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Disc 02


The first scene of the movie The End of Evangelion was Shinji still on the surface of Geofront, now a devastated Tokyo-3 after the second clone of Rei self destructed her Eva-00 robot and took Tokyo-3 with her. The sun now shining bright in the sky offers no joy to a Shinji still blaming himself for the murder of his best friend Kaoru, and unfortunately the 17th and last Angel. Clear seawater now reflects the broken buildings that litter the place, suddenly a stone fell and sent ripples of water around, breaking the serenity of the reflection. Back at Nerv headquarters, Gendou and Fuyutsuki confronts a Seele Organization upset by the two's treachery for daring to change the Human Complement Program.
Gendou said "That nothing can be gained by death" but Seele answered "Death is what we give you".; and the twelve monoliths that represent Seele that surrounded the two, disappeared leaving the two behind in darkness. The next scene was Misato in her car thinking about the last words of Kaji and realized that it was as Kaji predicted and decided to hack the MAGI computer from inside the mainframe to get to the cause of the Second Impact and what Seele's next move is.
The next scene was Shinji beside the bed of a comatose Asuka, who is suffering from pyschological shock due to the psychological poisoning from the 15th angel. Shinji who went to Asuka in the hope she may help him with his guilt was disappointed to find her totally unconscious. He complains of why she keeps calling him "stupid" and asking her what he should do now that he killed the only friend he opened his heart with and where to go from there. "Help me, help me Asuka..."
Asuka, completely motionless was being ruffled by Shinji, and when the blanket of Asuka fell to the floor and Shinji saw Asuka naked. He then locked the door of her room and the next scene showed his hand wet with his semen, he whispered to himself, "Im fucked up". He then left the room.
The next scene shows Shinji with his usual depressed style. Earphones in the ear, listening to music.
The following scene we see Misato hacking the computer of Nerv from within the supercomputer and using that to hack other Magi systems of the world to search the database of Seele. What Misato discovered was very disturbing, she stumbled into the truth of the Human Complement Program.
In Misato's words the Human Complement Program is "Man has already reached a dead end on its present state of evolution, the next step is to artificially initiate the evolution of man into a perfect single being."
And the only way to do that is to induct Third Impact: "They want to commence the Third Impact! And not using the Angels but the EVA Series!" Misato gravely informed Shinji later on in the movie and she continued "Just like us humans, we are like Adam, born from the source of all life, Lillith. We are the 18th Angel." Apparently man is the 18th Angel in the branch of life whose roots is Lillith, Now the branch of life and the reality and dimensions that seperates us from the other branches are falling apart. In this scene we also learn that the Second Impact was caused by reducing Adam into an egg, to reduce the damage that will occur when the Angels come as predicted and written in the Dead Sea scrolls.
And then the sirens sounded and the computer shuts down....
Now that all the Angels has been eliminated, Seele tried to penetrate and plant a virus on the MAGI System by using other MAGI systems of the world to get hold of NERV and relieve Gendou Ikari, the Supreme Commander of NERV of all his duties.
But Gendou released Ritsuko from court martial and Ritsuko said "I know you want me to install the MAGI protector right?" and she continued:
"Because a need arise he uses me again. How such an egotistical man". Ritsuko went to prepare the lock and while inside the computer working on the program she said "Women and men are not logical, right mom." and then she touched the panel of Casper, one of the super computers of MAGI.
After finishing the program she left and said "Until next time mom". She then successfully deflected the hacking and installed the program 666 protector, so Seele used more violent means.
With Gendou betraying Seele, there is no more use for NERV, so what Seele decided was to issue a special A-801 directive to approve mass production of Eva-05 to Eva-13 and deceive the Japanese Government into sending a special task force to destroy the NERV facility and kill everyone in sight.
By saying that NERV has plans to provoke the Third impact that will destroy mankind. Bloodshed starts here, there was no mercy, and everyone who walked whether man, woman or child was slaughtered. No prisoners.
The main aim of course is to find the children who pilots the EVA robots and eliminate them and acquire Adam, Lillith, EVA-01 and EVA-02 from NERV. Seele wanted EVA-01 to provoke the Third Impact that will waste the present existance of man and lead him to the next stage of evolution. As Keel said to other Seele members "With the spear gone, we cant initiate the Human Complement Program using Lillith, The only option left is to use the child of Lillith and retrograde EVA-01". Without knowing the true intention of Seele, the Japanese government and other nations approved of the attack.
NERV was caught unprepared, they didn't realize that the war was not yet over.
As all the fence perimeter of NERV falls under the hands of a special elite force of the Japanese Army, they soon realized that the last and most vicious enemy weren't the Angels but their fellow humans.
Makoto Hyuga said "And we are all fellow human beings!". All the post has fallen and NERV was slowly finding herself fighting a helpless battle, with Shinji nowhere to be found, Asuka still in a state of shock and the EVA-00 gone. Nerv has no counter measures for an invasion of an outside force other than an Angel.
The special task force has penetrated the central command post and the issuing gun fire from the second balcony and the ground troops began. Shigeru Aoba went to get the guns and tries to hand one to Maya. "Use this!...Use This!..If you dont use it YOU WILL DIE!". But Maya refused and went under her console unable to stand the exchanging gun fight between her comrades beside her and the troops below. Meanwhile Nerv rocked as an N2 mine was dropped from above and almost evaporized the sea water that buried Geofront.
Where was Shinji all this time, well he was hiding under a stairway somewhere inside NERV, Misato was searching for him but after a sensor sweep of the whole NERV Facility, she finally pinpointed his location.
Misato found Shinji just in time.
Three troops arrived earlier and identified him. One of the troops told him "Sorry, I have to kill you, nothing personal kid, just my jo-" ....BANG...BANG...BANG... and all three was shot by Misato, she then said to the soldier "Nothing personal too okay?" and made sure and fired a fourth shot to the head of a soldier who was still alive. Shinji was speechless all this time and Misato told Shinji "Lets get out of here!".
Shinji just responded in a weak voice "I want to die..." and you see Misato dragging him to a safer place. She arrived at the parking area near the Terminal Dogma enroute to the Eva-01 hanger, and Misato feeling so frustrated with Shinji shouted "Listen to me YOU! You're still alive aren't you! Try to fight and live than die after all of this is over!".
The next scene was Gendou saying to Fuyutsuki "Professor, please take over from here.", a sign that Gendou now intends to start the Human Complement Program and head for Rei who was deep in LCL somewhere near the Central Dogma, earlier the third clone of Rei crushed the glass of Gendou of which the second Rei treasured so much. Fuyutsuki answered "I understand, give my regards to Yui." and Gendou went on....
Before the troops took hold of NERV and before she went out to search for Shinji, Misato ordered that Asuka be placed inside Eva-02 because that is the safest place for her to be and the robot had to be launched regardless whether she can pilot it or not. Eva-02 was then under the lake at Geofront, when the troops start bombing it with depth charges.
Still unconscious and inside the entry plug, she battles a fight inside her heart "Who would like a person like me!.. who would like to look at me!...", the fight about her past, her mother's suicide, her father's neglect, her wish of growing up without the help of others.
Slowly she climbs out of her coma as she hears the voice of her mother whispering to her "Don't give up now, please dont give up now." and inside her heart she said "So this was where you were mom ....Death Death Death...I hate Death!" and that instant the four eyes of Eva-02 ignited and a red cross exploded on Geofront. Asuka was in full control again!
When she was informed about what was going on. She showed a strong will and desire to live and fight for her existance and with Eva-02 to protect her, her spirits rosed again and she said "Come on you bastards, let us see what you can put up against my Eva!"
But then the resurrected Asuka was like a child who suddenly discovered her long lost toy and very much unlike the 100% confident Asuka of the past.
Seele put up a tough fight with the rockets and conventional weapons, they first disconnected her source of power by destroying the electrical connection and with less than 5 minutes of internal power she then wipes and destroys all planes, troops and gunships around. But conventional weapons were no match for an AT Field of an Eva so Seele decided to send the completed Eva Series.
The new Eva Series are S2 Evas, meaning they dont need an electric power source to function, it has wings and can fly, its main weapon is a double egde lance. They are Eva-05 to Eva-13 and they all look alike, they were also produced by the other G-7 nations plus China and Russia. Anyway with less than 4 minutes of internal power left all 9 bird-like Eva circles Eva-02 like vultures circling its prey. Asuka looked up suprised.
Within the sounds of the invading Japan Strategy Self Defense Force, a lone car with Misato and Shinji was seen racing toward the Eva-01 hangar. But Misato's car was knocked out of the road by gunfire and hit a wall, luckily Misato and Shinji remained unharmed and landed on a place where the soldiers can't immediately get them. Maya then established contact between Misato and Asuka. Then Misato was ordering instructions to Asuka through her cellular phone that she must eliminate all nine of the Eva-05 series or else the Third Impact will occur. Asuka promised she will and that was the last time Misato and Asuka talked. Misato looked at a silent pathetic Shinji and with disgust, she dragged him to the nearest elevator hatch that will take him to Eva-01.
The nine Eva-05 series landed and Asuka looked at her remaining time: 3:34 minutes.
She calculated that it will take at least twenty seconds each to destroy one Eva-05 and she smiled and said: "Plenty of time". She then attacked the nearest Eva-05.
She run, punch, stab, blow, hit, jab, thrust, clout, thump, box, poke, knock, throw, sock, smite, whack, wallop, cuff, baste, pummel, pound and beat one Eva-05 at a time and the Eva-05 offered little resistance. She cut their arms, beheaded them and mutilated them with her sonic knife and when that broke, she used the Eva-05's own lance and fenced with the Eva-05. It was obvious that although the Eva-05 were superior compared to Asuka's Eva-02, she was still superior on fighting skills and battle maneuvers. Maya was monitoring Asuka's progress and hoped that Asuka would defeat all the nine Eva-05.
Misato and Shinji headed for emergency hatch 20 when three guards sprayed the two with bullets. Misato protecting Shinji was shot fatally in the chest, she then closed the hatch to prevent them from chasing them. The soldiers decided to blow the whole place and evacuated. Misato checked if the elevator has emergency power and was relieved to see that the battery power is still working. Misato asked Shinji to take care of himself and make sure to destroy Eva-01 when he boards it. She reminds Shinji that she will not be there anymore to send instructions and that he will be alone by himself. Shinji cried and refused to ride citing that he longer wants to ride Eva-01 but Misato again mentioned his responsibility and the importance of destroying the Eva-series, she said "Dont look back in the past and regret that in the one time you could have made the difference, you didn't". Misato thinking that there was no more time, handed Shinji her cross and kissed him in the lips that suprised Shinji. A kiss that last for a long time. For Shinji, Misato was his mother, older sister, girlfriend, adult figure and commander-in-chief all in one. After the long kiss she said "That was an adult kiss. Let's continue this when we get home". But Shinji knows there is no next time. She pushed Shinji into the elevator and the door closed. Misato lost all her strength and she collapsed, as the blood pool around her gets bigger and bigger and with a weak voice she calls for Pen-pen and Kaji her last words was "Kaji, I think I did my job". A ghostly Rei appeared and then the place ignited and exploded. Shinji was safe in the elevator, heading toward the Eva-01 as he felt the explosion from beneath. He knew that Misato was down there and has perished in the explosion. He checked Misato's blood stained cross and noticed that his mouth was full of Misato's blood and cried.
With only nine seconds remaining Asuka finally thought she got the last of the Eva-05 robots, by penetrating the Eva-05's core and crushing it but what Asuka did notice is that none of the Eva-05 exploded when their core was crushed and this striked her as odd. It was this time that one of the Eva-05's lance came hurling toward her from nowhere.
She stopped it with her AT Field but the lance changed into a replica of the Longinus Spear and penetrated the AT Field stabbing Eva-02's left eye. Asuka's own left eye flooded with blood and she ran out of internal power. Maya reported to everybody that Asuka has lost power and that the energy levels of the nine Eva-05's are still strong. Maya cried "Asuka, no, Asuka!". The Eva-02 was pinned to the ground through the left eye by the lance of the Eva-05 that became a replica of the Longinus Spear.
Gendou was in front of Lillith with Rei, now fully grown with legs after the original Longinus Spear was withdrawn from it in the Death part of the first movie. Ritsuko was waiting near the edge just in the border of the Cross stand when Ritsuko turned and faced Gendou and pointed a gun at him and said that it is all over. She pushed her remote control and waited for the floor from beneath to explode but nothing happened. She set the auto-destruct of Nerv but CASPER, one of the three MAGI computers, did not allow it and when the realization that her own mother betrayed her, Gendou produced a gun and said how much he really loved her but Ritsuko said "Liar" and was shot by Gendou. Ritsuko was thrown by the force of the shot of Gendou's revolver and landed on the LCL below the Lillith altar. Shocked at the thought that Gendou had the courage to kill her. Casper was the woman side of Ritsuko's mother programmed with in MAGI.
Eva-02 stopped functioning and when it did, all the Eva-05 rejuvenated.
Headless Eva-05 produced a head, mutilated ones produced replacements, they all smiled and went to her like vultures and started eating Eva-02 alive.
Asuka tried to make the Eva-02 move, she keeps on pushing and pushing the levers for the robot to move, despite the pain of her left eye she screams and shouts for the Eva to move but just when she thought the Eva-02 will go berserk, all the 9 lances came hurling down and cut the Eva-02 to pieces killing her. Her last memory was her arm splitting in two as all the lances cut her from above. Maya was reporting this all to Shinji using the hangar's voice speakers as Shinji sits beside Eva-01 still refusing to board it. Maya cried as she reports the death of Asuka. Suddenly the hand of Eva-01 moved and headed toward Shinji landing beside him. Shinji looked at Eva-01 and knew what he must do.
Geofront rocked as a purple cross ignited into the sky and an Eva-01 with four light wings and glowing eyes and mouth was walking in a tornado cloud like wind circling around it. The head of the military that attacked Nerv called off the attack and Maya and the others was saved, he said "The devil is upon us". We then see Shinji in the entry plug. He saw what remains of Eva-02, which is not much left, and screamed.