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Disc 01
All-Girls Dorm With Outdoor Bath: Hot Spring / The Hinata's New Resident, Shinobu: Arrow Signs


Episode 01; All-Girls Dorm With Outdoor Bath: Hot Spring:
Keitaro 15 years ago with his girlfriend talking about how two lovers can go to Todai and live happily ever after, so they make a promise to go into Todai together. Soon after, his girlfriend has to leave and says "Kei-kun! bye bye!" from the window of her truck, which is the last time Keitaro sees her. Then we see Keitaro makes it into Todai, everybody's cheering for him and all the girls want him, he meets his girl, they get married, and live happily ever after.
Then he wakes up from his wonderful dream. Now we see the horrible truth: he's a 20 year old virgin, who lives with his parents, can't get into Todai. He's desperate and likes to collect sticky pictures of himself. He now has to go live with his grandma because his parents can't feed him. Hina, his grandma, is retiring and needs to see him. Only the first episode and we already meet the "old men" who keep talking about dreams and actually pick on Keitaro at one point in this episode.
Keitaro then goes to the preperation center to check the results for the last Toudai exam... and he's 27th place!!!... from the bottom. Meanwhile he meets Naru in her nerd form, and, after she falls in fear of getting his bad grades, she hits him because he saw her undies, making him bouce up and down, left and right all along the hall way.
Later, he sits down a while and tries to draw the girl with whom he made the promise 15 years ago. He can't remember her face or even her name. He sees a girl, Shinobu, sitting, and obviously sad, on a bench. Keitaro draws her smiling. After three old men steal his sketch book and toss it around, it is thrown and lands near her. To Keitaro's misfortune, it opens up to the page where he just drew her. Keitaro, embarassed, runs the hell away crying his usual cry: "tehehe!!!". After running a couple miles, he ends up at Hinatasou, his grandma's Inn. He looks around inside but can't find anybody. To his surprise, he finds the onsen! During his nice hot bath, Naru steps in thinking, without her glasses, that it's Kitsune taking a bath along with her. You can no doubt imagine how Keitaro's feeling while seeing a beautiful woman naked. Naru runs in terror yelling out "pervert! pervert!" while holding Keitaro's... ahum... She finally lets go... but he lands in a basket full of Kitsune's undies. Result: "Come back here you undie thief!". He runs away from Naru and Kitsune, only to arrive in front of Kaolla's "Hinata Defense Force". After being blown out of the Inn by the tanks, he finally finds Haruka, his aunt.
Keitaro then figures out Hinatasou is an all girl's dorm. Haruka explains that Keitaro is the new Kanrinrin of Hinatasou. To help the girls accept him Haruka tells them that he's a Todai student. Naru is still outraged. Kitsune plays around with Keitaro, and tricks him into doing her homework for a month. Keitaro later sees that nerd from the prep school. Oh my god it's Naru! Oh no! she knows I'm not a Todai student! After Naru trips, Keitaro and her have a "romantic moment"... and to his luck she conceals the secret when Kitsune and Kaolla come to see what's going on. To solve all perverted problems, Keitaro get's his own "men's bath". For a finishing touch to the episodes, Keitaro peeks at Naru while she's taking a bath and gets knocked out of this world.

Episode 02; The Hinata's New Resident, Shinobu: Arrow Signs:
This episode starts at Shinobu's house where she's sad. After the encounter with Keitaro in episode 01, we see that the three old men tell her he's going to Hinatasou. She then goes to school where she's pretty much rejected. She walks around and finds herself at Hinatasou, where she meets Kitsune, Naru, and Kaolla. Kaolla "knows every student in the school", and treats shinobu as her friend. Later, Kitsune, Keitaro, and Naru want to go eat at the Hinata restaurant, but it's closed. Everybody's talking about Shinobu, and Haruka explains that her parents are divorced and don't have enough money to keep her. In his dream, Keitaro sees Shinobu leaving in a truck and saying "bye bye!"... An other comparison with his "15 years ago's promise girl". When Shinobu goes back to Hinatasou, she's greeted with a "farewell party", unfortunatly with unedible party food. We soon discover she's a great cook, she makes a remarkable meal out of Naru and Kitsune's meal. Later Shinobu's parents come looking for her. Keitaro agrees Shinobu can stay. Keitaro and Shinobu go on the roof. She talks to him about how sad her life is, etc. but he's just pretending to pay attention while he's eating her cookies. She basically says she's not smart enough to get into Todai and she has no friends... Still, Keitaro encourages her by telling her "If I can do it, so can you". They're interrupted when her parents finally find her on the roof. They tell her to come, she says she doesn't want to leave, she says she wants to stay in Hinatasou. Naturally, Keitaro lets her stay if she'll cook everyday.