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Disc 11
Despair / Phantom


Bear and Mimiru wait for Subaru, who is late. She shows up, worried sick about Tsukasa, who hasn’t contacted her since she left him. They decide to search for Tsukasa where the white girl was, although they don’t know how to get there or if anyone has any information of the place. While Bear and Mimiru want to keep searching, they don’t know how. How do you search through all the servers, talk to all the players, or post to the BBS that you are searching for a magician like Tsukasa or traces of the white girl? Bear and Mimiru have little hope. Meanwhile, Tsukasa sits almost catatonic by the bed of the little girl.
BT, Sora, and Kinkan are on their own quest to find Tsukasa. Kinkan expresses concern for Subaru, as BT and Sora mock him for being jealous and inform him that the real life Tsukasa is a girl. BT receives an invitation from Subaru and teleports off. BT asks Subaru why she’s taking this so seriously - it’s just a game. Subaru explains that someone once told her that. He then told her that if this is a game, to have fun the way she enjoys it most. She says she wants to meet and talk with Tsukasa so she will continue until she finds Tsukasa. BT almost tells her that the real Tsukasa is a girl, but stops and wishes that Subaru finds him one day.
Tsukasa can barely move. Maho watches from a distance.
Kirum and Bear discuss Subaru’s condition. Kirum then asks Bear if he’s heard the rumor of the monster that can’t be defeated. Bear asks if it is the Testuhare. No, it’s a completely different type of monster who will defeat you if you cannot escape the battle. Bear asks if it is the Dema. Kurim says it has 1000 Magia. He thinks that maybe the monster is part of the puzzle with Tsukasa and the white girl, and if they find enough pieces of the puzzle, the picture will become clear. He also asks Bear to tell Subaru that when she’s in sorrow, to use the spell.
Sora heard rumors of the monster who can’t be defeated and he and Kinkan set out to find it. Sora confronts a party gossiping about the monster who can’t be defeated. He kills two of the three and threatens the third.
Tsukasa stares at a blade of grass he finally has mustered enough strength to pick up. He hands it to Maho and stares blankly in front of him.
Bear tells Mimiru and Subaru that they must meet the upside down man again. There is a flashback to the man telling them he loves them and though him, they will live. He even left them a shape as proof of his love. Bear asks if they’ve heard of Harrold Hyuek. Subaru answers that she thinks he was the one who created the prototype of the World. Bear thinks the upside down man’s face is that of Harold’s and that his words can answer all the mysteries of the game. Mimiru asks how since they have no way of reentering the dungeon. Bear thinks the man was probably some type of program what was inputted into the program and that there may be more of him in the servers’ backups. They decide to talk to Helba again, this time through the BBS.
The white girl appears to be hanging upside down from a whirlpool in the sky. The area is green with vines. Maho watches on. The white girl has gained green and purple color now. A voice asks what Maho is afraid of. She says to forget about Tsukasa - he is just an existence. They are about to enter a wonderful world where they can live peacefully - just him, the girl and the voice.

Bear, Mimiru, and Subaru wait for BT as she waits hidden in the distance, contemplating joining the group. While they wait, they go over what they currently know. Helba told them that when Harold created the prototype, he created a feeling to make The World feel more real. The upside down man was the vision program to enact that goal. He is a spiritual being, both everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
Mimiru has a flashback to the first time she met Tsukasa. There is a somberness to their conversation. They hope Tsukasa will contact him if he finds something… A cut to Tsukasa, however, shows that he is still catatonic. He has mindlessly picked the eyes off his teddy bear and now mindlessly scratches away at the seams.
As Bear, Mimiru, and Subaru make their way to Helba’s Gate, they come across the undefeatable monster. They decide to run, but Subaru appears mesmerized by the monster and stumbles as she tries to escape. It attacks, but to everyone’s surprise, the High Class Balumunka steps in to save Subaru. He has worried about her since the legion split but now will fight in her place.
Sora and Kinkan are still looking for the undefeatable monster. When they find another party fighting one, Sora kills the remaining party members and he and Kinkan step up to fight the monster. The monster doesn’t take damage and Sora steps out of the battle, leaving Kinkan to get pounded by the monster’s fist. Desperate to escape certain death, Kinkan runs for his life to outrun the monster. Later, in a safer area, Kurim shows up and asks Kinkan how he’s doing. He then procedes to lecture Kinkan that the World is a game. He should be playing to have fun.
Bear, Mimiru, and Subaru finally come to Helba’s gateway. They teleport and inside, they meet the upside down man. He tells them to love her. She is me… our hope. Mimiru gets mad and demands that he answer their questions. That seems to be enough of a distraction to snap him out of his daze. He asks if they know Aura. Subaru asks if that is the girl that Tsukasa has been meeting. He answers that Aura is his daughter, the proof he loved her. But he made a terrible mistake and couldn’t fix it. Now Aura isn’t what he wanted her to be. He wanted to open her eyes, but now all sin lies within him and he is to blame for he made. There may be no hope to revive Aura, but Tsukasa is the tool to revive her.
The Voice and Harold have a telepathic exchange of words as Harold seems to disintegrate before their eyes. She obviously isn’t going to tend to his wishes. Bear explains that with Harold’s unbounded self, he tried to give birth to Aura, but someone tried to change his will using Tsukasa as the tool. Through Tsukasa, that person was able to create “Dark Aura.” Birthing Aura may be the only way to rectify the situation. However, just as Harold is a spirit, so is the enemy. It is also hidden in this world. The ultimate question is how will they fight it? They can only hope that Tsukasa will return to them.
Meanwhile, Sora sees Maho as he’s about to teleport into the hidden realm. Sora jumps and grabs onto him. In the new realm, he sees the girl and laughs to himself.