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Disc 03
Captured (Ryoshuu) / Encounter


Captured begins with the introduction of a new character, Kurim, who proclaims that it’s good to be back. He meets Tsukasa, who’s not looking happy, and asks if he needs any help. Tsukasa just teleports away. Meanwhile, Mimiru meets up with Bear to discuss her growing concern for Tsukasa, whom she thinks is losing the chance to redeem himself with the Knights.
Again, BT is alone and senses she’s being followed. She starts running but is confronted by Sora with a knife to her throat. This time she admits defeat. She’s looking for an information offering. The two make a shady deal to aid in Tsukasa’s capture. This is followed by a rather odd meeting between Subaru and Kurim, who obviously have history between them. Subaru is reserved during the meeting and Kurim asks if he can help. She then tells him she feels better that he’s there and teleports.
Back in the sanctuary, Tsukasa is pretty upset about his lack of control over his guardian. Maho appears and whispers something into his ear, which seems to enlighten Tsukasa and he cheers up.
During this, Sora and BT are plotting Tsukasa’s capture. Sora tells Kinkan of his plan, while BT goes directly to Mimiru. Apparently there’s another swordsman who has a monster similar to Tsukasa’s. He’s waiting for Tsukasa in a certain field. Will she give the message to Tsukasa? Mimiru does and she and Bear wait by the field for Tsukasa. Kinkan has his Knights surrounding the place ready to trap Tsukasa in a field to separate him from his guardian. Mimiru realizes too late that it’s a trap and Tsukasa enters the field despite her warnings. Thus the battle begins.
Tsukasa is doing pretty well with his guardian, but Subaru shows up extremely mad that either Kinkan went behind her back with this or that her Knights are all getting slaughtered – I’m not quite sure which. Tsukasa’s guardian strikes a blow at her but a Knight throws his body in front of her and is p-k’ed. Suddenly Kurim rides in on the back of a Kuchigusa and attacks Tsukasa physically. Tsukasa in unable to defend himself and the Knights capture him and take him into custody.

Mimiru is not happy with BT for setting Tsukasa up, so she and Bear confront her. BT half-heartedly tries to cover her tracks by saying she’s not surprised the Knights knew. Besides, it was Mimiru that actually informed Tsukasa of the location, not her.
Subaru decides to talk to Tsukasa alone, hoping that he’ll open up and let her in on what’s been going on. She apologizes for the current situation. Tsukasa tells her he can smell her cologne and that he can feel pain, an obvious oddity for an online character. Subaru tries to bargain with him, saying that she’ll let him go if he promises not to do anything rash.
Mimiru decides to make a deal with Sora to break Tsukasa out of his imprisonment. Sora starts hacking and slashing his way through the Knights that stand between him and Tsukasa and makes his way into the confinement area where Subaru and Tsukasa are. Sora asks Subaru to let Tsukasa come with him, but she refuses. Tsukasa asks if he can go, and she says yes. He then says that he’ll go with Sora.
As they exit, Kurim enters and he and Sora begin to fight a preview of other battles yet to come. Tsukasa escapes while they fight and Mimiru finds him as he exits. She asks him to come with her, which he does. Mimiru and Tsukasa then go through one of their weird juvenile tension interactions where Mimiru tries to apologize and explain that she didn’t have anything to do with his capture. Tsukasa tells her to leave and that he wants to be alone. She asks if he thinks it really is that bad to be with her. He answers yes - that he doesn’t believe that she is doing this for him – that she has other motivations at play. Everyone is selfish. He tells her he doesn’t understand himself and that he can’t be bothered to understand others. He then teleports back to his sanctuary.
Meanwhile, Subaru justifies to Kinkan that Tsukasa is free to go. Kurim comments to Kinkan that in his condition, he’ll never be able to protect Subaru. Subaru tells him not to interfere.
Elsewhere, according to the BBS, Tsukasa’s guardian has reappeared without him and has started attacking players. Subaru orders several of the servers to be shut down and starts a search to find out what has entrapped Tsukasa in this flow of events.