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Disc 10
Ticket To Nowhere / Interested Parties


Episode 19; Ticket To Nowhere:
Upon arriving from Tokyo Jupiter, Ayato hides out with Asahina. He pawns their watches for money, then buys bus tickets to dispel any would be pursuers from their trail. Ayato gets a part time job and the two of them live in a hotel room. Asahina has horrible dreams about her other self and is scared about the fact that her blood's blue, but can't tell Ayato about it. She's about to tell him but another Dolem attacks, which is infact Asahina's Dolem. Ayato attacks it relentlessly in order to protect her, but killing the Dolem ends up killing her as well. The distraut Ayato is tracked down by Futagami, who hands him over to Helena.

Episode 20; Interested Parties:
Ayato returns to Terra to find multiple surprises. First, that Kunugi has been relieved of his duty due to the handling of Ayato's running away a few episodes back, replaced by Mokoto. Second, that Mishima is now a Terra employee, going under the name Haruka. On his way home, Ayato runs into Momaru, who somehow made his way out of Tokyo Jupiter. The two of them meet with Megumi at home. When two Dolems attack, Ayato heads out, so he can protect Momaru. The Dolem manhandles the Alpha Squad, killing Doni but is evenly matched by RahXephon. Momaru's Dolem is protected by certain death from RahXephon when the other Dolem sacrifices itself. The remaining members of the Alpha Squad are distraught over Doni's death, especially Elvy.