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Disc 02


As the Third Impact went to the second phase. With the 9 Eva-05 pushing a replica of the longinus spear into their core, all life transformed into millions of flaming cross all over the world.
And as the Giant Rei gets getting bigger and bigger, millions and millions of human souls swims toward the giant Rei that was accepting them as they enter her and get absorbed.
As the human race transforms from physical substance to abstract existance, their own dreams turns into reality. Makoto kissed a smiling Misato then melts to LCL like fluid. Fuyutsuki was welcomed by a smiling Yui. Maya was embraced by a caring Ritsuko. Shigeru hides away in fear of Rei. And to every dead body that was killed in Nerv you can see a ghost Rei beside it. All the body melting to LCL. Finally Seele celebrates the success of the Third Impact, as one by one, the 11 monoliths disappeared. Keele, head of Seele, was the last one to be transformed into a red dot and in the middle of a sizzling LCL we can see that Keele was half android and may have been proof that he may have lived much longer than any other human being in his time. However Gendou refused to kiss Yui because he was afraid. Yui asked Gendou why he neglected Shinji and Gendou said that he can't bear the thought of being loved completely and unselfishly by someone. He feels he doesn't deserve that love. Love only brings pain later. Better not to love in order not to feel the pain later on. Kaoru appeared and said that he is just like Shinji, always running away. A ghost Eva-01 then appeared and grabbed Gendou and just before he was swallowed by Eva-01 he said "Im so sorry, my son".
Shinji then decided to have a world where he is not alone but with someone else and the next scene shows Shinji and Rei together.
Shinji himself feels peace within himself as Rei sits naked above his penis, with her arms inside his naked chest. Shinji asked if this is death but Rei said "no". Rei then explained to Shinji that this is the Human Complementation Program.
This is what Shinji wants and if he wants to change this world he can do it and Shinji grabbed the arms of Rei and changed it. The scene than changes to a naked Shinji in the lap of a naked Rei. He looks at the cross of Misato and wonder if this can actually be reality because it feels and looks like a dream. But Rei said that dreams are part of reality. He then meets his dead mother and ask if living in this world is fulfilling, his mother asked him to decide for himself and he went outside the red LCL that enveloped them and then he hears the kind voices of Misato and Rei and then Asuka said: "But if I will die, I hate to die with you!".
Then the human nature was discussed with Rei explaining a lot of Philosophy about Life to Shinji. Rei discussed about the lack of dreams in reality and the need of humans to find identity in a sea full of people who themselves do not know who they are. Misato then discussed about the longing for the opposite sex and sex itself and showed Shinji what sex is by making love with Kaji in front of a disgusted Shinji. In the reflection in the eyes of Shinji you can see the uplifted legs of Misato as you hear the love-making voice of Kaji while he pushed and pushed Misato. The legs of Misato moved up and down and Shinji listened with disgust. Asuka then said "If I grow up I think I will do just like what Misato is doing." And you see Shinji naked with Asuka on top.
The Eva-01 then was the last to enter the Giant Rei to conclude the Third Impact. However something happened, Shinji's Eva-01 refused and went out and the neck of Rei split to release hundreds of red dots of all the souls of mankind.
The dots then orbitted the earth and the Giant Rei starts to fall apart. The giant head came crushing down and so are the arms.
The Spear seperated from the Eva-01 and turned from a single edge to a double edge spear and went and floated in space along with an Eva-01 that turned like burnt amber. After the Third Impact, Eva-01 became a relic along with the Longinus Spear drifting into space. Hoping that maybe another race will discover the spear and the robot and initiate their own path for a higher existance. An existance with out physical substance. Perhaps that was how the spear was discovered when the spear landed on earth and when Adam came, man figured out that they can evolve to a higher being by first eliminating the Angels that will come and oppose it and then having the courage to actually start the evolution phase with the spear.
Shinji wakes up in a dead earth under a beautiful starry sky absent of any atmosphere and and a red sea breaking waves in the now desolate Geofront with Asuka in her red plug suit with bandage in her left eye beside him. Seeing Asuka he started to strangle her again but Asuka patted the cheek of Shinji and Shinji stopped and cried. Asuka said "This feeling sucks!"