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Disc 03


Isamu awakes in the hospital to see Myung at his bedside. Isamu asks Myung what she is doing here. She tells him about the phone call that Morgan gave her telling her about the test accident. Isamu begins to break out of the cords that are holding him. Myung tries to stop him but Isamu grabs a hold of her.
An inquiry is conducted to find out why live ammunition was found in the YF-19's gunpod. No clues could be found from the YF-21 because the brain wave data goes blank before the accident. Guld, who is in charge of weapons inventory tries to point the finger at Yang, who is a skilled hacker. But the General just dismisses the incident and tells everyone to proceed with the project.
Yang and Lucy visit Isamu at the hospital only to find that he has escaped. Isamu takes Myung to a forest. They talk about the experiences that they shared when they were younger. Myung gets annoyed with Isamu over his daring attitude. Isamu gets a little angry that Myung prefers someone prudent like Guld. As Isamu walks away, a giant pterosaur flies above them. Myung grasps a hold of Isamu's arm. Isamu then tells Myung to stay put while he chases after the pterosaur on the motorcycle.
A mysterious red aircraft called the Ghost X-9 blows away a squadron of red Valkyries. UN Spacy officers monitor its activity from a space station. As Lucy and Yang wait for Isamu to return to the hospital, Guld shows up. As Isamu and Myung arrive, Guld and Isamu begin to get into a brawl. They punch and kick each other until Myung breaks it up by taking Isamu's punch. Myung kneels down crying in the rain. She reveals to them that Sharon's AI is incomplete and that she supplies the emotions to Sharon's AI. Isamu angrily takes off on his bike. Lucy yells to Myung that Isamu knew all along that Sharon's singing was her singing. Guld offers to help Myung up but Myung walks away in the rain.
Myung goes back to the concert hall. She finds Marje watching videos of Sharon. He informs her that they will leave for earth to perform a concert in honor of the anniversary of the UN Spacy-Zentraedi Armistice Ceremony. As Yang sits in his room, his computer goes berserk flashing the name ISAMU. Isamu tries to use the flight simulator but ends up crashing. He dwells over some insults that Guld used on him. Lucy watches him in a saddened state.
Myung arrives at the airport to find that Kate and Morgan brought Guld to see her. Isamu is no where to be found. As Kate and Morgan leave them alone, Myung and Guld have some words with each other. Guld tells Myung how much he loves her. Myung is flattered but says that she has to go. Before she leaves, Guld gives her an audio cassette. As she sits in her seat she listens to it. The song that she sang in her younger days is heard. Guld watches the aircraft take off towards earth. Isamu resumes some flight tests with the YF-19. After the test is complete, Lucy comes up to him with some bad news.
Isamu walks into Millard's office growling about the news that the project is canceled. Yang also angry, demands an explanation. Guld walks in demanding an explanation as well. Millard explains to them about the new unmanned, AI controlled Ghost X-9 aircraft. It will be unveiled at the UN Spacy-Zentraedi Armistice Ceremony on earth. Isamu, Yang, and Guld angrily disapprove.
Sharon Apple and her staff arrive on earth and are greeted by a mob of fans. Myung, Mr. Raymond, and Marje head towards Macross in a helicopter. Marje tells them that this concert promises to be the true debut of Sharon.
Isamu breaks into the hanger of the YF-19. As he flashes the light at the cockpit, Yang is set to go. A startled Isamu tells Yang to get out. He already knows that Isamu wanted to hijack the YF-19 to go to earth to screw up the unveiling of the Ghost X-9. Yang convinces Isamu to take him to earth. They prepare to take off. An explosion occurs in the hanger door and the YF-19 takes off towards space. Guld awakes already predicting that Isamu is responsible for this. As the YF-19 leaves Eden, a barrage of missiles are launched at them. Yang prepares the countdown for the fold system to engage. They fold away evading the missiles. Millard sends Guld in the YF-21 to chase them.
On earth, Mr. Raymond is concerned about how UN Spacy knew about Sharon's incomplete AI. The officers thank Marje for the use of "the microchip" in the Ghost X-9. Raymond demands an explanation in his private office. Marje reveals to him that he installed a bio-neural microchip into Sharon's AI to make it complete. Raymond angrily tells him about the dangerous effects it could have psychologically. He calls the main control room to have the chip pulled out. Marje pulls a gun out and shoots Raymond in the head killing him. Marje says to his corpse nothing can stop what is going to happen. Everyone will hear nothing but Sharon. A horrified Myung overhears this and runs away as Marje spots her.
The ceremonies begin on Macross City. Myung runs into the main control room. As she enters, the door locks itself. Suddenly, electrical cords tie her up into a crucifixion position. Unable to free herself, she spots an eerie figure appear. Sharon begins to speak to a bewildered Myung. Myung does not understand why Sharon is able to speak on her own. Sharon tells Myung that her deepest thoughts and emotions are what created all aspects of Sharon's emotions. Myung cannot believe what she is hearing. Sharon tells Myung how much she loves Guld and how much more she loves ISAMU. As the concert begins, the YF-19 and YF-21 continue to fold towards earth.