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Disc 01
Role Play / Guardian


Role Play:
The initial episode finds Tsukasa waking in a cave with no memory of previous events. Beside him is a treasure chest. A swordswoman, Mimiru, enters and introduces herself. Tsukasa, being the antisocial boy he is, teleports himself out of the area. Meanwhile, a group known as the Scarlet Knights, the protectors of The World under the leadership of Subaru discuss a cat that they’ve seen recently that they believe has been illegally inputted. They question Tsukasa because he was seen with the cat earlier. Tsukasa avoids their questions and teleports away. Back at the save point, Tsukasa meets Mimiru again, and she warns him to be careful. Tsukasa’s response is that he just won’t play for awhile until the Knights stop looking for him. He then tries and fails to log out, so he teleports to another area of the game.
Enter Bear, another swordsman, who casually observes Tsukasa as he fights a water enemy. He makes some small talk, but Tsukasa teleports away disinterested. After another attempt at logging out, Tsukasa meets Mimiru again. She does not take kindly to Tsukasa’s attitude and lectures him on proper etiquette. He then tells her harshly to leave him alone. Mimiru slaps him, which physically hurts Tsukasa, and then walks away.
Back in the cave, Tsukasa ponders the treasure chest and a cat, whom he calls Maho, appears and gestures towards him. Intrigued, Tsukasa opens the chest and a tablet appears. A voice then speaks to him “I have been waiting for you… for a long time. I need you, just like you need me. Let us walk together. So long as we walk together, I will protect you.” As Tsukasa is about to leave, one of the Scarlet Knight leaders, Kinkan, appears and fights Tsukasa hoping to gain more information on the mysterious cat. After Kinkan inflicts some damage, a guardian monster appears and defends Tsukasa, killing Kinkan in the process. We then catch a glimpse of the real world where a girl lies unconscious by her computer.

Episode 2 introduces a mage, BT, and a particularly vicious and high level thief, Sora. Sora hunts characters for their member addresses. If characters refuse him, he kills them. BT is no exception in this case. In The World, as Bear explains, characters are free to play as they please, even if that involves p-killing.
Tsukasa has found his own new quest as another appearance of the mysterious cat, Maho, leads him to a sanctuary, where a floating girl in white sleeps above a bed. The voice from the tablet tells him to ask Mimiru to meet him. Mimiru brings along Bear and they reveal that the Knight Tsukasa p-k’ed in the cave was a girl in real life, and she was found unconscious by her computer. When she regained consciousness, she still suffered acute memory loss. Tsukasa grows increasingly upset and his guardian monster appears and attacks Mimiru and Bear.