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Disc 09
Conflict / Declaration (Sengen)


Everyone appears to be reevaluating their relationships now. Mimiru wants to meet Tsukasa in the outside world when this is over. Tsukasa, however, now has no memory of the outside world.
BT doesn’t understand the big deal. When things go badly, she just resets and the world disappears. Unlike Mimiru, she doesn’t care about dying in the game. Apparently she and Kurim have some kind of relationship in the game. She asks to meet him offline, but Kurim refuses, wanting to keep things strictly online. She asks if that’s what it’s like with Subaru.
Later when BT meets with Subaru, she lectures Subaru on trying to escape her position. She also refuses to meet Tsukasa, saying she never thought of him as a friend, when Subaru requests that she do so. Kinkan says that BT is just jealous.
BT is confronted by some newbies, who are looking for someone to help them. Turns out that they are p-killers. Luckily, Tsukasa appears and they run off. By chance, BT and Tsukasa’s meeting happens. She asks what it is like to die in the game.
Mimiru learns from Bear why BT is named as so. It stands for BLT, her favorite and least favorite food. She says to lose the lettuce because it’s something you hate and has no smell.

This episode brings us to the showdown between Subaru and Kinkan. Along the way, we get some interesting insight into how and why people play the game.
Kurim tells Subaru to play the game so you have fun. If she wants to, then she should meet with Tsukasa and solve the mystery of the Key of the Twilight. Kurim explains that he plays as he enjoys life.
Kinkan, however, doesn’t see things this way and is growing more and more impatient… and overconfident. Subaru doesn’t believe that the Knights have the right to bring people in and hold them. Kinkan believes it is the Knights’ responsibility to punish rule breakers. Subaru counters that no, it’s the CC Company’s system administration department that has that responsibility. She says to caution the Kurmina Gadelika p-killer in her name, and only if he doesn’t stop will they report him. The Knights go against Subaru and decide to restrain the p-killer.
Subaru talks with Bear and Mimiru about the Key of the Twilight. They think Tsukasa knows the true nature of it, and that the upside down man holds the answers to understanding the connection between Tsukasa and the Key of the Twilight.
The Voice is curious as Tsukasa hasn’t shown up at the sanctuary in a long time. Hope is the best spice that will lead to despair. Tsukasa, meanwhile is alone elsewhere. Subaru meets him and holds his hand. She puts her head on his shoulder.
Later, one of the Knights confides to Subaru that Kinkan is attempting to restrain the p-killer. Subaru and Kinkan meet and Kinkan explains his philosophy of the Knights. Subaru’s concept of the Knights is Justice without Power. The Knights need to have the authority to deal with rule breakers. Therefore, he submitted a request to the CC Company to allow them to read a player’s personal logs and have access to personal info. The CC Company refuses this request, agreeing with Subaru’s decision that the Knights are only players.
Kinkan then unloads his concerns that Subaru’s intentions are based on what happens to Tsukasa and that she has lost her sense of Justice. She proclaims that Tsukasa is a victim. Kinkan is angered that Subaru can just proclaim someone not guilty for personal reasons. He warns her that if she keeps along this path, she will end up punishing the ones she cares most about. As a last resort against Kinkan’s quest for power, Subaru uses her power to dismantle the Knights.