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Disc 02
Lashara Leaves Home / Pochi's Feelings


Episode 3; Lashara Leaves Home:
Princess Lashara's father ignores her requests to visit Papacha. Aun and Keyne argue over who Photon will stay with; he's just worried about his stomach, so Keyne prepares a... feast? much to the dispair of Koro-chan. Papacha continues tracking Keyne, as Lashara and Bulan leave home. Meanwhile, Keyne completes her cooking... only to have Papacha appear in the middle of it and ruin the entire meal! An unimpressed, and very hungry, Photon sends him flying, and Keyne promises to cook again, after destroying Aun's transmitter.
Keyne sets out to the local village for more food; while there, Aun buys some sleeping pills from a badly-disguised Papacha and ends up with another transmitter... Again the meal is completed, again Papacha appears before Photon can take a bite, and again Photon sends him flying. Following the attack, Aun and Keyne end up in a cooking challenge - and distracted by their rivalry, they *both* buy a transmitter! The next morning, the food is finally ready, and Photon runs happily toward it... And a bandaged-Papacha appears yet again, destroying all the food! Photon and his two infuriated companions send Papacha sailing back to his ship, again. And Photon is still hungry! The enraged Papacha abandons Pochi #1 and flies away; Pochi uses his powers to see into Papacha's heart and is shocked at the revelation... as Lashara and Bulan appear in their spaceship above the planet.

Episode 4; Pochi's Feelings:
Princess Lashara and Bulan arrive in the desert; Pochi #1 is nearby... Photon awakes hungry and goes in search of food - he slays the creature attacking Pochi #1 and befriends the abandoned creature. Papacha gets drunk in a nearby town. Photon brings Pochi #1 home, to Keyne and Aun's initial disagreement; meanwhile Bulan does secret investigations of her own... The group enter a nearby village to search for Keyne's grandfather's ahou memoriser; they stumble across the inn where a disguised-Papacha is working off his debt, and agree to stay the night.
Photon saves the nearby Lashara from bandits and they all gather in the inn; Bulan watches from above. All the guests decide to take a bath in the open-air springs; Keyne, Aun and Lashara have a chat. Meanwhile, Papacha takes his chance to attack Photon, but before he can, he is distracted by sounds from the nearby women's bath. Pochi #1 comes flying overhead and reveals Papacha's identity... Pochi questions the truth about Papacha's deceptions, and Photon knocks him clean through the rock wall - the women retalliate and bath walls come crashing down! The inn's owner comes out to investigate... and Photon reveals her to be Aun's older sister! Bulan plans, as Pochi tries to tell Lashara of Papacha's true nature...