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Disc 02
Maybe We Shouldn't * Teacher / I Might Love You After All


Episode 03; Maybe We Shouldn't * Teacher:
Kei is sitting at a desk staring at paper work while Mizuho is showering. He seems reluctant to sign, Mizuho comes out of the shower and Kei is so surprised he signs. Mizuho and Kei are now married.
In the principals office Kei and Mizuho are told that they should keep their marriage a secret. The Principal says he understands as he married a student.
In the classroom Hyosuke and the others are talking about how strange Kei has been acting lately.
On his way home Minoru tells him that he must live with Mizuho in case the principal comes to check on them.
When he gets home Mizuho is waiting from him in a wedding dress. Konoha says that since the paper work was so bland it would be a good idea if they have a little ceremony. Minoru gives Kei a ring to give Mizuho, he place's it on her hand, and they go to kiss when, Kei hears Hyosuke called for him from outside.
Hyosuke says that no one must be home and they decide to look for Mizuho's house which they know is nearby. Konoha and Minoru decide to leave. Kei hides out on Mizuho's balcony and tells Mizuho to change. Hyosuke and the other knock on Mizuho's door. She answers it wearing her bridal tiara, when Herikawa asks her about it she shrugs it off. Mizuho invites them in for tea and pochy. As they try to explore the house Mizuho scrambles to keep them from looking. Hyosuke tries to go out on the balcony but she tries to stop him he doesn’t listen. When Hyosuke goes outside Kei isn't there, Hyosuke sees a helicopter and tries to attract it's attention. Mizuho looks down and sees Kei hanging from the balcony.
Kei falls and the other ask what the sound is. Kei looks over to see a dog which begins attacking him. Herikawa asks that the noise is and Mizuho says it is her neighbors playing with their dogs. Herikawa asks Mizuho if she's seen Kei and she denies it.
While the gang is leaving they see Kei in his bed room widow. They ask him where he's been and he said looking for UFO's.
On Mizuho's ship she heals Kei's dog bites. Mizuho asks Kei if he regrets meeting her and he says no. They decide to sleep together and Mizuho decides to call Kei, Kei. They go to kiss but Marie freaks out and transport them to the ship, Mizuho asks Marie to set the ship back to default but she won't listen, Kei and Mizuho decide to control it manually.
The next morning when Kei is going to school he passes Minoru who asks if he got any sleep last night. Kei says no and adds that it's not what Minoru's thinking of. Minoru says that's it's not that it's that he hasn't withdrawn. Kei runs off to school and Konoha tells Mizuho to take care of Kei.

Episode 04; I Might Love You After All:
Kei is watching TV and Mizuho is grading papers. Kei thinks about how different Mizuho is from when she’s at school. Mizuho tells Kei that his grades are bad and that he needs to improve on them. Kei thinks about how after you marry you learn things about your spouse you never knew.
Mizuho picks Kei out in class for not paying attention. Later Hyosuke picks on him for it. Kei says that he’s one to talk and Hyosuke showed everyone his test, his mark was 97. The other go on about how it a miracle and Hyosuke tell them it’s because of Mizuho. Herikawa offers to help and Kei and Mizuho sees them talking.
On their way home the boys talk about how they should have failed the test so Mizuho would be able to have a personal talk with Mizuho. When Kei gets home there is a message from Mizuho saying that she has a teachers meeting and will be late. That he should go to Minoru’s for supper.
While eating at Minoru’s the phone rings and Kei answers it. It’s Herikawa, she invites Kei to the movies for Sunday Kei accepts anyway and gets heat from Minoru and Konoha for ditching Mizuho.
Kei awaits for Mizuho When Mizuho returns she’s drunk. She says she was dragged into it by the other teachers. Kei tells her she shouldn’t drink if she can’t handle it Kei and Mizuho have a fight about the way Mizuho treats her. He decides to sleep in the spare room.
The next day Herikawa comes to pick up Kei and tells him that the others can’t come. Mizuho sees the two of them leave together. Mizuho follows them incognito.
the two go to the theatre but there’s time before the next movie so they decide to walk around first. Mizuho follows them. In the theater Herikawa puts her hand on Kei’s Mizuho coughs loudly and the freak out. Outside the theater Icihgo is waiting with a camera to photograph Kei and Herikawa. Mizuho comes out first and Ichigo says it looks like Mizuho. Mizuho contemplates what she’s doing there when she turns around she runs into Kei. Mizuho says she had to see the movie. Kei says she looks like she’s following some one. Mizuho confesses that she was following them because Kei was sick. Kei gets mad and leaves.
Kei is looking at the water Mizuho comes. They fight over how she thinks he’s only a kid. She says she doesn’t believe that at all. Kei withdrawals. When Kei wakes up it is night time. He is lying on a bench and Mizuho is beside him. She is happy he’s awake. Mizuho apologizes for following him but says it was because she was lonely. Kei leans in to kiss her but she turns away. When he asks why she says it’s because se kissed him while he was withdrawn. They both confess that it was their first kiss and decide to go home.