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Disc 01


Episode one opens up with the three principle characters Isamu Alva Dyson, Guld Goa Bowman, and Myung Fang Lone together at a place called Star Hill on the Planet Eden. Isamu and Guld attempt to make their invention fly in the air as Myung looks on.
It is now A.D. 2040, Isamu and his Valkyrie squadron engage an alien attack squad. After a successful but reckless battle, Isamu is sent by his commander to the Planet Eden to be a test pilot for a new Valkyrie. As Isamu heads towards Eden, Guld is engaging in a flight test of the YF-21. As Isamu approaches New Edwards Base, the YF-21 speeds past Isamu. Isamu is startled by the shockwave created from the YF-21's speed.
Isamu is briefed on his role in the project "Supernova." He is assigned to be the test pilot for Shinsei Industries' YF-19. He meets Yang Neuman, Lucy, Commander Millard, and Guld. Isamu and Guld are surprised and angered to see each other.
Guld goes through a file check of Isamu. He suddenly starts to lose his composure and takes some pills to calm down. Isamu performs some flight tests even though the YF-19 is going through repairs. Isamu fails the flight simulation. Yang gets angry at him but Isamu threatens to eat Yang unless he shuts up.
Isamu takes Lucy out on his motorcycle. As they converse, Isamu hears a song whose voice reminds him of someone. Lucy tells him it's Sharon Apple and that it could not be his friend because Sharon is not human.
A press conference is being held for Sharon Apple who is not present. In her place, Myung answers questions as Sharon's producer. Also present are Mr. Raymond and Marje. As Guld eats lunch, he is startled to hear and see Myung on television.
Sharon Apple arrives on Eden as a mysterious black box. The Sharon Apple staff run a few sound tests on her AI. Marje informs Myung that he fired to roadies and that her taxi is waiting. Myung converses with the taxi driver about how things are different on Eden except for Star Hill.
Isamu and Lucy enjoy a snack. Lucy tells Isamu how Sharon's songs make her feel good. Isamu flirts with Lucy a little. Lucy suggests that they head towards Star Hill. Isamu is bothered by that suggestion but they head there anyway.
Myung observes the scenery at Star Hill. As she looks at the birds flying away she is surprised to see Guld. They talk about old times and what their occupations are nowadays. Guld asks Myung if she still sings. With a saddened look, Myung replies no.
As Myung speaks happily about her role as producer of Sharon Apple. Guld grabs her and tells her to forget about what happened in the past. Myung is surprised to see Isamu and Lucy arrive. Isamu and Guld prepare to fight each other but Myung steps in. Guld tells Isamu to stop destroying things. Myung begins to cry and runs off. Guld tells Isamu that he won't let him have Myung. Isamu lies to win the project.
Guld engages in a flight test of the YF-21. Isamu pilots a VF-11 Thunderbolt to record flight data. As the test begins, the brainwave controlled YF-21 takes off. Isamu follows Guld but cannot keep up with the speed of the YF-21. Test drones launch hundreds of high-maneuver missiles at the YF-21. Guld evades all of them. Isamu cannot believe it. Suddenly, some of the missiles begin chasing Isamu. Lucy informs Isamu that the missiles are harmless. Isamu decides to evade them anyway since Guld did. He successfully dodges them but loses one of his boosters. Guld converts the YF-21 to Battroid mode and destroys all but one of the test drones. As he locks on to the last one, Isamu gets in his way and releases his other booster destroying the test drone. He then converts to Battroid mode and is face to face with the YF-21. Guld angrily asks Isamu what he is doing, Suddenly the wave patterns become unstable causing the YF-21 to plummet toward the ground. As the YF-21 plummets toward the ground, Guld has flashbacks of events showing Myung covering her body and crying while Isamu is at her side. Isamu makes fun of the YF-21 but Millard orders Isamu to rescue Guld. Isamu converts to Gerwalk mode and successfully rescues him carrying the YF-21 on it's back. Guld regains control of the YF-21. He imagines what would happen if the YF-21 were to generate a downward force. The YF-21 immediately performs what he thought. The VF-11 slides out of control. Isamu, not seriously harmed, gets out and looks up at the descending YF-21.
At the hanger, Isamu angrily grabs Guld and asks what happened. Guld says to Isamu that he is surprised that he is still alive. Isamu gets the feeling the Guld did it on purpose. As Isamu glares at Guld, Guld says to Isamu "It was an accident." He then walks away from Isamu.