lull in the fighting, Camille is summoned from the rec room to the bridge for an important assignment. He is to carry an offer of alliance to Axis. Katsu objects openly and is thrown into the brig along with Shinta and Qum, who joined in his disruption.
Camille flies Z-Gundam under a flag of truce to the Gwadan, where he is greeted royally by Haman. AEUGO is asking for her assistance in destroying the Colony Laser that threatens them both.
Haman flies to the Ahgama in her new Qubeley (AMX-004) and agrees to the alliance on the condition that "Zion" (Side 3) is "restored" under Axis and that "Char Aznable" acknowledges Minerva (and, by implication, Haman) as its rightful ruler. Quattro reluctantly agrees.
At Grips 2, Basque is preparing to fire the Colony Laser at Granada.
Fa joins Katsu and the children in the brig to watch over them, which insults Katsu no end. The Ahgama's Mobile Suits spearhead the assault and, sensing that the tide is turning against them, Fa and Katsu join them.
The Gwadan fires a broadside that disables the Colony Laser's core pulse engine, preventing it from rotatating for a clear shot at Granada. Haman has kept her end of the bargain and saved the day.
The Ahgama links up with the Gwadan for Quattro's promised audience with Minerva and Haman. "Char Aznable" pledges allegiance to Zion, but "Quattro Vezina" recalls his repeated disclaimer: "I am QUATTRO now!"

Zedan's Gate:
Haman requests a meeting with Jamitov on the asteroid fortress Zedan's Gate (formerly known as A'Bao'A'Qu). The Ahgama follows the Gwadan as a backup.
Aboard the Jupiteris, Scirocco assigns Sara to an attack mission in the new Bolinoak Samaan (PMX-002) while he and Reccoa go to defend Zedan's Gate.
The Ahgama detects Sara's approaching Mobile Suit and Camille intercepts it in Z-Gundam. He and Sara battle until he corners her in an abandoned outpost.
Meanwhile, Haman meets with Jamitov aboard the battleship Hario. Jamitov offers an alliance with Zion, but Haman is skeptical. Her suspicion is justified by an assassination attempt, which she escapes in part because she expected it.
Jared in the Byarlant leads an attack on the Gwadan and Haman summons the Ahgama for reinforcements. Camille joins the fight with Sara imprisoned at his side aboard Z-Gundam. Sara senses Katsu piloting the Methuss. The battle is violent, with heavy losses on both sides.
Sara and Katsu meet again as she is interned aboard the Ahgama but, even though they are separated by great distance, Sara is still subject to the power of Scirocco's will.

Celestial Body:
Haman declares that Axis will defeat the Titans at Zedan's Gate. Having seen Axis' superior forces, Jamitov writes the Titan base off and orders the EUG forces to evacuate. Scirocco sends Reccoa in the Pallas Athene (PMX-100) to rescue Sara.
Aboard the Ahgama, Katsu watches Sara on the monitor and broods over the circumstances that have made them enemies. Camille's attempt to set him at ease only upsets him further.
Reccoa observes from an asteroid as the Ahgama sets up for a barrage of Zedan's Gate. As the Ahgama Mobile Suits launch their attack, she makes hers. Camille senses her presence and tries to stop her, but he's too far away. Even so, he tries to warn her off via their Newtype affinity.
Reccoa's attack allows Sara to escape and get to her Mobile Suit. Katsu senses her escape and goes after her while Fa battles Reccoa. They end up grounded near the Titan base, where they talk briefly about Reccoa's defection.
Katsu catches up to Sara, but is attacked by Jared. Appori tries to help Katsu, but gets between them and is killed.
Appori's death triggers Camille's berserker rage. The overwhelming AEUGO and Axis forces soon destroy Zedan's Gate, but Jared manages to escape with Reccoa and Sara.