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Disc 03
Bye-Bye Mars / Sweet Sixteen / Miss Macross


Bye-bye Mars:
Emerging from hyperspace above Mars, Breetai sets an ambush for the SDF-1. He also calls up for reinforcement – the 7th Mechanized Division of the Botoru Fleet. Exedore is alarmed at this turn of events. The Botoru division is commanded by Khyron, a ruthless Zentraedi warlord who has earned himself the nickname “Backstabber”. Khyron’s motto is victory at all costs – even at the unnecessary risk of his own men. Breetai agrees that Khyron’s measures are extreme at best, but so far, the warlord’s division has remained undefeated. Breetai cannot afford to lose the SDF-1.
In Macross City, Rick Hunter receives a personal invitation from Lynn Minmei to the girl’s sixteenth birthday party. Minmei is exited about the event and pleased with the announced news of the recent Zentraedi defeat. Rick regretfully advises her that the announcement is only so much morale-building propaganda. The Veritech squads have suffered heavy casualties and didn’t hit half the reported targets. Minmei brushes the sobering news aside. She can’t imagine why anyone would want to stay depressed on her birthday.
As the SDF-1 attains orbit around Mars, they try to establish contact with Sara base. Lisa Hayes is particularly interested in reaching Sara since her fiancé, Karl Riber, is stationed at the observation post. A gentle young man, Riber had optioned for space duty in order to avoid the Global Civil War. Lisa had joined the armed forces in order to apply for duty on Mars so that she could be with him. It’s been a long time since they’ve seen each other. Lisa is devastated when she learns Sara base has been destroyed and that there are no survivors.
Captain Gloval lands the battlefortress close to the base itself. He deploys a company of destroids to secure available supplies. Veritech fighters are launched to observe the area and cover the transport vehicles. Lisa requests permission to leave the ship and check out the base personally. Gloval cautions her to be careful and allows her to go.
As Lisa explores the base and the last of the supplies are being loaded on the SDF-1, Khyron’s forces attack. Gravity mines prevent the battlefortress from taking off. The SDF-1 is unable to escape.
Gloval orders Claudia Grant to contact Lisa at Sara base. He tells Lisa to find the reflex furnace controls and place them in overdrive. Lisa follows through, knowing that it will destroy the base as well as the gravity mines. She hopes the explosion will destroy her, too. Without Riber, Lisa has no desire to live. At the last minute, Rick Hunter arrives to take Lisa back to the ship. Rick actually has to carry her out. They escape with no time to spare.
Khyron endures his first defeat at Micronians hands. He finds the sensation annoying – and intriguing.

Sweet Sixteen:
As Minmei prepares for her sixteenth birthday, the SDF-1 continues to orbit Mars. Operating on auxiliary power, the battlefortress is under a constant barrage of fire from alien ships and battle pods. With its main engines damaged and the fold system inoperative, the SDF-1 is unable to escape. Khyron and his Zentraedi troops press their advantage at every turn, despite Breetai’s orders to the contrary. The commander wants to capture the ship intact.
To his chagrin, Rick Hunter finds that he’s not he only man invited to Lynn Minmei’s party. The popular girl has requested the presence of almost every fighter pilot on the ship. While he finds her natural enthusiasm and innocence pleasing, Rick can’t help but wish Minmei would focus her attention on one specific individual – like himself! Before he can press the case, Rick is called back to headquarters, where he is presented with the titanium Medal of Valor for distinguished service for his rescue of Lieutenant Commander Lisa Hayes. He is also promoted to the rank of lieutenant and introduced to the members of his new squad, Corporals Maximillian (Max) Sterling and Ben Dixon. The three young men go to Minmei’s party only to be called back to duty when Khyron begins another accelerated assault. Yet Because Khyron has attacked against Breetai’s order, the Zentraedi commander orders a manual override that pulls the battle pods away from the space fortress – just as Khyron is about to defeat the SDF-1.
Max distinguishes himself as an excellent fighter pilot. Unfortunately, Ben Dixon is a more enthusiastic than effective combatant. Rick is more concerned with the fact that he’s all but missed Minmei’s party, not to mention the fact that he’s been too busy to get her a present. When he returns, he gives her his Medal of valor. Minmei is delighted.

Miss Macross:
The citizens of Macross City hold a beauty contest to boost morale among soldiers and civilians alike. Lynn Minmei is one of twenty eight eager and attractive contestants chosen from nearly four hundred applicants. Minmei's charismatic charm has already made her the darling of the SDF-1. She wins the title of Miss Macross hands down and becomes the official Queen of the City.
The Zentraedi pick up the beauty pageant broadcast and are mystified by what they witness. Their culture does not permit close association between males and females. The aliens are aghast to see Micronians of opposite sexes mingling with each other, actually touching each other. The concept of music, dance, and fashion are totally foreign to them as well. Breetai dispatches a reconnaissance squad to investigate. In pursuit of their mission, the three spies Rico, Bron, and Konda are nearly destroyed by Rick Hunter. They return to the Zentraedi flagship more confused than before.